    how do you feel abut having a cat de-clawed? I call it animal abuse..

    +5  Views: 845 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    I think it is horrible.  I don't agree with declawing cats at all.

    Its very painful and cruel to declaw a cat. Even Vets hate to do itn and many refuse to do it.It is more humane,to trim theire claws once a month.

    I declawed one of my cats years and years ago.... Only her front claws..... She was very sickly and I didnt trust anyone else to care for her. The appartment i was in aloned me to keep her only if she was declawed. Yes I could have found a new appartment but at the time I took thier suggestion and just complied. After she passed I have had other cats.. none of them have been declawed.

    My tom cat has brought enough misery upon himself w/o my adding to it..........

    Cats need and want their claws! I had a cat once who loved it when i filed her nails with an emory board. She would steal the board if I left it out!

    I call it cruelty, without claws they haven't a cat in hells chance of defending themselves as well as being deprived of their natural hunting weapon.  

    Cats are basically outdoor animals and by declawing the poor beast you are making it unable to defend it's self if your worried a bout your carpets or furniture then you should not have a cat .

    Cruel and abusive. I think it should be outlawed. 

    My cat has made a heck of a mess of my 3 piece suite and 2 of my carpets.But would i have her declawed??More chance of Hell freezing!!!Dont even think its legal in the UK ,if it is it shouldnt be.Its animal abuse

    No human being has the right to declaw a cat unless an authorized vet does it - although I have never heard of it. Wow so painful - reminds me of people having their nails taken off in concentration camps. They should have their nails clipped though as Ann says especially if house cats and the dew claw especially can become inbedded. More of a trim and mindful of the little red bit at the bottom which contains the nerves and if cut painful and will bleed. Scratching posts are also good.

    Horrible, absolutely horrible.

    Sorry guys,, We had our cat declawed a year ago. He was using our new log home as his personal scratching post. Please don't tell me he could have been trained we tried everything. But with one ruined door and a support beam that he shredded, enough was enough. I chose declawing over the bullet in the head. We raised him from a little furball that needed to be bottle fed for a few weeks several years ago. No I didn't want to do it. but he's still with us and still my bud. every night he  crawls in my lap when I sit down and puts his head right under my chin and falls asleep. We still have our cat, still have a house, I think everything worked out ok.

    yes only if he could do it's only natural for them to have claws, what if some came along and decide their going to pull my front teeth..

    would never ever do it at one time we had ten cats it never smelled or our house was not in shreds when they come on to the sofa to try and scratch I use ti spray water on them never done it again! and get pleanty of scratch posts p stairs and down

    That's good  most people I know probably would have put him down. He's older and like I said not a people cat.  Ipicked him up out of a ditch some 15 years ago, I might have spooked the mother  but for some reason he was still there three hrs later when I came back, he couldn't ever crawl out of the tall weeds. I took him home , the wife and I bottle fed him for a few weeks and he's been our cat ever since. He never did this in the old house, or ever the trailer we stayed in while the new house was being built. Its almost like he looked at the new house and said wow huge scratching post and its all mine.  I really don't agree with declawing either but we didn't know what else to do. I wasn't going to lose a $200,000 house to Boo and have it shredded up in a few years.

    ed shank

    My cat Louie was an exceptional animal. He never clawed anything. He never messed the house. He wouldn't chase the field mice or chipmunks either. Don't know why one cat does and the other doesn't. Louie died at the age of 24 human years. Cool cat.

    I think it should be outlawed and considered animal cruelty as well how about we take the people that do that and cut off their fingers up to the first knuckle all of them and see how they feel about it then?


    So you've read my comment above should I have just put a bullet in his head?

    Nope bought more scratching posts the ones made with sisal rope not the carpeted ones.

    Had em. made no difference for some reason he liked the house.. Just certain areas, we bought sprays, everything, he just liked certain things in the house that we could not break him from. One door casing has almost 1 inch clawed out of it almost a foot long so this was not an over nite thought, I wasn't going to give him to somebody else, He's not a people cat, I really think we didn't have any other option if we wanted to keep him

    Okay I guess you are happy with it I just do not condone it myself but one thing I do not know if you ever did this and I think it is the dumbest thing one can do is buy these cat scratching things that you hang on the door knob all one is doing is teaching the cat to scratch on the wood furniture, etc.

    Nope never had one of them. Don't get me wrong we've had cats, dogs horses, ducks,coons and more.My wife and I were raised out in the country and had had animals all our lives. I didn't want to do it but felt we were out of options. May I ask where you live? city or country? and have you lived there all your life?

    I was brought up in the country always had animals all my life live in the city now but still have cats.

    sorry that should have been under this thread

    Scratching is a territorial instinct by which cats place their mark and establish their turf. Through scratching, cats mark their domains with more than just visible signs of claw marks. Cat's paws also have scent glands that leave their own special scent on their territory.

    And this is why they mark the most visible portions of your house. It's  a cat's  way of adding their own personal touch to your (and her) home. Her version of interior decorating   <font><font size="2" color="#000000" face="Arial">If at first the cat is reluctant to give up their old scratching areas, there are means you can use to discourage them Covering the area with aluminum foil or double-sided tape is a great deterrent. These surfaces don't have a texture that feels good to scratch</font></font>

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