    Do you avoid going to the doctor... If so, Why?

    I am the world worst about going to the doctor... It does not matter what my stptoms are... the DX is always the same.. "there is nothing wrong".


    +8  Views: 1131 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    22 Answers

    Yes.  It makes my blood pressure rise and I also think that they (in general) are waaaay too eager to hand out pills for everything and anything.  I'm not surprised at all that there are so many people addicted to prescription's almost become a way of life.

    My theory....Do you take your car to a mechanic every time you hear a little squeak or do you wait until there is actually something  a little more serious, that you can describe in detail?   :)


    You,re such a delicate soul,"not" lol..KOTF.

    Why ROMOS..are you liking my "car sickness to human sickness" analogy? Is that what makes you surmise that I am rather, shall we say, IN-delicate??? LOL

    I only go twice a year, because I need to renew my prescription. They practicially force you to see a Dr. when you run out of medication, only so you can your prescrition refilled. Otherwise I avoid Doctors like the plaque and never take anything, that I absolutely dont need.


    Yep, know what you mean. I saw the Dr. in September and he said I didn't need to come back for a year. Now I need meds and it's like pulling teeth to get them.



    AMEN!!!!!! I have never gotten any ttpe of help from the Doctors around here....

    I choose as much "natural" as possible too. The doctors are only able to make an educated guess anyway...makes me uncomfortable.

    I go once a year for check up and to renew meds. However I have an abdominal hernia and have put off seeing a surgeon for counsel. I just made that appointment and am afraid of possible surgery.


    Hear ya' :(

    clu - if your hernia is reducible that is it can be pushed in - a truss will keep it in place. Important you get it checked out though as can be very painful when it increases in size - and if surgery is needed better when it is smaller.

    Thanks dopey. mine is getting bigger and my doctor says if my intestines get tangled it would become an emergency. So I'm going to talk to the surgeon. He is a good one -saved my life before

    Yes I avoid her like the plague. Every time it seems I go she is putting me in for tests which I should be grateful for. I have a great doctor that is thorough but I just feel like I am wasting time someone else might need for the same tests.

    No not me i'd be their more often than not ,the only thing holding me back is health insurance or should i say lack of it. Funny thing is i had the greatest of coverage through the teamsters union for over 20 years  when i was young and didn't really need it funny how that works..

    I don't go any more than I can help,I go twice a year to have a blood pressure and colestrial check ,oops spelt it wrong . We don't pay to see the doctor in the UK or for medication once we are 60. Mind you you pay alot of National Insurance if you work or are under 60. so it's not free, just free when you need it most.

    Doctors tend to practise defensively, that is they cover their butts by overprescribing tests and medication in case of claims against them. However most blokes ignore symptoms and hope the problem will go away. I am guilty of this.


    Me too, but when it doesn,t bugger off the doc,s a must!

    Me too...just like those noises in my car...I'm hoping it will "fix itself". lol

    I only go to the doctor for a second opinion and the usual prescriptions.


    Who gives the first opinion?

    You only have one guess

    @Flip...Hey, how did I miss that? LOL!!!

    I go.  I like all of my Dr's and I have to keep check with diabetes and mental health issues......

    sometimes I do,sometimes I don`t . Ihave insurance. My 30yr. old son does not. He has been hurt in a car accident,,every one wants their money. I don`t blame them. He lives with us and it is truely difficult.

    Uggh! I am the poster child for "we know something's wrong- we just don't know what" I call myself a hot potato being tossed from one specialist to another....They'll figure it out when I die.  The coroner will come up with some profoundly simple thing.


    Hmmm..well, I see the funny bone is cracked...being TOO FUNNY, yes that was the problem. :(

    LOL...and what a strange brain- she's missing pieces of it! LOL...Love ya Ducky

    I do avoid not because  I don't like  Dr.'s   cant afford  one,  only if its a emergency

    I can say I used to wait until the last minute to go to the doctor! when my appendix burst I was septic at the ER  Thankfully I'm her , but I still wait until I fear for my life before going to doctor! I should kick my own butt! LOL

    doctors here are terribly expensive. seems like i get charged co payments or payments for everything. they almost make you choose to starve to death or die from illness. i dont go unless i have to which has been my case lately. i dont trust them at all. i dont have any pain, not coughing or spitting up blood, not losing weight, but he insists i have cancer. when im gone and the autopsy shows  the answer, everyone will know but me!


    :( Second opinion possible?

    I tend to avoid the doctor if i possibly can cos i know full well the "cigarette"word will probably pop up!!Though having said that,when ive been signed off before due to stress and depression my smoking hasnt been mentioned!!


    tough habit to break, i just started again after ten years..ohh shot me in the head..

    Men generally don't. I go twice a year, do blood work and feel good after all is well, if all is well.

    We all do this because we are scared


    Glad to see you. Hope all is well (((hugs)))

    I miss you girl.. Please email me or check in here to let me know you are ok.

    I go fairly regularly, to the local doctor that tends to misdiagnose, then after things generally get worse I get a referral to a doctor on the Gold Coast and have things fixed up, going back for the second carpel tunnel and hopefully have it done properly this time, diagnosed here with pneumonia for over 6 months and it turned out to be quite serious NTM disease and so the list goes on, not to mention the expense and loss of work time

    i try to stay away you the old saying if your not sick when you go in you will be when you leave then be right back to get some antibiotics for something you picked up in the waiting room

    While I do not AVOID the doctor, I don't run in every time I don't feel well, which isn't very often anyway.  Regular mammos and paps, blood work at MY request (sometimes I check extra boxes before going to get the blood drawn).
    About 3 years ago, my PCP did not take the time and effort necessary to diagnose a treatable malady. I suffered from it for several more episodes until I had an appt. with the NP. She did diagnostics, I got a med and the problem is gone.   
    I have tingling and numbness in fingers of both hands, neurological issue. Was sent to a neuro surgeon this week. Office manager said to pay $110 BEFORE seeing the doc. I said I would gladly pay AFTER seeing the doc. That doc would rather lose the patient than accept the payment 15 minutes later.
    Not really impressed lately. Have a lead on a REAL doc and hope it pays off.

    How come you started again Daren?Were you stressed out or was it a case of "i need a cigarette NOW!!!! but nothing to trigger it? .Curious....

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