    Chemotheraphy treatment or nothing at all ?

    Almost 10 years ago my dad was diagnosed with mesothelioma lung cancer, he was treated for almost two years before he died, i believe the treatment did more harm than good.I know this is a very sensitive question but what would you have choosed treatment or none at all ?

    +8  Views: 1309 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    I'm in agreement, Daren. -- no chemo.

    20 Answers

    I know what you mean, my Step Dad, died in the eighties from colon cancer, my Mom has recently had it, as well as my Dad is going to have a growth removed on Feb. ^6th next month. The treatments can make a patent sicker than the cancer, at least visibly.

    I think the alternative is a better one than death. They gave my Mom 3 months to live over 3 and a half years ago and the cancer is completely gone now. If you remember please keep my Dad in your prayers. I think I would choose chemo over death. It does work more times than not.


    Hey leeroy will keep your dad and you in our prayers...

    I am glad your mom beat the odds, That is good to hear. Will keep your Dad in my prayers.

    leeroy - sorry to hear about your Step Dad - in those days the technology was not so advanced. All the very best to your Dad and so well done to Mum for getting through it.

    Thank you all for the sincere comments, appreciate it. My Dad and friend are trying food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. Supposedly this stuff really works. Maybe check it out if you get the chance.

    Oh daren1...that is such an impossible question to answer.  There are so many variables, so many choices, so much about cancer and treatments that is unknown.  I have friends who have had to ask the same questions.....what do I do, if anything?....which treatment should I use?....if I choose to take treatment, when should I start?....chemo, radiation, both, neither, alternative medicine, diet alone? watchful waiting?  If the decision seems to have been right or wrong  how could we ever really be sure if it was?  Sorry...I just don't know.   :(


    Don,t F ing make me sad, POSITIVES the word.


    Stop!! You,re choking me....aaaarrgghhh!!

    They tickle my nose, ACheeeaaayyy!!

    Still wiping my laptop down, mustn,t miss the corners. :)

    My dad has been cancer free for at least 40 years and he went through chemo. It was terrible for him and if he ever got diagnosed with cancer again, he would forgo the chemo this time around..........


    that's amazing that he's been cancer free for 40 yrs ! Back then, chemo was in it's infancy . How old is he now ?

    He is 83 now........

    I'm not sure,, My best friend was diagnosed with colon cancer almost 7 years ago now. after he had 3 foot of colon removed + chemo he was cancer free. that went on four times......He was down to one foot of colon when the cancer jumped to the liver and most the rest of his insides., the last time they opened him up, they washed his insides with  radiation. CAN you imagine having your guts taken out and everything else that they can move inside of you cleaned??? He died a few months after that.. 5 1/2 years of hell ..chemo really sucked for him. Sorry tears in my eyes now but he helped me grow up. he was 10 years older that me . best friend, mentor, damn 


    that's so sad.

    It should make us very grateful for what we have

    Been through it twice, clear for 7yrs, waiting on an appointment for similar symptoms test, no way will I be doing the chemo again, I,m not afraid of the consequences of this, I,ve been recommended other alternative treatments and I,ll do them all rather than let the chemicals make me feel like shit, positive thinkings got me past it twice, hopefully don,t need it this time.


    Oh ROMOS.... :(

    Okay.... xxx


    I have strong little duck wings!

    Stop sneezing all over me!!!

    Oh yuk!!! LOL

    Hope you'll be ok. Try Essiac tea. That has been known to cure cancer....even some advanced cancers.

    I personally have never experienced cancer. It is hard to say what I would do. They say if you are cancer free for 5 yrs, you will be OK To be positive makes all the difference in the world.

    MC, what is Essiac Tea?

    keep thinking possitive ROMOS and well done oxoxox

    Fortunately for me, i haven't had to make this decission.I really don't know what to think when you hear horror stories from chemo patients.What works for some may not neccasarily work for others.I dread the day if i ever have to make that choice.

    My late  husband didn't want chemo b/c they told him they'd have to use a very agressive chemo, adn that he wasn't in good enough condition to withstand it.  I had chemo 5 years ago, and I've been ok since. Next month will be my 5 year mark !  :-)


    WOW!!! Power and strength to you!! My admiration and strength are sent sent your way!!

    So sorry about your husband. I am glad you are cancer free. God bless you.

    So sorry about your husband. I am glad you are cancer free. God bless you.

    well done keep possitive xx

    God bless your heart and carry on!

    Personaly i think i would go with out treatment,


    I might but who knows until you are there.

    A friend of mine died from the same cancer in 2007. it's caused by just a small fleck of aspestos, so the doctors said at the time. He didn't have cemo but he only lived for a few months after they diagnosed it. He suffered terrible pain it was awfull to watch him die. Having worked with him in the same job for years I know I have the same risk, I  think I would take whatever treatment they offered me in the hope that it would make a difference. But everyone has to make their own choice.


    That's very sad Sunny, many of my family were miners and died of similar diseases,hopefully there are more options now

    Yes they are advancing all the time with treatments. we didn't know the risks until the early 70's so us old gits are more at risk.

    I think personally it is better to die with dignity than to prolomg the inevitable with a skelton frame and unbearing pain, so i say no to Chemotherapy. I watched my brother's father in law waste away to nothing with prostate cancer, it was bloody awful-- he had chemotherapy.


    yeah bulletman - you are right in a way - but usually Men die with prostate cancer intact i.e. they die with it but it can be really rampant and your brother's father in law would have been wasted from the suffering anyhow.

    I guess so to speak, I was one of the luckier cancer patients, I lost part of Rt. lung (Worst surgery/pain ever had), had two Drs. ask about chemo but apparently, I didn't need it just had to go through body scans with radioactive dye for 3yrs. and still have yearly x-ray, 5 yrs. clear so far.


    Well wait a minute those kidneystones were a @***&@, but they were easier to treat and stop pain.

    dad59 depends on the where the cancer is and what type, how it has spread if it has as to whether chemo or radiotherapy is used - sometimes even both are necessary. Oh my - chemotherapy so awful - lucky to be able to get through this. Chemotherapy is also used to reduce the size of the tumour e.g. in bone to relieve the pain and prevent the pathological fractures.

    Wow. So sorry, and I commend your soldierism,.....that's all I can call what you did to get through.

    Hada 5year old grandson die of cancer, after seeing what the treatment did to him l think l would just enjoy every day and what ever happens, happens.


    That is really sad.

    nobody knows what it is really like to have cancer till you have it. Every one reacts their own way to chemotherapy. I still think people are afraid of cancer pts. All I know is what i have experienced. Be grateful if you don`t have cancer.

    Not having had cancer I REALLY cannot say, but the core of me says "No drugs, No chemo".  Spoken only as one one not diagnosed...................

    Each persons decision is based on different information......So at the time the option is giving, this is the time family and Doctors discuss the possibilities.  {:D

    I would choose to live. I have had some unfortunate illnesses almost resulting in death, in fact I have researched at length my options should I choose to "opt out" but whilst life can still be comfortable and of value I would choose to be treated.

    The thing with it is,they have to pump enough chemicals into you to kill you without actually killing you. I mate of mine was diagnosed with bowel cancer at age 72.He had chemo & it made him as sick as hell.He is now 83 & still going strong & still works with me as a carpenter from time to time.Now he may be the exception & not the rule.I don't know mate.But it worked for him.I always say "when you've got nothing to lose,you've got nothing to lose". Maybe your dad was just too far advanced for the treatment to be completely successful.


    Tommyh my dad also worked as a carpenter. He is retired now. He use to always say, "A carpenter is the most honorable profession, because Jesus Christ was a carpenter." My dad is the greatest man I ever met.

    Tabber.If he was a chippie he had something going for him & that's for sure.I knew there was something I liked about you as well.LOL.

    Serious question ,speaking for myself I dont believe it will be a issue . I have no insurance ,no money ,unless they do this stuff for free its unlikely they will run a huge bill on my behalf . I need to go off the side of a cruise ship with a safe tied to my ankle . Spare my family the expense of a funeral . Leave some money for a party and food . Divide what there is among who ever shows up . And pray that I am safely in Heaven before the devil knows I am gone . Ill never be given the option of choosing 


    Bill, I'm not sure where you are from, but I have a friend who is treated for free for cancer at one our better hospitals for free , surely the government don't put a dollar value on life

    Albuquerque New Mexico . Where are you from ? Yes they do put a dollar value on life .

    I'm from Australia, come over if you get sick, we look after people... i mean would love to see you but hope you don't get sick!!

    Thanks !!!!! Would love to see the gold coast . Same invite extends this way as well . Bill

    I guess chemo is not for everyone. My friends husband had cancer in his neck, had a course of chemo, looked like death warmed up, had to be fed by tube, now five months after chemo, he looks great, and eating and drinking.

    what a great, but difficult question.  everybody has probably given it some thought at one time or another.  i can identify with every thing everyone has said on this question.  my sister was trying to decide whether to go the Kaiser Hospital route, or the natural route with a health care provider.  she was really scared and did not know what to do.  the health guy told her not to let them cut on her for any reason.  Kaiser wanted to cut on her for every reason.  She was torn about what to do.  My whole family advised her to go the Kaiser route, and so did her husband.  she asked me what would i do.  Since i have reactions to medications, i told her i probably would go the 'health guy' route. i would probably die with the first shot of chemo.  she tried to do both. she said the chemo nearly killed her. & the surgery got rid of cancer for one year and came back. which the doctors told her the type of cancer she had would probably come back somewhere else in her body,  if she had surgery.  she did, and it did come back. the suffering i saw her go thur made me feel it might just be better to live til you die.  i have not had to face that choice but i am leaning toward the natural path.   Be healthy as you can, live every day, 'don't worry, be happy' and die when its your time.  my father will not let a doctor near him with a ten foot pole.  He's in his 80's and doing fine, driving watching tv, going to the horse races.  my mom same thing.  even tho she goes to doc more than dad.  but she great!  i hope i am as lucky as they are for living long.  if my dad gets cancer and it does not knock him to the ground, nobody will know about it but him and god. my dad if real funny. he pulled his own teeth.

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