    i am a 72 yr old widower and love to wear womans lingerie. is this normal?

    +7  Views: 1500 Answers: 32 Posted: 12 years ago

    Well dunno depends on how one would define normal but can do without any visuals though and hope you don't wear the butt floss kind.....

    32 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    I don't think you will get your answer here as some people are going to say it is not normal and some will say it is normal.If you are comfortable in what you are doing then "so be it".

    Doesn't matter..... enjoy.


    If it makes you feel good, and doesn't harm anyone, do it. I don't think men should wear women's clothes. That's just my opinion. It's a little kinky, but some people are into that. Not much surprises me anymore.

    I think its called cross dressing. Its not against the law, but its not the norm either.

    It doesn't  contravene any law but......................... ?   

    Now our days some would accept it, but certainly no one i would know or want to know.


    I'm sure he's very relieved by that! I bet you made his day :) What a day to make his day on too. Valentine's Day. God smiles on you for being so open and loving :)
    By the way, in case you're confused, cross dressing does not make a person gay.

    Very normal, for a Transvestite.


    I'm starting to like you, Yonmon. :D

    Thank you Bob,i like you as well.

    @ Hector: Your name is Yonmon?

    Yonmon, you need to research some. I do not believe he is a tranny. Educating yourself before you speak is key to not looking close minded. Then again if you wish to look the part, then go for the gusto!

    Now Now Coleen, I never said I thought he was a trasnvestite,and if you do your research you will find my answer is FACT.

    Cross-dressing and being a transvestite is not the same.

    O.K. witchway. I will change my answer to Normal for a Trasvestite or a cross-dresser, I.m sure he feels a lot better now.

    No, sir. That is NOT "normal".  


    What exactly is normal? Women wear men's clothing. Is that normal? I have know women (straight) who wear boxers. Never thought it was abnormal. Maybe because people view me as abnormal so I know how the comment affects a person to be called not normal.

    It's not the norm, but it doesn't harm anyone in private. Still it makes you wonder.......

    Then it's not normal for women to wear men's clothing. We should slam them all with the abnormal card! Get the signs ready and hit the streets! H3ll to the no on women in men's clothes!!

    I don't think it's that weird... I love nice things and I also wear cute boxer shorts to bed in the summer time... If I were him I would envy my underwear drawers... I have back up underwear drawers... seriously.
    Think about American farming and food ... now that is not normal ... M------O! ... We will own all seeds! ... Far more harmful than a man wearing sweet underwear! I hope he buys French Lace.

    Bob- I accidentally hit the TD button. I cancelled it and gave you a TU. Please make sure the TD didn't register-if it did I'll ask a moderator to fix it. As I'm not "normal" and I've seen alot, and know of people wearing opposite sex clothing for comfort (or whatever) and believe many peole do this without anyone having a's cool with me.

    doolitle: not to worry. :D

    weird but few things are abnormal nowadays...

    Normal is what's normal for you to quote an old commercial...........


    What commercial was that, jh ?

    Haley's MO comes to mind...I think or milk of magnesia...........

    Can you post a picture of you in lingerie and we'll take another poll?  If it looks good on you, go ahead.  If it doesn't, remove the mirror.


    to Chian, We don't need a pic of him dressed in lingerie on here; but maybe you said that tonge in cheek

    Do you think? LOL!!!!!!

    @ Ducka, I try to maintain an open mind. :)

    NO no visuals pleeseeeeeee

    I wore a pair of nylon pantyhose for a holloween costume. I couldn't stand the feeling of nylon on my skin. It completly freaks me out as to how women can wear that material all day. I like 100% cotton clothes on my body. As far as the question at hand goes: Wear it if you want. I won't tell.

    Just be careful when you are crossing the road. If you get knocked down and taken to hospital.......................................................?


    Best answer ,lol,

    whatever floats your boat.

    What ever floats your boat > There are worse things . At 72 you may as well just go with what you enjoy . HMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm Thats my comment .

    Damn thats the kind of sh!t you should keep to yourself.


    Why does it affect you so much? What part of you does it spark?

    I should be so bold as to say, HOORAY!  Good for you and be yourself!


    Well, you've got the BOLD down, lol

    I must say that I am a woman and everyone here knows that I think all clothing, even the ones others can not see are important... Make sure you are matching darling!

    ... And never throw the pink ones out if you buy in bulk!

    Hahahaha! They make good dust rags :)


    Fishy I knew you would have the best answer! Why you look like a fish!

    Fish Fry - I agree with you. I think he is very bold and I commend him for saying it and of course doing it as many people are so narrow minded. Like you say good for him whatever - who cares. I was amazed once when I saw the husband of a lady I knew walking down the street dressed as a woman - wow I thought that's brave and this was ages ago.

    One you are 72, even tho that does not matter.  Two you can do exactly what you want to do as long as you are not crossing the boundaries of others.  have fun enjoy your cross dressing! and whatever else you want to do in the privacy of your own castle!

    You've got a mixture of answers, if you feel you need to do that and it's not affecting anyone else, just do it. by the way it's not cup of tea.

    Where is Fishy???


    She's busy, busy, busy with real life stuff. No time to play like she usually does :(

    double :( ....She would give the best answer to this Q!!!! Tell her I say hey!

    Fishy .is gone fishing.

    ""Who cares, go ahead.


    Wicked! LOL!!

    you are my kind of girl eggy,are you free.???????????

    pythonlover, its not normal, but your not the first, and wont be the last, what ever makes you happy.

    That would probably depend on who you asked. But, you might want to keep in mind that it would probably be a little embarassing if you ever had to go to the hospital!

    You can wear what you wish.  I think women started wearing "men's" clothing long ago. In pioneer days, you would never see a woman in trousers. In fact womens trousers used to have zippers in back of pants. Buttons on womens shirts were on opposite side as mens.  So in the dressing area women surged on to be comfy!

    I think live and let live if it makes you happy,and does not infringe others peoples privitcey,

    I'm sure that started with you a long time ago, and has nothing to do with the fact that you're over 70, or a widower. Maybe you feel more free to do it now, b/c there's no one there.  It's not exactly common, if that's what you mean, but it's not in the APA of abberations. As long as you're not imposing your hobby on anybody, or spending every waking hour doing it, it's fairly harmless. And if it doens't interferer with the other areas in  your life. You'll just have to find a partner who will accomadate you.

    Maybe you should be asking your psychologist this question and see what he or she says? 


    At 70, who really cares exactly and what harm is he doing? Is it really unhealthy? I don't think it's really a psychiatric problem.

    True. Who knows, it sounds like he's worried he's not normal and sometimes it takes a professional opinion to help us understand our behavior or comfort us... I get a kickback from Dr. Jones, lol.

    Very true Leeroy.

    Yes. I wear men's construction boots to work almost everyday. I don't care what anyone else thinks and you shouldn't either.


    I find this a right turn on,are they Dr, Martins????????

    No, they are Timberlands.

    I don't know about normal (whats normal anyway?) but go right ahead, it's not hurting anyone

    Are you going through a second childhood? Does your mother know?


    He's 72. Do you suppose his mother is still alive?

    He seems to still have plenty of life in him!

    Wearing underwear does not require a lot of energy. lol


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