    If a computer is being stupid should I throw it outside or hit it with a hammer

    +2  Views: 888 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

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    17 Answers

    it might be you not your computer

    First make sure it's the computer acting stupid?


    Computer is only as stupid, as person using it.

    That what I trying to say! Thank! Dollybird!

    As long as you're paying for it...I'd do both!

    A fine tuning with a Sledgehammer, works wonders!!!

    Better still, give it to someone that doesn't have one.


    And would appreciate it and have it serviced 2X a year as she should be doing. I bet it's loaded with virus's.

    I have destroyed over 100 computers and none of them will ever work again. But I have survived the epic battle with very few scars. My victory over inept machines gives me a since of pride and dignity. I am most disappointed in these machines inability to withstand my wrath. Bad junk!….bad!  Now their parts are being used in hundreds of other gadgets and useful parts sold off or used to upgrade other better systems. Their empty cases are being converted into solar household heaters and their pretty gold parts adorn the wrists of fashion models who know nothing of their origin.Everything within those boxes is useful for a thousand different things and their sale affords me new, better computers that I look forward to someday stripping to their most basic parts.     

    The computer is only as smart as it's operator.


    Best answer!

    Thank You!

    the hammer,


    Any particular reason? :)

    Why not do both....that way you can be sure that it's DEAD!!!


    "OH poor PC. RIP

    Go with the hammer , and bang on both your head as well as the computer..


    That should help. LOL!!!

    You complained you are bored.  A computer class/course would kill two birds: your boredom and your flimsy computer skills.


    Good observation. :)

    computers are nothing without programs and software. I see three choices here....the first is a fast merciful death by hammer..the second is a slow painful death (slowly erase the hard drive and then crack open the computer and destroy the mother drive using wire cutters and metal cutters)..the third, and my preferece would be to send it to David Letterman so he can throw it off a tall building,

    However, none of these options are logical or cost effective....because you are in school and the year is 2012 having a computer is almost a must!  So, you would have to replace the computer and software.     This says it all!

    GIGO come to the fore "Garbage In Garbage Out"

    Despite the use of the word memory a computer does NOT have a memory the information fed in is stored and recovered by a human.

    Human makes a boo boo?  That has nothing to do with a mechanical device.


    Your round file sir,

    Didn't I suggest you get dressed up and go take a walk downtown?  


    She's not gonna listen- she's a teenager (or just acts like one)

    I think I need to stay away from this one. Too annoying for me.
    Seriously, doo, how does "stupid" act ??

    Never use a hammer on your computer.

    Slamming the mouse on the table top or punching the keyboard with a clenched fist is usually sufficient.

    If all else fails try slapping the monitor a couple of times.

    Computer disipline can be very difficult.Tough love is required some times.


    I occasionally use my finger to shut the thing down amd turn it back on (re-boot the crazy thing!!!)

    Careful doing that Doc.I think that's what caused mine to crash last week.

    Ask Dad to run it over with the car. Computers love heavy objects on them. Honest.

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