    why does a woman take and store naked pictures of herself?

    +3  Views: 2079 Answers: 26 Posted: 12 years ago

    26 Answers

    A escort on the side that sends photo to customers?



    Ask Colleen for my E-mail address."Get in line" peoplelove.

    P L made a good point.

    Sadly lacking....self-esteem, confidence, intelligence, attention....

    .HOW do you know she is taking them?


    I was thinking the same thing, don,t need to post an A now...KOTF.

    It was Peoplelove That Aussie gets every-were,

    Women like to be noticed and some have not been taught that there is nothing wrong with their body being seen until something backfires.


    ED. "What backfires?

    Well one of many things can happen like the lady may want to run for public office or perhaps one day a child of hers see nudes pics of her and says if you can do it so can I.

    Good question! I really don't know!

    all the females  I have known would say they don't do that,     as to if they are truthful,    Well  that s their story and they're sticking to it  .

    I think women who take nude photos of themselves are a bit screwy.

    I think it's a good idea, by and large.  This is because she can at some future point sit back and reminisce about the nice firm body she once had.  The questioner did not mention anything about posing nude and distributing said pictures to the public.  The key word here is "store".  Stop being so critical, you all.


    "Store" will never stay "stored"...nude photos show up everywhere! Do men do these kinds of things...take nude photos of themselves and store them? Just wondering...never heard of that happening.

    how do we know, she could be 80

    Ducky why? Great question.  It seems to me and through out history the female form had been held in very high esteem as an object of beauty.  It has been reported in various surveys that most women do not like and/or perhaps ashame of their body.  Painters have painted nude women and made statues since art was a word.  If one appreciates their own body and stores pictures of her body, what good self awareness.  Look at all the books on the market of  Marilyn Monroe's body and form. In the US people can't get enough of Marilyn.  So if a woman see's herself as Marilyn or the like, seems great to me.  And also I believe people can do whatever they like within the privacy of their own quarters.  Could be something sex related and that's good too, as long as nobody is crossing any body else's boundaries.


    Intelligent answer Tabs.

    Sadly though, Marilyn Monroe, was exploited by her agent and many others around her, who saw her as a "meal ticket". It is believed that her studio pushed her into many publicity photos to help, not her, but themselves. These days, with all of the technology and social networking which creates the real possibility and probability of those "nude pictures" ending up everywhere, I believe that it could be a very dangerous and unwise thing to do. It often ends up to be a disturbing and troubling disaster which is very preventable...just don't do it. Enjoy what you will behind closed doors...don't take pictures of it and then "store them"! Besides, any woman can be very beautiful even when fully clothed!

    She plans to kidnap herself and demand a ransom payment from all those who have viewed the pictures.


    that's funny and my good laugh for the night.

    Maybe she wanted you to find them.They were perhaps intended as a nice little surprise for you.

    Someone living on the edge, looking for problems..........

    Nothing wrong with being appreciative of one's own body.  Maybe she's a naturist.

    What is the problem with that.  Seems like a beautiful thing to do.



     thats nuts.


    No, it's a woman!

    Perhaps she to bad looking for anyone else to take them or see them.

    I've been known to do that b/c I was going to send them to my long-distance boyfriend. But, reconsidering, I decided not to .


    If you're worried about being traced, you can send them to me and I'll forward them for you.

    Good try, flip. Hahahaha

    All it will take, is for you to "tick someone off" and they'll be all over the internet unless of course, you have NEVER told ANYONE about them. But then, that serves no purpose, I guess.

    I do hang around a different crowd it seems. Most of the girls I know want tasteful nude photos  to include in their resumes to film studios. Friends my age have photos of themselves posing nude for some calendar that was given away to automotive shops advertising products. When girls are in their prime great nude shots, if for no other reason can be looked at with admiration by the woman  long after all that beauty and innocence is wearing off. I think it's nice to look back on memories like that and remember when. 


    A girl friend, now in her 50s photographed many nude women in their youth. The prudence of a woman photographer and set-up crew made the girls quite popular among all. A lot of their work was reproduced and sold in Europe and Asia yielding appreciated profits and additional work. From what I saw none of it was hard core porn. That’s another group of friends.

    IF I were to take nude photographs of myself, they would be less than professional.  IF I wanted nude photos of myself, I would want them to be as attractive as possible (let's not get smart assed with comments here, people), and would have them done by a professional photographer.  Notice the big IF here. It isn't something I'm likely to do.  



    "You YOU "Sure ? Thought you hesitated .


    Maybe this happened!!!


    to send to some man


    yes a "psycho "Man !!

    Gives her something to laugh in later years !!  More likely have a "heart attack !! 

    vanity ? I'm sure this would be the last thing I'd want to do, even if I was 18 and gorgeous

    i think she is trying to impress another lover if she is married or post thm to her lover or husband

    Most glamour studio's that do make over plus Champagne for the girls or women out there often inlude a tasteful nude shots that can be hung in the privacy of the bedroom, i have been invited by a couple of   women to view these to get my opinon and they are well done, girls having taken photos of them selves i have been told are usually more explicit whish is ok as long as they don't get in the wrong hands, which they should think very seriously about berfore taking them.

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