    If all the Christian chatter dissapeared overnight who would be happy ?

    +6  Views: 1441 Answers: 25 Posted: 12 years ago

    25 Answers

    The Christian chatter is okay as long as it stays "as chatter", so, no, I don't need it to disappear. I, like everyone else, can ignore the question and move on.  I do not like it when members start slamming others, being extremely rude, and calling each other names (no matter what their personal belief).

    I am more disturbed by the questions of a sexual nature...the ones that are NOT serious questions, the writers KNOW that they are not serious and intended only to titillate and nothing more.  After a while, you get to know who will respond to those questions and who will not!  The responders, of course, love to go as close to the edge of "gross" as possible....but I digress!



    Hear Hear.


    As is typical of you, Ducky, an excellent answer.

    Good answer Ducky.

    I agree Ducky. We get dirty jokes, Sex questians not suitable for the younger members.

    And we remove them as we see them. If you find that we missed any, please feel free to click the "report abuse" button and an admin will remove them. I think everyone on this site, especially the long time members knows those are not allowed and should be reported. If the question is an honest questions seeking help or advice and is worded in a responsible manner using appropriate medical terms, then it is allowed to stay. This site was never intended for children but we can not stop them so we do our best to include them in what questions can be here or not. @ freindindeed, You can build your own site if you want and see how easy it is to run one and keep everyone happy. I really think you should. They are not that hard to build.

    Well said.

    I enjoy learning about religion... it is one of my subjects of interest.

    I don't care for the bickering... for me that is not what faith is about.


    I agree with you 100%.

    My son often asks me about the religious upbringing I had. I went to catholic schools, church and all that goes with it. Some of his friends attend church as their parents do. However, I do not make it an issue as I do not attend. He went last week with a few friends and I think that is a learning thing for him to discover, without having it a mandate.

    I dont have a problem with what you call " religious chatter" Everyone is entitelt to the religion of theire choice. Dont answer it if you dont like those questions!


    Amen! :)

    Daren as you know rearly answer questions relateing to GOD that doesent mean I do not belive in God but somethings in the Bible just dont ring true I do belive there is something like a higher power that us but I dont know what it is anyway for the time being I call it God ! anyway back to the question I would be pleased if there wernt any god arguments on site thank you


    Well said Mel, religion is with us whether we like it or not.

    bulletman glad you agree I really cant stand the God questions though I did ask one once! but know more! thanks Bullitman oxoxox

    As long as there are different beliefs and religions and as long as there is a group of people who push one particular religion, there will be God arguments. I get them in my e-mail even. Christians trying to convert me, Christians trying to get back on to the site to try and convert others. This one religion needs to respect other religions. Unfortunately it does not for the most part. Then the God wars begin.

    Colleen thanks for that I cant belive you get them in your emails thats soo bad! as you say I respect anyone beliefs and would not question it so be it! as they say thanks Colleen for your imput on this oxoxoxox

    I agree Mel, I was bought up by parents who beleived in God and went to church now and then, so I suppose I am a beleiver, but I do not beleive in trying to convert others, it's their choice.

    I don't get involved in the religous chatter, i have my own beliefs and they are personal to me.No body has the right to push thier beliefs on other people, and a lot of that pushing goes on here.Seems when the GOD subject comes up, it is like an all in brawl.So to answer your question, yes i would be happy for the religous chatter to dissapear overnight.


    Quite agree pythonlover oxoxox

    ""Me for one, it interferes with me television and whiskey drinkin'.


    Ha Ha, very good, think last time he was here, he was looking for girl friend. Any luck lol

    No, the girls said he looks lazy and dirty.

    What exactly do you mean by Christian chatter? I know this has to go beyond the occasional Christian question. Are you talking about Christian questions designed for an agenda? Are you talking about using God or Jesus Christ in just about all the answers one gives? Are you talking about quoting from the bible to give an answer for just about any question that comes along? Are you talking about telling people to "read your bible" when they have challenges in life that they need help or answers for (even though you do not know their religious views)? Are you talking about adding God bless you to a comment even though the person is an Atheist? Is this the Christian chatter you are asking about? 

    I would be happy if some people would just start answering for themselves and stop leaning on their bible to do the answering for them. The bible works for the person who believes in it. It will not work for a person who does not believe in it. It is disrespectful to a non believer to have to hear what the bibles says when they have a question that does not pertain to religion or when a person says to them, "read the bible" as the answer. 

    I would be happy to see no more questions posted that are designed to just be able to talk about an individual religion and push an agenda. That is not what akaQA was created for. 


    Hear Hear.

    Very good answer - exceptional.

    Brilliant x

    Jesus was always quoting the scriptures from the old testament. Oh oh . Here we go again. Hang on to your hats.

    @ mcm: So what? Jesus was speaking to people of a different era who had been raised to believe their king was God. We are not there. We have internet, TV, radio, newspapers. We do not need the Jesus mini me's thinking they need to spread the word E V E R Y W H E R E on this forum. If anyone is looking for God, they can turn on the radio, the TV, pick up a book or stand in the street and find a doomsdayer. God is no longer a hidden being who needs people to herd other people to him. Keep thy religion to thyself.

    Very well said I joined this site to help be helped some sad tales and happy one"s joke when required at the right time leave religion OUT!!

    Colleen...I have no problem clicking on "report abuse"...I do it, have encouraged others to do it and will continue, if I think it's necessary. I fully understand that moderators cannot be everywhere and see everything all the time. My comment under "Christian chatter" regarding "sex questions" was not a criticism directed at any moderator. :)

    I know you handle those questions responsibly Ducky and that you know we do our best to keep up with them. I appreciate your help when it comes to questions that do not belong on akaQA. Thank you : )

    Your question specifically says "Christian" chatter, so specifically you are referring to questions and answers that include reference or innuendo about Jesus Christ. 
    Personally, I am a Christian, struggling in this life much the same as many other people of all faiths or lacks thereof, and I don't find anything constructive in the "Christian chatter" on this site.  I would appreciate being allowed to have MY delusional beliefs and am happy to respect your right to believe (or not) whatever you choose.  So, YES, I would be happier.

    No just the ones that try to ram their beliefs down others throats.  I myself am a Christian, but I do know the fastest way to get someone to not listen to anyone one says is by cramming it down their throats and saying you are trying to save them.  There are those on this site that do that and it is wrong.  Jesus is the savior not them.



    0.0 Really Daren? Hmmmm

    I don't mind the "chatter", I don't have to read it if I don't want to.  Other people beliefs are interesting to me sometimes.........

    Hmmm. lets see how this one flows..


    Was this a question designed to stir the pot? I only ask because of this comment you made. This question is very much like the other question, "If all the Christians disappeared would everyone be happy?" or something very similar to that. I always thought that was a "pity us because we are so picked on" type question.

    No i'm not trying to rock the boat nor convert anyone i just thought it was an interesting question and deserves merit..

    Just asking.

    You are right daren - this could be provoking.

    Dopey, what can be provoking? Daren's question or my questioning Daren's question? I was going to ignore what you said but days later, I'm still puzzled by your statement.

    No Colleen - I am referring to Daren's main question and this one "lets see how this one flows" and when he refers to rocking the boat.

    I think that tolerance is the key word here. I personally have no problem with any person expressing their personal beliefs. Whether I agree or disagree. As long as it's done in the form or a question or a civil conversation. I don't think that insulting people because of their beliefs  or (lack of beliefs) is constructive behavior, for anyone.

    When someone starts to make snide comments or insults another member, that's where it should end and  people should just be able to agree disagreeably.  I may have not always thought this way as Colleen well knows, but it's better to just get along and respect each others opinions.



    " I may have not always thought this way as Colleen well knows"

    You've come a long way baby ;)

    The only way I can see that happening is if everyone knew the same thing at the same time and we were all pleasantly comfortable with the facts. 

    I think we are all aware that there are many faiths and religions in this world - all should be tolerated - we have got the message Christianity does exist but we do not need everything to be endorsed by it. I find it hard to keep going down this one dimensional road.

    We haven't been talking about it lately, but pretty soon, someone will start if up again.


    Where have you been? It's a daily dose of God and Jesus here. If I wanted church, I'd go to church. I have God within me. That's all I need. I do not need to see God or Jesus plastered everywhere. I do not forget him. I do not need to be reminded He exists. Maybe some people need to remind themselves in case they forget but for that they can stick a post-it note to their computer that says Jesus. Then they will not forget him. I and many others do not need the daily reminders.

    We would not be happy or unhappy. We would look  for something else to be happy or unhappy about.That's the nature of the human brain.  I just a show that said the brain is always changing based on what we but in it.  New nuerons can develop.  So since the brain keeps seeking learning and searching and developing, it's gonna do that with our without religious belief and/or theory.  Thus we humans will always have some to research, argue over, laugh about etc.  Religion happens to be the thing that takes a great deal of our time thoughts and belief systems.  Look at sports in America, same thing.  It's like a religious fever in this country.  Football.  You should have seen how crazed people were over the playoff game here last Sunday.  We got to have something to be happy or unhappy about.  Otherwise we'd be a rock.


    Whole lotta we's in there. Are you sure you can speak for everyone in the world?

    I take note that broad strokes don't always make for a smooth look. I do not believe in religions and I do not make football one either though I love the game. I do not look for things to be unhappy about, they just sort of present themselves to me usually smacked in my face by another person.

    (moved reply to it's proper spot)

    Karma: 42580
    Umbriel thanks for that note. I'll see if I can research a more accurate answer. I know the show said research has indicated something grows back. Right I believe you are accurate, synapses it what grows after as we learn new things, forming new connections. I hope to get back to you on this topic. Thanks again.
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    1 minute ago. Rating: 0
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    The atheists in this group would be happy.....


    More than just the Atheist. There's a lot of people who are tired of the Jesus message that gets repeated incessantly here. We know already. There's nothing more that needs to be said. Christianity exists. We get it. Christ is the savior for anyone who wants to accept him. We know, we know, we know, we get it. Enough already. Go spread the message elsewhere. Ugh. akaQA is not the center of the world, spread your messages a w a y from here. We have enough messages to last til the next invention of God.

    A very Snide remark .This site is not for preaching.Go else were. I am a Atheist but respect other people believes.Not Bible Thumpers.

    Colleen I do not understand text speech or in favour of it but understand it must be quicker if you can text wish I could but do not have the need to. It has just been put into a box called 101 a programme over here. The presenter said I will soon have to start my pray to God with OMG.

    Ask away, I believe, some people don't. If you push the issue, click I'm gone.

    Tabber - I believe information is transmitted from neurons by the gap called synapse which is a tranmitter simplistically Your comments about the information stored by the brain is interesting but there are many very intelligent people who store information or stuff which they are not remotely interested in.

    Aka says no preaching on the site. When I opened this questian the pop up advert was for 'Peace with God .net'  and it says....Find out who God is... Strange? I think Aka should keep to their own rules. Should they make money from advertising God preaching sites? 

    I like the Christian chatter. I think the Christians on here have taken a lot of rude comments both personally and about our thoughts. When I see a questian unsuitable for the young or other vulgar subjects I simply move to the next questian. I dont have to read them. Why then do all those who dislike the Christian questians also move to the next on the list.


    Do you really think the koolaid Christian agenda (the bible thumpers, not the good respectful Christians) is bringing anyone peace with God here? The idea of the adverts is for you to click on them and head on over THERE not hang here dropping God bombs. Should churches make money that keeps their management in riches and not share the wealth? I know, I know, YOUR church doesn't do's those "other" churches. SHOULD ANY Christian Church be in business and making money off of Jesus's name? Everyone knows that money is not used as it should be uses. Those suffering church leaders who are suppose to live as humbly as Jesus did have better homes, cares and medical insurance than I have.
    The adverts operate off of keywords and they operate on an individual basis. Not such a miracle after all. God was not speaking to you.
    The administration of akaQA can do whatever they like. If you do not like this, there are other forums you can go lurk on and sit around typing only about God/Jesus and the bible.
    The koolaid Christians have earned that rudeness from the members. Even Christians are standing up to them. They are sick of what is happening to their religion because of these preachers and thumpers.
    The vulgar questions are removed. If you see one we missed report it, don't just mention it. When the Christian God dropping happens on a daily bases and there are old Christian questions from months and months ago flooding the forum by lurking Christians and grandapa3 the radical JW, then it makes it real hard for people to just move on to the next on the list because the next is yet another Christian question. One would think none of you read your bibles or go to church for the amount of help you need with your religion. You want religion? Go to church or go to a Christian forum.


    This is the stated rule by the admin, got a problem with that? Quit the forum or take it up with the admin.

    'Go to another forum' No, I dont want to as I have good friends on here. I dont attack your thoughts on God. I dont attack others. Every time I make a comment you go on the attack. If I have ever insulted any member I hope they would confront me and I could put it right. I comment about Aka having a Christian advert popping up and once again you go on the warpath on Christians, Churches etc.

    This is not an attack. This is explaining akaQA to you. This is addressing your concerns. You questioned or attacked (since you like that word) the administrators for allowing Christian adverts. If you have an issue with the way the forum is run take it to the admin. If you want Christian preaching, go to a Christian website. No preaching is the rule here.You seem to have an issue with that since you've surfaced only since you believe your religion is under attack here. It is not. If you feel it is, take it up with the admin. I do not "attack" you every time you say something here. Do not get dramatic.

    (comment moved to it's proper spot)

    Karma: 56517

    You will be sorry to here I am staying. Not to preach but to defend, not to insule but to help, not to be pushed out but to keep my good friends.
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    Please place all replies to comments in their proper spot. When replying to another persons comment, click the "comment this answer" do not use the "add new answer" box. Thank you.

    I have no issue with you staying as long as you conform to forum rules and do not publicly voice negative opinions on how the admin run their site.

    Do I have freedom to say what I feel I need to say or are you saying I am not welcome unless I agree with all you or Aka say. I should be free to say whatever I feel the need to as long as I am not insulting or use bad words. I am a fan of Aka and am here from the start almost. I will be staying. Sorry to spoil your day.

    You are free to take your complaints to the admin, not the forum members. Again, you are free to be here as long as you conform to forum rules, just like any other member be they new members or long time members. Any further issues with this, you can click on the contact link at the bottom of the page and address the issue with the admin.



    you'r right about that.

    Sorry, I disagree. I believe he would be unhappy. Especially when he depends on the religious radicals to cause hatred and war and disagreements within all beliefs. He depends on them to make fun of and put down all other religions. I believe in a negative power but his name is not Satan. It's his job to keep people fighting each other. Thumpers who upset people and annoy people and claim they do it because the bible tells them so, well, they are helping the negative power more than they are helping their religion. He would be very sad if they stopped. He wouldn't have all that extra help.

    So right Colleen.

    Umbriel - I have already mentioned before "The Screwtape Letters" as one of the books to read. Lewis was an intellectual giant a tutor and fellow at Oxford in English literature until 1954 then elected to the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement this being the forward. I have a copy of his book first published 1942 recommended by a friend of mine a christian doctor. It is basically satire and indeed as you say I remember his mockery of satan. I will need to read this again.

    The antichristian extremists


    Yeah, we do not have any of those here.

    I wouldn't say any.

    I don't see it as against the religion itself, just those who peddle the religion and push, push, push it. People don't like being pushed to believe something they do not agree with.

    I am against the perpetual push push pushers too.

     If  the daily need of toilet paper, or the daily revolving of the earth from day to night and back again...does not upset one; because they are constantly repeated day after day...Even Though we know ALL about them...Why then should the mere mention of God and/or Jesus be upsetting?  My neighbor doesn't like anyone to mention her sister because of a terrrilbe falling out they once had that severed the sisterly relationship.  Wondering if Colleens' having issue because of something like that?


    I do not have an "issue". I see all comments on this website. What I posted I have seen in print by many members here. Basically I am speaking for them too.
    Toilet paper is there when you need it, otherwise it is not ever present on the brain. Maybe people need to do the same with God. Know he's there when they need him but live life without constantly worrying, like the roll of T.P., if he is still hanging there.

    It's not the "mere mentioning of God/Jesus", it's the agendas that are upsetting. Say God/Jesus without an underlying agenda and people will not have such issue with the constant God graffiti here.

    LOL  never heard of God Graffiti...Great original Colleen.  :)

    Wow Darren. Thanks for that. If you ever need some money, just need to ask and I will put my hand in my pocket and bring out a big wad of paper notes and somewhere mixed up in it will be a wee bit of paper with the address of a nice loan shark. I hope that made you smile my friend. Ha

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