    what do you think about police presence on the roads

    do you think a higher visible presence would be beneficial, or  is concealing themselves behind trees etc acceptable

    +6  Views: 1035 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    People who want to do bad, IE,    driving, will do so, when they think no police are around. To make sure people drive safe, it is good to have Police in hiding, because a driver wont know, when some police is watching, from behind tree. Drive with care, then you do not have to worry, if a Police man is behind a tree, or even up a tree.!


    don't you think a visible presence is a powerful deterrent?

    Visible presence is a powerful deterrent... Don't police have quotas in your neck of the woods Lambie? In Canada the police are expected to write a certain amount of tickets per precinct.

    Iambshank, I do agree with you in way, But when people are been watched, they will behave, but like naughty children, when they think no one is looking, they can get out of hand. When some drivers, think they are away from eyes of law, think the road is theirs,and dont keep to road limits, hence so many road accidents.

    yes they have "quotas" they are not meant to have, If we were to believe the police they are meant to be cutting the road fatalities, which I think may be more effective if they made their presence known, not just felt by way of fines

    lambshank, I was not thinking of road fines, more, that drivers respect speed limits.Its so easy for drivers to give a signal, to an on coming driver, to slow down, police check point ahead. I have seen it happen many times.

    I know the one and only time I was speeding I was caught... Now I drive like a little old lady.  It makes my eldest daughter crazy.  I drive a Mustang and so she thinks I am ridiculous.

    If the police didn't conceal themselves then they wouldn't be able to give out as many tickets... quotas would not be met and their wages couldn't be paid.

    Traffic violations actually keep our taxes lower!


    I pay 40 cents in the dollar tax, I think there are a lot of other ways to lower our taxes,do you really keep under the speed limit in your mustang? isn't it just a teeny weeny bit tempting to flatten your foot sometimes?

    We pay 40 cents on the dollar as well ... driving the speed limit is my form of protest! Our property taxes are going up again this year. Ridiculous.
    I resist the urge by driving around corners faster than I should! That little car handles very fine! My thinking is they can't clock you on a tight curve. :D

    Fish,I do the same, but I know the visibility of a police car sure gets me to take a look at the speed I'm traveling,I think perhaps a higher profile by the police may stop the horrific carnage we have here on the roads.

    We had three horrific incidents that happened about 18 months ago... back to back to back... They seem to have made an impact.
    I may joke but actually where I grew up we take a course on defensive driving... this course has stayed with me and I do drive like a turtle with a bit of zip.

    I never speed! I drive like an old Granny, which I am! LOL

    I always watch the speed limits, so it does not affect me at all. I live in a small town and everyone knows where the police is hiding, except the tourists. Many get caught speeding.However on Motorcycle week, the Police is very visible and are out in great numbers. It does not matter to me, wether they are hiding or beeing visible, I am always aware of the speed limit and dont push my luck.

    I drive a lot of miles and always over the speed limit, but just under the point where they start writing tickets.  I don't slow down just because I come upon a cop and have never gotten a ticket on the open road (only in small rural towns). I appreciate the police being there whether they are hiding or out in the open, and firmly believe they only write speeding tickets to those that run at excessive speeds.


    no way here is there anything that is just over the limit, we still get fined here even though we live in the middle of no where, maybe easy pickings

    I like seeing cops on the roads though I let my foot up off the accelerator when I see them (back when I drove).....

    Many times i ask myself where are the police when you see drivers doing illegal u-turns, not indicating, speeding.I say more police on the roads the better.As for hiding, if that's what it takes to catch the wrong doers "so be it".


    for dangerous driving absolutely, but maybe this wouldn't happen if they were seen on the roads

    Cops are a money machine. In Jersey every five blocks there's a roadside check for credential, inspection stickers, etc; This in my opinion is harassment. Car crime (overdue inspection) is the least of our problems. They should park there ass in a crack infested neighborhood to deter crime.


    I agree Ed, there are never police here to deter crime in the area, I suspect their busy hiding somewhere,cars are stolen and business premises are constantly broken into here,never a policeman to be found,some of these crimes happen in broad daylight, the response time is ridiculous

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