    why would a guy cheat if his girl was into threesomes?

    +1  Views: 682 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    It seems to me he is cheating you in more than one way, time to move on as well as up..

    I think he is greedy and wouldn't be happy with 10 women! ego much too big!

    because it would be another notch on the bedpost for him.

    If he or the girl are into threesomes..... They are not willing to build a dedicated relationship with each other. It may be fun at the time but it will cause an emotional disconnect. It may also make both parties devalue sex.  And not see in there mind how cheating (sexually) would hurt their partner. 

    With some it's the secrecy/ideal of doing without getting caught.

    Why would he think he is in a monogamous relationship?  He probably doesn't think he is cheating.

    I think if one person in a relationship asks to have a threesome then they aren't completely satisfied with the other person. To add a third is usually a dead giveaway that the relationship is getting near it's end ...

    Most people are looking for their soul mate or that special person who will be happy with them and them alone. To many of us this is what real love is someone who we can trust, who is loyal, and wants to spend the rest of their life with us. Hope this helps.

    EGO all the time!

    I guess that would depend on the gender of the third person his girl choses to invite to join





    always a girl
    Jack Large

    In that case it may depend on whether the extra girl is for the girl or him


    Good point!

    His ego still isn't satisfied.  What does that tell you??

    Time to recruit the third girl and make it a foursome?

    Because 2 of the 3 are males and he isn't one of them.

    i think most people would like a stable relationship.  he sees by the fact she's into threesomes, there is probabaly no stability.  he is probably looking at it as just having fun.  but he knows he better run, to something that he can depend on and that is stable. threesomes generally means choas in relationships.  look at sister wives on tv, and the heartache they all go thur. except for the latest new wife. jeolousy etc.  we in the western world have not been conditioned for those kind of relationship even tho they do have certain advantages for the men and the women.  but westeners tend to rather do without the advantages of muli-people relationships. and i am one of them.

    Seems to be if there is 3 there is already cheating and unhealthy relationship going on anyway I would suggest RUN for your life away.

    He isn't one of the three.

    Tit for tat?

    Three is a crowd?

    Being used it sounds like...........Drop them all !!

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