    Do you give a rats a.... what others think about you?

    +12  Views: 1817 Answers: 32 Posted: 12 years ago

    A rats a.. think your listening to Judge Judy to much, picking up her sayings lol.

    32 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    I just came in to see if you do.

    Your questions are like watching a movie.


    That's a GOOD thing. Right ?


    Thanks for coming in Fishlet. I hope it is a good movie, although am not really sure what you mean>

    You were on a roll this particular day.... I was waiting for what would happen next!

    Of course I care. I'd like to know how I am perceived....  


    As a very nice person... fantastique Darling!

    Simply Marvelous!!!

    me too, jh

    Yes, I mostly care about what my loved ones think of me?  And no, CHAIN, I don't give even 2 rats what YOU think of me!


    Well I think your "Great".

    Thanks, Dowsa!

    A good egg!


    I don't care, but sometimes i wonder what people think of me.


    Do you really want to know?? Hee HoHo.Great.

    You are Too Cool!!!!

    when i was a kid did now that i'm all grown up...yes!

    I care what my family and personal friends think.

    NOPE !

    That depends on who is doing the "loving of me" and who is doing "the hating of me".  If I really like someone, I would hope that the feeling is mutual.  Usually, if I discover that someone has a bone to pick with me, part of the reason is because they have already perceived, that they are pretty low on my list of favorites.  I don't hide my feelings very well. (flaw)


    Well with a name like Ducka I would pick your "bones"never tasted "Duck" lol

    Haha..they say I would be good with orange sauce. :)

    No. Everyone is different and has theire own opinion.

    Hah!!!  There are many more important issues than that one to worry about. I could care less what people think of me. I have my own priorities & that's what counts.All others can think what they like.

    Nope, I understand everyon is entitle to their own opionion, however differently...Other's opinions do NOT define me or of  who I am. Good question.

    Yes I DO. I am a "Mouse" And live in a house With no "Cheese" ( You Dirty Rat)


    I will bring you some and remove the dirty rat!

    "OH thank you dear one.Second thoughts about the Rat.Its "Female" I can handle her "GRRR

    I dont care if people judge me or dislike what i have to say... My comments and the way I choose to live my life comes from a genuine place. I do care what ppl think of  my character.  I may be the only bible that some ppl will ever read. 


    You Go Girl !

    Go where???? I like where i am ...LOL

    A rats bottom side.  Hmmm I really dont care what the back side of a rat thinks of me.  However, I do care what the animals think of me...most all of them seem to appreciate that I can converse with them.  Rattlesnakes and I have a tenuous relationship.  As far as humans go: weird, odd, unique, downright nuts, funny....these I accept.  But in general you know how people think of you by their, respect, trust...these tell you the positive feelings.  dis-respect, lying gossip about me, nastiness...well I can tell by that that they don't appreciate me.  This information is useful- who wants to continue a relationship with someone whose mean!  But Joe Schmoe- who cares!

    Me? Be serious.

    I do and I dont it all depends on what it is !!!

    If I care for the person, I care what they think, others don;t matter one way or another

    I do give a rodents anus in as much as I hope at least some perceive me for what I am.

    A warm caring adult who does not abide fools easily.

    I love to joke around but when the chips are down I can stand my ground so what you see is what you get.

    My feeling is that if you do not care what others think of you then you have little faith in yourself.


    I see your warm soul... and loving heart... You have touched my life and made it 'more'....
    In short I think you are wonderful.

    Aww shucks I am blushing Jenn. xxx

    No, I only care what God thinks of me...........


    Oddly enough the older I get the less I care.

    Not the least bit..  Besides, if that's all, I had to think  or worry about ,  I wouldn't have to think or worry!!!

    If you know yourself and love yourself, unselfish without arrogance you don't 'depend' on the opinion of others or cultivate opinions to tell you who & what you are.  You know.  You know what kind of person you are, your strength and weakness, can accept self truth and are comfortable with being you. 

    It is THIS truth that will set you free, from yourself !

    The opposite end of this is arrogance.  Too self centered to value anybody as an equal or to value their opinion.  But unknowingly cultivate peer opinion. They do not know what self truth is !


    Yes, I do . I like to look nice, so I'll be a presentable picture when I go out to meet people. I watch what I say so I don't offend anyone, b/c I don't want to make enemies. I want to make friends.


    I understand, I cared more when I was younger, but not as I've matured or grown older. Your real friends will love you no matter what, your phony ones aren't worth the effort. Thumbs up on your honest answer.

    Not too worried, but I wouldn't want people to dislike me, I would be concerned what I had done to offend them.

    I think deep down i have a tendency to worry what people think of me especially with my sarcastic, warped humour.


    Sarcastic? Warped?? Those are good qualities, aren't they? lol

    Ducka, it depends which side of the fence you are on.

    No rats. The only rat I like is Ratatouile!

    Nope not even a tinny tiny one.

    I treat everyone like I like to be treated. Makes life simple and peaceful. So I care enough about other peoples opinion of me that I treat them as I like to be treater. Some folks like to pry in to see what I’m not showing and use various devices to get through what they think is a wall of denial. Other folks like to see if I will demonstrate a response to their pretentious scenario. But childish trials are lost on me because I am in the company of angels. 

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