    Past, present or future, which would you choose to live in? Why?

    +6  Views: 1341 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    21 Answers

    Living in the Now.  The present.


    The present...the gift!


    I believe I like now, the future is coming fast enough for me. The past is to learn from.............

    Present.  Why?  Because I prefer to live in the now...that's all that counts at the moment.

    The Present as you cant go back!

    I believe I'm lucky to be born into this Era . If I'd have been born fifty years earlier I probaly would not have survived past ten, as I had my appendix removed which they probably couldn't do as well in the early 20th century as they could do in the late along with every other operation I've undergone . Everything is now better than it was except the pace of life I think it's a little to fast for me.



    dunc, I almost said past, but you helped me to realize that back then, they wouldn't have been able to cure my cancer, like they did 5 years ago :-)

    Umbriel, I could tell you horror stories too, of my experiences in the dental chair , in the 50s , with NO local anesthetic! :-0 And I was a kid then.

    Present.  Present is the best time inspite of the daily challenges!

    The present. Future historians will one day look back to our time and answer this same question with The past,  and they will be right. Those were really the days. Its been a great time to have been around. Do you agree ?

    Future not looking good, been there done that, in the past, so I guess the present  is ok with me.

    The past.   

    There were no idiots disallowing prayer in school, at meetings, athletic events.  The world seemed to be much larger, things didn't happen in an instant.  No instant replays.  Our travels took longer and we liked seeing what was between here and our destination and we packed a travel lunch.   Instead of jumbo jets we had 2 lane highways, passenger trains, streetcars  Now there is an interest in getting these modes of travel back.   Kids had more respect for those older.    We couldn't purchase as many things and we didn't have 2 of everything like now.  THINGS now have replaced family, good neighbors, community together.. Each generation for the last 50 years that I can testify to has lost  part of the character of the generation before them.  And this will continue. 


    Well that's nearly the same as I said about the pace of life people don't seem to have any spare time to theirselves everything is rush rush rush.

    I really like caddam's answer, for all of the reason mentioned.  WHEN in the past or future would be  the thing to take into consideration.  Not necessarily my OWN past, but possibly in the 1800's, or early 1900's.  Even being an adult in the baby boomer years would be OK. 

    I'm happy with the present although i would have loved to visit the past as well as the future..

    I don't care when I live, just let me be young again.


    Umbriel posts some unpleasant scenarios; I tend to think you are talking about being you, not somebody else.

    Once again...reference "13 year old girl"...whoremaster...creepy!

    One life in each of them


    for the lives of mine, yes!

    I like some of the past as long that I'm not stuck in middle of a war, or a poor peasant. More like the wealthy King or a member of the Government.

    The present, dont think i could face school again, and all those mistakes i would have to make again.

    Back to the Future

    Now is fine, but I wish the pace was a bit more relaxed, everything is rushed, not enough hours to finish work reports, not enough time to bake home made goodies, everything runs on a tight schedule, it would be nice to live in a time where there was time to smell the roses

    After careful consideration of the meaning of the question I say the future.

    Why? Because as sometime in the future I have to die, which I do not find too exciting, BUT if I live in the future that means I do not die in the future. Get it? The Aussies and British Islanders will.


    P.L., where are you going to go when you die ?

    Mycatsmom, I am going to The Golden Shore.
    That is the place that the dogs that you have had and loved go to wait for you.
    When I die I will go there and find all my prior dog mates waiting for me.
    They will all be fit and healthy again and we will spend eternity playing and walking along endless golden beach with clear skies and blue ocean.
    Now if that doesn`t beat sitting on a cloud playing a harp I don`t know what does.

    I too agree with caddams answer.  I loved those family farms where you could get your milk everyday with lots of cream on top. There were no chemical fertilizers used to grow food. All food was fresh .Did not need a car, because there was public transportation. All stores were closed on sunday and it was family day with visits from relatives. Church every sunday morning. etc. Much more peaceful and much healthier living.


    For sure!

    Unfortunately you cant go back,so i have to settle for the present.

    Present, for this day is a gift. :)

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