    What are your phobias?

    +2  Views: 824 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Falling through a frozen lake or pond , nothing scares me more, it gives me the hebegebe's just thinking about it..


    I guess you're not big on trolling for fish on a frozen lake.. LOL

    No ice fishing for me thanks...

    Never hike, walk on any glacier. Once fallen in a cravice, you'll be preserved for eternity in half an hour...

    Like my wife keeps our house in the summer, I feel like I'm at the Arctic. She got the A/C on full and I wear a jacket.. I'm used to it now but when people visit, i kinda feel sorry for em, I offer coats and jackets.. LOL Wintertime though, she keeps it so hot I walk around in my shorts. I just don't understand this but we been together now soon 30 years so i just deal with it, too late to have her head examined. :)

    Believe it or not, COTTON WOOL! Absolutely hate the feel of the stuff, nails down a blackboard? no problem, COTTON WOOL? Yeeeeeaaaargh.


    I guess no turtle neck sweaters for you...

    country bumpkin

    Tee hee, Cotton Wool Alert! It comes in a big round box!

    country bumpkin

    Have fun! It's full of it!

    Suffocation.......I always have to have a window cracked.............


    If it was stuffed with COTTON WOOL we,d both be

    I feel the same way as you about Styrofoam....

    Creepy insects and tomato worms!


    I enjoy picking tomato worms with my fingers and turning them into compost.

    I leave that task to my husband- They are so creepy! they will eat your plant very shortly! My neighbor said she could hear them chewing early in the morning

    Claustrophobia.  I don't like being in tight spaces when I have no control of the situation. I have no fear of flying, i am a pilot but I have uneasiness when on a commercial flight.  sitting in a silver tube bugs me. Ironically, only when on the ground though, once airborne i am fine..

    When I was about 10 years old, I was stuck on an elevator with my mom, just the two of us for about 1.5 hour.  I remember this very well, an old creepy elevator with no communication phone, no warning alert buzzer to push, just buttons for the floors.  I was frantic, i can still remember this well.  i think this is probably where my claustrophobia has its roots.

    I also have a mayonnaise phobia..  I get ill just looking at it.   I guess this could be classified as phobia..  


    Vinny, my daughter is a hostie fo an airline, she's also terrified of flying, she totally loses it if there is turbulence,straps herself in and forgets about anyone else
    ed shank

    I start freaking the second I'm in an elevator.

    Lamb, its not the flying with me, its the sitting there on the tarmac and not moving. to start engines they shutdown all ventilation and power as standard procedure, many times they pull the generator truck away just prior to pushoff, sometimes they don't start the engines right away and you sit there, all closed up, no air and in the summer, you feel like you are in a sauna. Once we get to moving I'm ok, I don't like long taxi to runway either.. Just get me the hell up there.. LOL

    Rats.... icky rats.


    When I was 8 I helped my 16 year old brother to catch/kill about 2 dozen & burn them.


    I can deal with most things that crawl, but the sight of a spider sends me running,I can't stand to see them killed and it's a real dilemma if they come inside, I got desperate once and sucked one up with the vacuum, then got worried it might crawl out,so I took the vacuum and left it way up the backyard, forgot about it, found it the next day after a storm...a total right off. I don't like elevators either and prefer to use stairs if possible, I even get out and wait for another  if there seems to be too many people or too much weight

    I can't fly anymore. Flew to Germany a while back and will never get on a plane again. It's a control thing. For twenty years I've been running a rail at 195 MPH and have no fear. That's because I'm in control of my destiny.


    limited control that is...
    ed shank

    A false sense of control, your right.

    snakes & narrow spaces

    NEEDLES, #2 Flying!!

    Not good in enclosed spaces.And,funny enough  as ive just commented on the birds question!!!,i can watch birds outside enjoying their food if im indoors.Put me in a room with one flying loose and im in a state of blind panic!!

    things people are afraid of

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