    today is my birthday and all my kids are here. what more could i want?

    +16  Views: 1122 Answers: 24 Posted: 12 years ago

    24 Answers

    Sorry I'm late. Got hit with the flu so I've not been here a lot and I missed this yesterday. Hope you had a great day! 


    HAPPY,HAPPY BIRTHDAY Carmax.Same day as mine.I always knew there was something about you that I liked.

    Hping you have a sensational day with your family, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Carma.""


    I love that font, and the greeting, of course.

    Great for you! Happy Birthday!

    Would you not like me there? Have a great day


    come on over! we are about to have carrot cake. my fave!

    Wow I love carrot cake. Enjoy

    Happy Birthday carmaxable,wishing you a wonderful day...

    Well, happy, happy...New rules: Celebrate For A Week..........


    Julie - you are just so funny - no half measures for you eh. Gues what I am trying to set the date to give up the nicotine and when I am on this site I smoke more like when I am on the phone.

    Thank you so much. About quitting, good luck and all my best wishes. Me? I have given up giving up.....

     Birthday Balloon Ah Happy birthday sweetheart you have a good day xxx


    Happy Birthday dear Carmaxable .... wonder woman extrordinaire,

    A very Happy Happy Birthday to yoooooooooouuuuuuuu .... (Totally in tune and carried for 35 seconds)

    I hope your day is grand, the cake is really huge and you are feeling as light as air..... (Obvious rhyme and still completely in tune)

    Bringing it home now....

    Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday to yoooooouuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really hitting those high notes.

    Have a fantastic Day Carmaxable... Big hugs from the Fishie One.

    Me as a circus clown, I wouldn't even have to change my clothes..

    Yes you are right, having the family all together to celebrate a birthday is something very special.  I send you my warmest greetings to you , and good luck. Bye Bye.

    Happy Birthday Carmaxable, yes all the kids are wonderful, but what about a getaway vacation for a week, to only YOU know!!!

    What more could you want - who could ask for anything more - have a very happy birthday, enjoy.  

    Enjoy your day with your family........"HAPPY BIRTHDAY"


    Wishing you a very "Happy Birthday" There is no better present than family to spend it with.

    Happy Birthday, carmaxable!  Hope you had a great one.  There's nothing better than having family around for this occasion.

    I am late in wishing you what you just reported. This is happiness. Stay happy and healthy please.

    PS You have less than a month to get 100K KPs...

    "Want me to Blow out the Candles Happy day 

    Happy Birthday (It’s late this year or early the next)

    Oops, sorry I missed it, must not have been online that day. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great one and got your wish!

    Happy Birthday Carmable!  Hope your birthday year is the best!

    What more could you want? Happy Birthday carmaxable.

    What more could you ask for. What a blessing. Happy Birthday

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