    Who thinks it's time to take action against iran beyond economic santions ?

    +5  Views: 717 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Don't get me wrong, I'm as tired of these wars, and the deaths caused by them, as the next person. Neither am I saying we should attack Iran. BUT, I do differ in how I see and understand Iran. I see Iran as dangerous, by virtue of the fact that it is a country that hates the West, Israel, and particularly the United States. Does anyone recall seeing Iranians burning American flags in their streets?! When is the last time anyone has saw an Iranian flag being burned in the streets of the United States or Canada?!

    Let's look at a hypothetical situation, in which one person from each country that is considered capable of affecting the well being of other countries, is locked in a big wide open room. As a country that has had power enough to deter most countries from trying anything stupid, it's going to be on you to decide who is going to be armed with a machine gun and grenades. To be fair to everyone, as a representative of your country, it's going to be your responsibility to see that everyone is equally armed with enough firepower to kill everyone in that room. The only problem is, one of those representatives has been known to act out, and they are screeching, delusional, and acting psychotic, threatening to kill and shut down half the room, by stopping anyone from conducting commerce in that region. Out of fairness, do you freely give that one individual what could kill everyone else in that room?! Do you feel any apprehension at all? Is being fair all that important in that instance?

    It's just something to think about whenever someone says they want to arm psychopaths with hideous killing machine (nuclear weapons), just to be fair. That would just be naive, to not know your real enemies, and not deal with them accordingly. I'm not saying blowing them off the face of the earth, or to go to war with them...but it would be very wise to be aware of what they are doing and have a plan or two ready to respond to their craziness! 



    "I see Iran as dangerous, by virtue of the fact that it is a country that hates the West, Israel, and particularly the United States."

    Why do you think that is? Is it simply envy towards our values as our leaders would want us to believe?

    We are a threat to a very different set of values and way of life, aside from being seen as meddling in the affairs of Muslim states. I may be wrong, but it seems I've heard from several sources that the white man is typically viewed as the devil in their eyes. We have an ongoing history of supporting the state of Israel, which they would like wipe right off the map. Typical western views simply clash with that part of the world's views. When you have segments of that society sneaking into Iraq just to fight Americans...that says an awful lot!

    It is all about the oil and not Nuclear weapons. Iran used to be the USAs and Britains strongest foothold in the middle east. They lost it when the Sha of Iran was ousted because of his brutal regime.. Iran does not trust the west because of it. We have no  right to tell them they cant have nuclear weapons, when many countries in that region secretly developed nuclear weapons and were never cited or punished for it. We dont need another war!

    I think they will have to be stopped eventually, may be too late. Although we (the UK) can't afford another war. We don't have enough troops anymore. 

    What right does the USA have to dictate to another country what they can or cannot do? The USA has been constantly meddling in other people's countries for far too long.

    There is always someone who hates someone else. The USA and Britain have done a lot of meddling in Iran a long long time ago. I have read the whole history of the sad affair. And it was done in the name of OIL. Eisenhower said for the USA not to become a  military nation. The USA is a great nation and it would be respected more by all if they stopped interfering.




    right on eggie i agree..

    You are right Eggplant, in that the United States and Britain have been messing around in that region for a long time. But how long do the sons and daughters pay for the sins of the father?! Iran has pretty much said it wants Israel gone...what do we do in that instance? Haven't we failed the Jewish people enough by not having responded sooner during the Holcaust? We dragged our feet until there was bodies stacked like cord wood in mass graves, of innocent people, who endured watching their children taken away and murdered. Today, do we just sit back, and allow some lunatic fanatical Iranian leader threaten the rest of the world by claiming he can sink any ship that passes through the straits, if economic sanctions continue? The reality of it is, oil is a prime motivator in many things...but the whole world has positioned itself with its dependence of it, that we can't walk away without practically ceasing to function! Look at WW II, there's whole story about what lead to Japan bombing Pearl history repeating itself in a different part of the world? Circumstances might not be exactly the same...but the situation sure looks pretty familiar!

    I still blame the US for the trouble. A lot of people in your country are baying for blood. Cool it and leave it.

    Don't worry, Israel is keeping an eye on Iran, in fact all Arab states, they will not pussy foot around like the U.S.


    Yes, because they are targeted, not because they wish to protect the rest of us from evil. And why are THEY the target? 1948.

    Not me. Double standards don't work. If nukes are a legitimate weapon for America, Israel and a dozen or so other countries, on what grounds do these same states believe that they can single out any one nation as being dangerous ?




    Hey the US of A is the only one that should have a nucleur capability how else can they control the world?
    Don`t do as I do do as I say.
    Have no idea what gives the US this right.
    Live and let live and there would be less friction.
    All have military weapons so what is the difference
    Should gun powder have been banned by the power in force at the time.
    After all China invented it for celebrations NOT destruction. In short it is not the weapon it is the intent.

    Eloquently put, PP.

    It is the intent that makes me just a little bit nervous.

    Digger should MURDERS be permitted to have GUNS or CHILD molesters be permitted to live with Children???

    @dad. Murderers and child molesters are by definition guilty. Otherwise,they would be merely SUSPECTED of such. If you believe in the rule of law and the "innocent until proven guilty" principle, I trust that you would not throw anyone who YOU happen to think of being guilty in prison.That would make your actions no different than the political despots that whisk away and eliminate political opponents at will.
    What universally accepted crime has Ahmadinejad committed with nuclear weapons that you would want to prevent him from producing such weapons? Why are some nations permitted while others not? Political leaders come and go. Who says that every nuclear nation can be trusted today AND should be trusted in 20 years from now.A good severe economic recession can quickly change a nation's political landscape as recent history has shown us.

    Digger, Bin Laden was never found guilty by a court/jury, so does that mean we should have welcomed him with open arms? Besides Iran has shown it's true colors on it's own people, neighboring countries/states and by WORD of MOUTH.

    So what happen now? do we wait and get caught with our pant down?


    No, we wait with our pants on and with several counter measures.
    Cops don't arrest people BEFORE they commit the crime (as tempting as that would be,at times) they wait with their pants on just in case the impending crime doesn't occur.
    Police-States do it otherwise.

    It's time. While Iran hasn't attacked Israel directly, the other similarities between Iraq then and Iran now are striking. There was a lot of uproar when Israel attacked the Iraqi reactor, but the world later realized that it was the right thing to do. The same stance would probably apply today; initial outcry, then glad they (be it Israel or the US) did it.

    To those that oppose USA involvement in dictating countries like IRAN from having nuclear capabilities and their ambitions, humanity, etc., WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO LIVE THERE???


    Surely a lack of willingness to move there doesn't justify invading a sovereign state, does it ? I'd never move to New Jersey. Should Canada send in our canoe troops and take over ?

    Has New Jersey committed crimes against it's own people, neighboring states/cities or threatened to use WMD against anyone as Iran has, maybe we should even give extremist, alQaeda, etc. free tickets to these WMD and allow them to travel at will because they haven't been found guility of anything either?

    Your claims are groundless.
    1-What crimes against its own people has Iran committed? (I think you're confusing Iran with Irak's chemical weapons against the Kurds)

    2-What evidence of WMD's does Iran possess ? "Gut feeling" isn't considered evidence.

    So everything that has been televised and stated by even there people is bogus??? We're not just talking about WMD and IRAN is top of all countries list as a TERRORIST STATE/COUNTRY, then we have their acts during the war with IRAQ.

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