    Lyrical Lunacy!

    I have a horrible time understanding the lyrics to Top 40 songs. After seeing itsmee's comment about "Doot of Earl", I got to wondering...what's the weirdest lyric misunderstanding YOU'VE ever made?   Mine would be from the song "Blinded by the night."  I always hear, "Dressed up like a doucher and a roamer in the light".  Does anyone know what the words REALLY are?  What's your craziest misinterpretation???

    +6  Views: 1023 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    You are funny! I'm sitting here laughing so hard, I have tears coming down my cheeks!

    Pathetic, I know. That's just the tip of the iceberg. :D

    13 Answers

    I wanna love you but your hips are a little bit Mums version of Alice Coopers, Poison, totally cracked me

    Eeeeeeven mumma mauuma nanana nanana like concrete..... Again

    Eeeeeooo aaah mamma namanama know he reads.

    Evenflow na na la looks like paradise... even now so he says.....

    He's taking me away...

    Evenflow by Pearl Jam

    I'm your Venus, I'm your fire at your desire. I thought "Venus" was Pen*s!


    Don't you love the "moves" when you look back?
    It DOES sound know. LOL

    I'm sure I've had some misundertandings of lyrics, but at the moment they're not coming to mind.


    Blood Sweat and Tears, on the album/record question!

    I just hum, so the words don't matter.


    Pretty safe, you chicken!

    I've got eyes in my backside see electric tomatoes orange credit card holders there are children in washrooms holding hands with a queen and you can .    The rest being garbled. David Bowie.


    WTH is that?

    Ha ha!

    Where can I buy that one? LOL

    Was this from one of those LSD adventures from the seventies?

    Let's swim to the moon, uh huh
    Let's climb through the tide
    Penetrate the evenin' that the
    City sleeps to hide
    Let's swim out tonight, love
    It's our turn to try
    Parked beside the ocean
    On our moonlight drive... Jim Morrision ..and The Doors

    Wrapped up like a duece, another runner in the night.


    THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. (I could never imagine why someone would wrap up like a douche).

    To both of you...LOL!!!!!!!!!

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    Sensational Alex Harvey Band Lyrics

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    Naked as sin an army towel, covering my belly Some of us weep, some of us howl Knees turn to jelly But Next! Next! I was just a child A hundred like me I followed a naked body a naked body followed me Next! Next! I was just a child when my innocence was lost in a mobile army whorehouse a gift of the army, free of cost Next! Next! Next! Me, I really would have liked a little bit of tenderness Maybe a word, maybe a smile, maybe some happiness But Next! Next! Oh it was not so tragic and heaven did not fall But how much at that time I hated being there at all Next! Next! I still recall the brothel trucks, the flying flags The queer lieutenant slapped our arses thinking we were fags Next! Next! Next!
    I swear on the wet head of my first case of gonorrhea It is his ugly voice that I forever fear Next! Next! A voice that stinks of whiskey of corpses and of mud The voice of nations the thick voice of blood Next! Next! Since then each woman I have taken into bed they seem to lie in my arms and they whisper in my head Next! Next!
    All the naked and the dead could hold each other's hands as they watch me dream at night in a dream that nobody understands and though I am not dreaming in a voice grown dry and hollow I stand on endless naked lines of the following and the followed Next! Next!
    One day I'll cut my legs off I'll burn myself alive I'll do anything to get out of life to survive not ever to be next Next! Next! not ever to be next, not ever...................

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    I take it you liked SAHB? One of my favourite bands,he was a great loss to Scottish rock.

    It's Blinded by the light , a Bruce Springsteen composition sung by Manfred Mann clean your ears out or listen to Barbara, Barbara .



    typo. ears are clean, still don't understand. so sorry to annoy you.

    You've put blinded by the NIGHT and you look like Barbra Stri

    I fixed the typo. My NOSE looks like Barbra; I'll grow into it eventually. :0

    Hi Bob!

                   Thanks for the answer, I don't know why I couldn't think of Blood, Sweat, and Tears...maybe one too many doobies from the day! Those were the good old days when life was a lot less complicated...some good memories too!


    DOOTS. Too many DOOTS.

    My housemate sings the songs all of the time and I can't help but wonder how he does it, I can never understand a word unless it's Neal Diamond......


    There are a couple of crooners I understand; it's when the guitar and drums overpower the voices, or the singer is screaming....

    rarely understand the lyrics of any English vocal songs...


    Me, neither, and it is my native tongue.

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