    How many of you went to University/ College?

    If you did are you still working in a related field to your study.

    Curious how many  actualy went on to work in the selected field.

    +8  Views: 845 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    I work in the field that I went and still go to school for.

    I went to electronics school and nursing school and have taken neither one anywhere...I'm retired now......

    2 deg. worked in both fields.  Was injured sev years I have to figure out what to do next....


    join the club doo, i owned a very lucrative trucking company for 25 years, the econemy took a turn for the worse and i'm totally lost, especially with no college degree..

    Our economy is so screwed up! I am so sorry! maybe we could braistorm together!

    I like to study in libraries and have been to schools in electronics, physics and chemistry. Qualifying  for employment in a field requires accreditation and I cannot stand boring lectures. I like research and doing the paper chase of qualifying a paper on a subject. 

    I did but didn't graduate, 2 years-- Miami University Oxford, Ohio--  Decided I needed to stay with the family business but I learned a lot in those two years, I wish I would have stayed but I have no complaints today.

    me did.


    Certainly sounds like you did.. LOL

    vinny,degree in registered nursing,also took 4 semesters of art while at a dialysis unit,

    2 degrees and worked both fields. Present day, I work one field of study. Working on my third.


    Daisy I haven't been able to find the Q about the 1960/2010 survey for the answer...was I right?

    yes, I added it to the question, I think as a comment. Below the question.

    only one


    Well at a guess I would say you are not the one.

    yes I do have a college degree and yes I  still work in that field x

    A degree in mathematics, and a degree as a computer analyst. Still dumb as dirt. Did teach high school math for quite a few years. Never did anything in regards to computers, I hate them. 


    I love your answer!

    University graduate with over 30 years of unrelated work experience.

    I do and am going back to school for further studies in the same field. Still working part-time in the same area.

    No university/college,the high school I went to was a trade high school (do they even have those any more?), my major was "printing" and that's what I do today,( in the printing field,not a pressmen,I run paper folders,paper cutters,and saddle stitching machines<<<(makes books)).Been doing this crap for for 35+years and I'm sure sick of it.Should have listened to my father who was a school teacher before going to work in the steel mills(could'nt raise a family on a school teachers pay.He wanted all four of us kids to go to college and none of us went...Should have listened...

    I have a degree in journalism, but don't work in a related field.

    never went to either, still studying in the school of life.

    I Went to Eaton ,and was brought up again,

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