    not a question please send a thought or prey for tomorrow as its my mothers funeral

    +15  Views: 1971 Answers: 38 Posted: 12 years ago

    We have a picture at the Funeral when she was in the army as she always said that was her best ever days searving her country

    What a couregeous woman. You must have been so proud of her!

    Mel, will be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Hope the funeral as well as could be expected. Take care and God bless.

    Ann yes we are very proud of her thank you xxx

    Leeroy thank you for your thought and preyers xxx

    38 Answers (31-38 Displayed)

    mel- I continue to pray fro you and your fanmily!


    same xx

    doolittle thank you xxx

    lambshank thank you xxx

    Mel,May the memories of your mother bring you comfort at this difficult time. Remember you are cared about so much on this site.


    country bumpkin yes you are right we have lots of good memories and thank you for mentioning about the site I can see this and thank you love as always mel xxx

    Mel, that's so sad. You have my deepest condolenses.


    myatsmom thank you for your thoughts on my mom she is at rest now and thank God for that xxxxx

    Do take care of yourself. Your mom is in a better world. You are a wonderful daughter.



    valR yes I really do agree with you on that one a better world and thanks for the lovely comment about me xxxx

    After the torrent of tears there must be a time for rainbows. Each tear drop brings life to  small smiles and waters the memory's of a splendid journey  we shared with our loved ones . They become immortal when we rember . You will be rembered as well one day ,so live large and be happy make memories for all . Be sure to be making some stories worth telling at the bridge . Look for the rainbows  and the small messages . Things out of place ,you may or may not understand now ,but when they come you will . I believe you will be getting a "I am Okay message " in just a bit . On that day just clear your day and make a pie ,nice apple pie to share . I was told once :The  pie made for you by a friend is always just a bit sweeter than any you might buy in the store ,maybe its just the love .    XXXX       Bill


    That's beautiful, Bluesman.

    bluesmab as mitchmar said that is so beautiful thank you from the bottom of my heart xxxxxx

    Just saw your post. Sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. 



    chelleanne thank you so much one of her favorote flowers the daff as she was welsh thank you again xxxx

    Absolutely praying for you and your family as you endure such a difficult time.  You are in many peoples thought, with understanding and kindness.


    mitchmar thank you for thoughts as you say it is a difficult time but at least she is at rest now thanks again mel xxx

    Do take care of yourself, your mom is in a better world. You are a wonderfull daughter.


    valR thank you for your comment yes you are right she is in a better world xxxx

    May God rest soul of your Dear Mom,  Mel, your in my prayers, as the rest of your family are.


    Dollybird thank you so much for your kind words xxxx

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