    If you could be anything and/or have any job that you loved in the world, what would that job, occupation, hobby be?

    +6  Views: 475 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    I am already doing it but not much work at the moment!

    I see you got your job back at the CIA.


    eggie do you think tabber wants to be a spy! heee

    Dunno, but he sure asks some personal questions. I've been pulling his leg about it.

    eggplant, that's so funny to me. actually i would be nervous being a cia operative. i don't like to live a dangerous life. i'm more the artist and fun type.

    I am doing it... I love being an artist. 

    I don't look back at jobs well done as Bob has said though... it is more like looking to the future projects as an artsist is also a critic and always striving to create something better.  It is a quest.


    See how you have the artist mentality and I don't! So much of my work in the past has been the kind that just never goes away. The same thing every day, with no creative thought involved. Balance the checks, count the money, correct the mistakes. Does this paper ever end! Rewind, repeat. Even an artist has some routine, but it is creating something new and the possibilities are endless. Seriously, you don't look back on a creation and take pleasure in the accomplishment?

    Fish Fry that is so great! I love artist and I love it when people like you are fortunate enough to be creating and doing what they really love.

    I have three or four peices that are completely resolved. Most of my work I don't own.
    I dream about art... I wake up thinking about art. I daydream about art. I read and study about the subject of art. ... If I could get out of this darned bottle, I would swim in art.

    I would like a job that is creative (artist, craftsman, author, actress, for example), one that people enjoy and support, and one that has "finish" points....where I can move to the next creation and  be able to look back on jobs well done.  :D


    Wish I were artistic - just hopeless at drawing anything. Always had a job with human involvement - extremely awarding and satisfying with even with the ups and downs - of course now retired and difficult to come to terms with.

    I enjoyed the jobs with interaction, too, and can understand the struggle to suddenly find yourself without that stimulus (even if it might sometimes have been difficult). I hope you are able to develop other activities that bring you happiness. You are always such a smile-generator for me here.

    Bob it's great to hear you are the creative type. I believe that's how i see you too. I hope you really get to do one or more of those soon. And I want to hear about it. LOL

    Tabber, thank you so much for always having a kind and encouraging word. You are just a total breath of fresh air in a terrible polluted world.

    Bob... think positive darling. Terrible and polluted is buying into the negative energy. Promote positive change.
    I answered your question below.
    Have a good day, Hey!

    " have a Sex change be a woman for one hour dominating the men "Shouting your not fast enough !! ( cleaning the house ) Not what you woman were thinking on. "Sex mad if you ask me.Crying "you don't love me as you used to .You would run a mile in the rain to please me! ( me thinking I will "bloody run ten now join the foreign legion )  "AH to "Dream.


    dowsa is't fantasy and imagination a wonderful thing.

    "ALL "True" Tabber .She has her woman friends Shouting as well ( Your not doing it fast "enough" ) I cried!! cant please you all "Only one man .Have to see the "DOC" about giving me stronger "SEX" pills .The one he uses.(No I meant cleaning house"??

    I've always wanted to run a produce stand.........really


    jhhaarian do you think you could start small and really do it? even if its small its fun. i do my little hobbies on a small level & its fun to me.

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