    Do you think the rich 1% should pay more taxes?

    +2  Views: 821 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    I think it should be even across the board same rate for rich or poor and all in between, just cause a guy worked hard and got ahead in life why should he be penalized..


    Not all people had to work to be rich. How can you expect a poor person to keep up with the rich. Or do you mean letting the rich off, with paying little tax, when they can afford to pay a lot more.The poor people did not have a choice, to be poor or rich, or be in between.

    YES and stop the money laundering via the Congressional manipulation of the tax codes.


    My main gripe is mostly with the elected thieves. They are the ones who create the laws that allow those mega-rich to get away with not paying their fair share.

    If you mean to stop the tax avoidence scams some rich people use then I agree.

    I believe the tax rate should be the same for everyone, then you would know everyone was contributing  pro rata of their income, say 35%.

    I do not believe that the people who earn top money should be penalised for their ability to be well paid for their obvious ability. I equaly DO believe these same well paid should NOT be able to avoid their fare share of tax.


    Sorry to butt in but I,d just like to clarify that my mothers maiden name was Roy,I,m kinda the last in our line,also my son whose middle name is the same,Roy is termed "REX"or "KING"good company eh?...KOTF

    Yes, but I don't think that you are going to balance the budget on the backs of the rich.


    .....and I don't think it should be balanced there. My mom and dad worked very hard for nearly 50 years each to become kind of upper middle class in our area. They paid estimated taxes every quarter for nearly all of those years and my mother continues to do so at 93. I kind of think people over 80 shouldn't be income-taxed at all. She worries all the time about being broke. When she passes (and I pray she has many more good years), her estate may end up paying for the hard work of her and my dad....THEIR wishes that their many descendants share the benefit from their success disrespected and disregarded.

    Bob/PKB, you are exactly right. I don't understand how the wealthy suddenly became the people with targets on their backs. I do think that people who are well off should pay their fair share(fair being the operative word). But, they shouldn't be punished for success. I don't think that they should pay an exorbitant amount.

    Now, I do think that most of the time the opportunities they are able to take advantage of aren't available to a lot of people because some are locked into lives that don't allow for the recognition of the chance because of ignorance through no fault of their own. This is where paying their fair share come in. Even though they worked hard most had some sort of advantage to start with. Parents that provided them with a good education or a comfortabe lifestyle, some way that allowed them to have a foot up on the first rung of the ladder. The story of the individual that fights his way up by the sweat of his brow to achieve incredibe success is an historical anomaly. It happens but rarely. I feel like I'm rambling here.


    What?  and take away all the tax write offs on things like wild monthly parties in their big yachts, caviar, champagne, and sexy women?  Not a chance.

    42% seems like a light tap.

    i just heard a show called City Arts and Lectures, on KQED Radio 88.5 fm.  The guest was Jeffrey Sacks.  He advises countries about economics around the world.  I hope if anyone has time they probably could hear it on the internet.  He sumed up to total problem going on in the USA and the history of our economics and how we got here and how we can get out of the problems going on.

    The idea of income tax based on material sales is a very interesting concept.  The more a family makes the more they spend.   

    We would probably be buying goods from blackmarket garage sales or a tent in a parking lot and  Craigslist to avoid the income tax. 

    This has been tried in the U.K. and the result produced was that they took their business elsewhere which actually caused less tax to be received than if they never had raised their taxes.

    My belief is that their must be a peer movement from within that group to influence others to give back.



    The key word here is tax who actually IS paying taxes.  I believe a straight across the board flat rate would be most fair, with incentives instead of loopholes for deductions and credits....for everybody.
    My personal belief is we in the US would be way better off if those elected to "serve" their constituents would pay THEIR fair share, reduce their inflated salaries to "stipends" (after all, they are supposed to be "public servants", not "public served", cut out the absurd perks and benefits, and rely on Social Security, Medicare and IRA and/or retirement pensions to which they contribute their own money. By limiting terms for Congress as well as the President, and perhaps re-evaluating our local and state guidelines for elected officials, we might be able to make at least a small dent in some of our budget crises. People who ingrain themselves into elected positions are making a career where the opportunity should not exist.  You want to SERVE the people, SERVE the people, but don't expect to be served for the rest of your life BY the people.  (And then there are those whose spouse's get elected to replace them when they "retire" from public service")

    Cutting jobs in the government sector while maintaining their own overly lavish lifestyles is not serving the needs of the public. Giving IOUs to state employees, raising the cost of a speeding ticket to well over Average Joe's monthly income and charging $35 for a state ID that cost $6 eight years ago disgusts me. The DMV is closed nearly as much as it is OPEN, and that is one office where the public needs access. THOSE employees have their wages decreased, public service suffers, and the elected jokers light cigars with $100 bills.  I needed to get a document from the local police department.....the hours for getting THAT done were M-TH  10-2.  You call that available to the public?  Most people work those hours. I had one day off and it took over an hour to get the way it could have happened in just a lunch period. 

    This tax season, I am preparing and filing taxes, not for the upper middle class or upper class, who, of course, have bonafide CPA's, but for "average Joe".   You can't imagine the monkey business that goes on with many of them.  Some receive refunds that meet or nearly pass their AGI (Adjusted Gross Income).  It's not difficult to manufacture scenarios that benefit "the poor".

    Many also receive government assistance.  One taxpayer brought in a w-2 for less than $1000 (didn't need to file at all) and assured me had received no assistance of any kind all year AND paid rent for 12 months....looked like no meals had been missed, either, AND claimed a dependent  plus a spouse.  (Wonder where they really got their money....)

    Inflation is out of control for us little guys. A Happy Meal cost $1.99 ($2) when my kids were eating them ten years ago.  Now they are $3.99 or more.  That's 100% more, and the quantity is exactly the same. 

    Thanks for letting me vent. 


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