    Flower garden or vegetable garden?

    Spring isn't too far off....what will you be planting in your yard?

    +9  Views: 968 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    Both. I love having my own vegetables.and dont use chemicals to grow them.


    I shop at a local farmer's market for that reason...yum!

    It sounds like you will have a busy spring getting your plants going! Do you start the vegees from seed?

    bob,yes, exept tomatoes. I have a very small garden. I use lots of containers and whisky barrels for planting.

    flowers!........lots and lots of flowers!


    It makes for a cheerful day even when you are feeling down, doesn't it!

    As much as I enjoy flowers I don't think anything beats home grown vegies, I have a mix of tropical plants, palms and vegies in a garden, they look quite nice, so why not have both?


    Why not! Colorful and edible, and beautiful!

    Neither. I don't like to pull weeds and I don't like to mow around them. My wife will probably over rule again.


    Aren't your flower or vegetable beds separated from the grass enough to make it relatively easy to mow around them?
    Know any kids who mow lawns? Wait, that was in another world, wasn't it. :(

    Both , i will be building an underground greenhouse the next month. About  20 feet wide by 100 foot long. Just digging pit in ground  and cover with greenhouse plastic. Best way to grow year round here in west texas.  Most for vegetables, some flowers, and growing feed for cows.. Green beans , cantaloupe, tomato , whatever else sounds good. May even raise fish. For a good " FISH FRY ". sorry  FF. 


    Never hear of an underground greenhouse! How deep must you dig? How do YOU get inside to attend to weeding, pruning, etc??? CAN you have weeds "underground". Have you done this before?

    Will be dug out about 6 foot deep. The bad soil will be put on side to build up a higher wall to make i hope 8-9 foot ceiling with greenhouse plastic. The good soil put back in with raised beds about two foot thick. Will build steps to go down into the greenhouse from a shed next to it. It will work , just have to make it work, without spending alot of money. Tomatoes and beef are getting expensive these days.

    It won't work... their flesh will be too mushy... not good eating.
    Ellie, Sam, Willard!... Stay behind the tentacles! Stranger Danger!
    The little fishlets think everyone is their friend.

    Veggies, defiantly. Eat some profits for all the work........

    Veggies, fruit, herbs. berries and flowers.... and WASABI!


    .....and when do you sleep? :D

    I love both my yard is small,so i have flowers.


    I would go with flowers for a small yard, too! Perhaps there is room for a container of berries or tomato?

    I would like to try a tomatoe plant in a lg bucket type container.

    let me know how that works for you! I had two tomato plants and got only one small tomato. Flowers all over them, but nothing set. I think it was the type of tomato, but I was disappointed.

    I will let you know the weather in Iowa isn`t the greatest,sometimes it is so hot and dry,the plants burn up.

    Veggies all the way , while we all enjoy the beauty of flowers they don't quite taste as good on a salad..

    We have spring flowers and summer flowers that are perennials. Also we put window boxes with petunias on the house. Also some other annuals in different garden beds. And a huge vegetable garden. We buy tomato and pepper plants from green house in this area.  We have a veggie stand out front in the summer!  No vegetables in the ground until late May here though. Have to beware of frost!


    Do you live in the countryside? I am getting the nicest image of your home and surroundings.

    Yes we live in the country on about 20 acres16 acres are rented out to farmers for corn or soy beans. the rest is garden or a mowed field with trees Lot of work in summer, but fresh veggies are worth it. We freeze lots for winter.

    Both and all the herbs too


    You will be busy with all that, won't you! Do you do much preserving of the herbs, vegees?

    Flowers are beautiful, but you can't eat them. Well maybe you could, but they probably wouldn't taste all that good. Growing your own veggies is a great idea. Rosemary is supposed to keep the bugs away. Flowers will certainly look nice around the garden though... SO I suppose both would be great.


    There are several flowers that are edible and Speedwell is great for keeping bugs away. Put alittle sprig behind your ear whil you garden, a natural bug repellant!

    The edible flowers aren't bad at all....check with the nursery personnel about what's good to grow in your area. YUM!

    I still won't eat flowers unless it's the end of the world and I'm starving, lol.

    My wife will do the flowers, I will do the vegetables.....{:D


    Good deal!

    A knot garden, something different this year!


    KNOT GARDEN? What's that all about, witchway?

    It's a garden that uses plants to form geometric inter-woven patterns using plants. Formal English gardens used boxwood plants to form beautiful borders. I'm going to try my hand at it this Spring with a small scale garden. Wish me luck, as it's a little out of my comfort zone.

    sorry about this just wont open the photo and I now cant delete it or make it smaller ah some I think Colleen has saved my bacon its gone thank you or one of the other mods thank you oxoxoxox

    the french have a great way of having flowers/veg and herbs all planted together randomly,this works well ,as you weed you get all the scent from disturbing the herbs and flowers.the smell from herbs is very therapeutic and you leave the garden smiling.


    Sounds like fun! The French, you say? That surly bunch....

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