    Are Women and Men doublestandered?!

    +3  Views: 1395 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    Women have  and still are treated differently in the work place. They get paid less.They get ripped off much more by mechanics. Men have issues with female doctors (Not me). Yes there is a double standard between the sexes.


    Ed you know I like you and your comments, but sometimes you have to stand up and be a man and this is one of those occasions. Are you telling me that women don't have their own advantages as well as men do? I think there used to be a big difference in the 50's and 60's etc. but the gap has closed my friend.

    For example when I used to go to nightclubs the women could cut in line the mens restroom and guys wouldn't say a word, it a man tried to use the ladies room there would be screaming and all hell would break loose. This is just one small example.

    Now a days women can do anything a man can do, they may get strange looks or resistance, but times have changed in most countries.

    I dont understand the question... 


    Just the single standard for Jenn then? Jenns!

    There is no other Jenn like me!!!

    There are double standards for boys and girls. Boys when they are sexally mature can do what they like but girls are expected to remain chaste until married ( though few do ! )

    There is equality in their spelling and grammar I suppose......doublestandered ??????? 


    Quick of the Mark and right.Very good.

    I agree with Ed about beeing taken advantage of with car repairs. It happend to me..My son has a friend in CT. who works for Ford Motor Company and now I always ask him first what the problem could be. He is always right and it has saved me many headaches. I also no longer use the repair shops that have ripped me off .There is a doublesandard. Men usually dont have that problem, because they know more about a car,than a woman.

    Not so much anymore, it's a relatively even playing field. Women have certain advantages in some areas, while men had advantages in others. It's just that women seem to complain more. LOL, take care.


    Brave man, Leeroy

    Yeah, I think your right. What was I thinking I'm going to hear from some complainers soon, maybe, just maybe they'll be women?

    whoa there....where do you live, I may move!!

    I've always felt that a man without a woman was like a neck without a pain.

    YES.  A complete answer would be a lengthy essay. But it works both ways!

    Check your spelling.  Come back to us later, ok?  You're lucky Umbriel is not here to read your submission. 

    He'll wake up soon, yes, the guy with an Oxford accent.

    It is still a man's world so to speak as far as the working world.

    Both sexes can and will use the doublestandard, if permitted.

    I agree there are double standards in many ways. Let a woman release gas anywhere near ears length aand God forbid...I've had incidents in a motorbike shop where I actually had to get a man go to bat for me, they put a tire on my bike that was rubbing the frame and it was also put on backwards, the arrow was pointing the wrong way.

    I'm with @Jenn, I don't understand what is meant by "double standards" between men and women......


    men are able do certain things but when it comes to women its a diffrent story to them . for example lets say my boyfriend likes to drink an i tell him that i do too he gets mad and blows me off and changes the subject on me.

    "Hey make life easy Do what the wife tells you "


    and good for you, a very wise attitude! lol

    I think your wife is standing over your shoulder, lol. Good for brownie points.

    Hey Leeroy "You a "Psychic "Whats going to happen to me next ?

    In my experience women are never satisfied , they are forever speaking of equality , which they do not seem to understand the meaning of . The form of equality which they speak of is the form of equality in which they' re the people in charge and men do as they are told it's a form of equality similiar to marriage . Have a nice day young lady lol

    Double standards are born of fear and distrust…heritage and cultural precepts. Equality and peace is a goal of our progress.   

    There are definitely double standards, some glaringly obvious and others that are subtle, but they still exist and I personally notice a very real difference in my work place particularly.Just a quick example is the female staff change and shower male clients, however male staff are rarely expected to change or shower female clients,only a tiny illustration for what I feel to be a large problem, we are paid the same, why not perform the same tasks ?

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