    how many people suffer from recession

    +4  Views: 774 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    More middle class families 'will become homeless' due to recession

    A growing number of middle class people will likely be forced to live rough, due to the recession and the government’s spending cuts, a report has warned.

    Campaigners warned that growing numbers of "middle class people will suffer" as budget cuts start coming into affect. Photo: ALAMY

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    By Andrew Hough

    7:30AM BST 31 Aug 2011


    Researchers found a direct link between the linger effects of the economic downturn and homeless due to reduced services and tough new benefit system reforms.

    The report, written by academics from the University of York and Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, concluded that the prospect of more middle class families living on the streets would become a reality as more families face financial crisis.

    Campaigners warned that growing numbers of “middle class people will suffer” as budget cuts start coming into affect.

    "Any significant reduction of the welfare safety net in the UK as a result of Coalition reforms may, of course, bring the scenario of middle class homelessness that much closer," the 120 page report concluded.

    The report found the number of people being forced to live rough will increase across all sectors due to the double effects of the economic downturn and draconian changes to welfare. There are reports of homeless already increases in some areas.

    too many!

    1 in 2  lives at the poverty level and 1 in 4 below the poverty level. . We need to stop foreign aide, especially to countries that dont need it. All this money schould be invested in our own country and we would not have the poverty that we do. Why do we give China 65 million a year? Why do we send money to Africa.? After receiving a total of 1 trillion dollars from US. and different countries, Africa still the most unstable country in the world, because the money is not used by its leaders for what it is intented for. It has gone in the pockets of corrupt leaders. All these billions of dollars schould be invested in our own country. I could go on and on. I dont care about other countries, let them take care of themselfes. We have not helped them by giving them money, we have made them dependent us.

    More middle class families 'will become homeless' due to recession


    This picture is heartbreaking!

    Ann it is wanted put this up and make everyone a whare of whats going on and not to pass them by bring them some food and warm clothing it breaks my heart in this day and age and i am sure you feel the same! xxx

    Strangely when in Spain recently I was expecting to see many rough sleepers and beggars but noticed very few. Spain has 50% unemployment in the young age-group. Possibly, stronger family ties are helping the situation.

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