    If you could talk to the teenage you, what advice would you give?

    +4  Views: 873 Answers: 25 Posted: 12 years ago

    25 Answers

    "Grab some guts.  Ignore those fools!  Have no fear... we are out-a here!"


    oh fishy, I think I was way out there as a teenager,

    I knew this was your question the second I saw it. Are you collecting our answers for a psychology course?
    IF I could talk to the teenage me, I would tell myself to be healthy mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.  That would just about cover it.


    Would you listen though?..KOTF.

    It is quite possible, ROMOS. I really had no support at home during those years. Going from a school with 200 kids, grades 1-8, and knowing the same bunch in the classroom during those years, to a school with 800+ and not knowing ANY of those other people was a horrible shock. I lived in the country, too. Actually, only one of my classmates was "popular" and only one of them remained "smart". I would have liked to have remained smart during high school. A little guidance might have helped. As the saying goes, "If I knew then what I know now...."

    Not much...I probably wouldn't listen anyways.

    Talking to a teenager is like talking to someone who knows all there is to know. So, don't talk to a block of wood. Their brains are not fully developed until they are in their twenties.

    Adjust your attitude or get ready for a world of S***.

    That wagging school and going to Bondi beach instead wasn't probably a good idea,but I did have the best tan in high school, not much of an education though


    Heck ... you could have been my friend if you went to concerts ... did stupid A$$ things with Susan et al and drove a seriously large automobile!

    Fishy, I wasn't that financial back then, had to get the train embarrassing! but I did blame my parents for not being rich!!would have loved a car

    Fishy-LOL..we do know one another!

    None.  I would tell me, "You are great just the way you are but if you need help or advice,  I'm here for you". 

    Listen to your parents stupid. They only have your best interest at heart.

    Stay away from trouble,it will follow you forever and ever..."I could have been a contender"


    Hey CR!

    Hey Ducky,how goes it?

    Good! You? Anything yet?

    Go to college, you really need a college degree to get anywhere in this world..

    This too shall pass.

    I would say RUN RUN RUN get away from the family you were born into even if you have to live on the streets.

    I was wild and didn't give a crap about anything! My world got turned upside down and it TICKED me off!  But I'm here now and things are better!

    Nothing is impossible unless you believe it is, don't EVER be a doormat, look for the solution before you accept the problem, do it right the first time...doing it twice sucks, listen to your gut feeling, your beautiful and capable,start your bucket list and be sure to have one item a year checked off, make sure you tell your family and friends that you really love them, if you think you might regret something...try another way,always look for a job doing something that you like because you will always succeed that way, love yourself, and last of all....don't be afraid of difficult times...these are the times that will show you what your capable of.

    Misread the question the first time around. Thought it asked what advice I would give a teen....not a teen me. 

    I would give the teen me the same advice I gave myself when I was a teen..."You will survive this. A few more years and you can leave this abusive environment and be free. Stay strong and survive."

    Shut up & listen. LISTEN!!! 

    don't press THAT button!

    Don't marry him...........

    Look after the girl you are taking out she is the best looking sexiest most intelligent one that you will ever have also go to college and take a degree in something the girl is irreplaceable and the degree will stop you having to kill yourself for a living for the rest of your life.

    In ten or twenty years you will realize that your parents were right, so why not just listen to them now. ?.

    dont seriously date  anybody keep your gpa up you dont need to take ap everything and make c's because colleges only care about your gpa and act or sat scores

    don't drive too close to other cars, so you  have room to stop in case they slow down or stop suddenly.  only hang around good people. do not do anything that will end you up in jail. have a good goal and keep going.

    High School is not life.. it is a moment in your life.

    Probably what I tell my niece- Have some Fun!!! Don't drink and drive- I will travel anywhere to pick you up.  Most of High school is hard..and it's ok to have all of your feelings.  You will struggle to remember your GPA or the scores on your SAT's in 15 or 20 years.  You are Smart, Beautiful inside and out, and really funny!

    From what I can recall it was the best of times - thank you God for those days and many to follow only now not so good. Advice probably didn't listen. Listening is an art it comes later. Life is so different and difficult for teenagers these days.

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