    What is the strangest thing you have in your yard?

    I have a gigantic bird bath leaf... a gift.  It is strange but I like it.  The birds don't. :)

    +13  Views: 1353 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    OMG! That’s an octopus. I have seen it many times, of course. The picture on my computer is tiny.

    Right now I am Squish Fish!

    But I like to call her Sqishy Fishy!

    21 Answers

    The yard that now belongs to my first wife has a tombstone with my name on it. It also has the bottom half of a toilet with a sign that reads "Phil is Dirt". These appeared shortly after I left. You can guess what my real name is.


    I am sorry... I had to laugh!

    Come on ..... fishes don't laugh.:o)

    Hysterically... the fishes have gigantic humor bones!

    No one can beat that answer! Well, she was a bit angry wasn't she. Who in the world would date her???

    Did she re-marry?

    @nomdeplume: The rumor was that she did remarry, but he maxed her credit cards, run off with her SUV and left her bankrupt. Our relationship has been so fractured I can not verify that they were actually married. I moved on ... she did not.

    I am asking because Colleen mentioned a sink and toilet ... there is a yard across the street with a bathtub for flowers and another with black lab silhouettes around the fence... my birdbath seems a bit boring by comparison.


    Please note, the sink and toilet are NOT in my yard. The toilet was on on my neighbor's front lawn but it had finally been remove which I'm happy about since it was what I saw when I looked out my front window. The sink at the other house is still there. I believe they think it's "decorative".

    Couches in the front yard are decorative as well...

    Colleen- I think I passed your Yard...a Huge firevpit and skeletons of a fish and a shriimp.

    Yup doo! That's the one!!

    The living room window in my home looks directly into the rear garden of a retired master carpenter, he erects mini sheds, mini houses, mini warehouses,roads and railways to scale, little gnomes all over the place, it,s about the only time I like snow when it comes, makes everything look the


    Wow, tough to tolerate! I understand about happiness over the snow. So very glad all of my windows display nothing but BIG, beautiful trees!

    Ok that's pretty darn cool! Do the gnomes wander around? Do they talk to you? Did he build them a bathroom? LOL

    In my backyard I have a whole community of birdhouses. I asked my brother for 2 or 3. He made about 25 and they are all in my trees. 0.0


    Cool. I have been collecting bird houses. Some came with the house and lived on an old tree... when a tree from next door (Walter) fell on my kiln shed it also took down the bird house tree... I saved the houses.

    Bears. Big black bears. Real ones. I freak whenever I have to relieve myself. An advantage of living with Big Foot in the Poconos of PA.


    Can I come and play with the bears? I love black bears! Not so into Bigfoot.

    Think I'd be using the inside loo!

    Chalked drawings of my three grand daughters on a large expanse of cement.  I dip the BIG chalk in water and paint away. Their drawings surround mine. (Ages 2-6)


    a portion of a dried yucca stem upside down on a metal stake with sunglasses.  resembles 'adams family' cousin it.


    IT was the best!

    That should be mass marketed... for year 'round Halloweek...eek! fun.

    I have an old park bench or maybe it's a bus stop bench (circa 1920) sitting in the front by my cactus garden. In the back I have a dryer and two hyper dogs..........


    I found a 4 year old, claiming to be 9, and requesting a pair of my shoes and a bowl of biscuits. I gave her some biscuits and took her home. Other than that just the odd turtle, and occasional Koala.


    Really?? Was she a runaway? At 4?? That's incredible.......

    Can I come and cuddle with Koala? Pleas. I'd like to hear the accent of an Aussi turtle too. I promise not to ask for shoes!

    Michmart, the little girl had not long moved in a few doors down.Doolittle your welcome anytime and if you promise to be careful you can wear my shoes too!

    Nothing strange enough to mention.


    You,re lucky, long may it last.

    wow I am soooo boring nothing!


    You need a couple of gnomes... :) and a bathtub... :)

    Fish Fry yes I will have to get something I now feel left out! xxx

    My front lawn has 50% covered with vegetables and herbs.  This wouldn't go well on the mainland but hey, we're in Hawaii.  Contrary to its weirdness and the fact that I feared mainland people would  feel offended, they often stop by to praise how nice my garden looks.  Go figure.


    I think that preferable to long grass and weeds

     deflated pool that is too heavy for us to move.... We SUCK!!!!


    Glad you're not my neighbor.

    gee thanks.... we took it down so it would not be an eye sore.... But it is too heavy to move... when it was in the box we had no ploblem moving it.... it you have any ideas... please share.. I feel like ghetto momma.

    There are fairies at the bottom of mine, I see them after a generous intake of a drop of the good stuff.

    They wear the kilt and dance all over my lawn/grass.


    They must be Macfairies.

    Cool! Can I come over and party- sounds great!

    they are roo fairys!! heeee oxoxox

    A dragon statue and a gargoyle - of course!


    No Stonehenge replication? Mean well! ;-]

    michmar118, no Stonehenge - yet! Only kidding.

    A CORPSE.  :)

    My sister in law..yes it's true...sorta !


    yes you gotta to see her to believe..

    One of those horrible looking, artificial,  2 1/2 ft high,  round well-rocks that covers and protects the well head.  It sits right by the front entry steps, right next to the driveway because our property is so steep the  huge well truck couldn't access any other place on the property!


    Can I spray paint graffiti on your rock?

    Pardon a old Aussies` ignorance, what is a well-rock and a well truck?
    We sink wells to get water from the underground reserves but we don`t have a truck come and fill it up.
    That is counterproductive, why sink the well in the first place?
    Some places rely on rain water and in dry spells they have to buy water into their tanks but the well bit throws me.

    Absolutely! It could only improve it's appearance!! It wouldn't stand out too much in the middle of the woods, do you think?? :->

    Peoplelover, A well-truck comes on site and drills into the earth with a huge auger off the back of it until they hit water, in our case it was 350 ft before striking a well of water. The truck is large and cumbersome, thus not allowing it into areas rather inaccessible by a large truck. They lay the well-pump in the water itself, and lay the pipe and electrical wire to it down the shaft with hydraulics from the truck itself, so that water is pumped up into the home whenever the demand for water is needed. The well-head is on top of the ground where the well has been reamed and the ugly well-cover insulates and protects the electrical well head from freezing and the elements, from which pipe is laid, in our case to the crawlspace in the house to the pressure switch, which controls water flow into the water pipes inside the house. Is this very different from how you drill wells or receive your water?? Curious.......

    I have just seen a new one.  A house two blocks over cut down a very large tree in their front yard.  They have taken to decorating this stump... sometimes rocks, sometimes children's creations and sometimes a cat sits on top... This stump takes on personalities for holiday occasions but today it has a gigantic marlin perched on top.  Sweet!

    I have a big hole that the cable company dug up and haven't filled in yet. I called them to fill it, but they haven't yet. I think I will go for a walk in the yard and trip and fall. Those cable companies have quite a bit of money, lol.

    Lawsuit whoo, hoo...


    The funniest thing in your yard is you!

    Thanks FF, you should change your character to French Fry, and Fish and Chips for a few days to have a more International flavor, lol.

    No yard.

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