    how ar you

    +3  Views: 774 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    daren and you are?

    I'm the same as the last time this was asked except I'm full from breakfast...........

    Bored with this question that is asked almost everyday....and you?

    I feel like  a bad word. Sorry.


    :( ... tomorrow is a new day.

    thank-you fish fry

    I am looking forward to the day when you say, "I feel great!". I am sure we all are. xo Fishy

    I need to recall if I ever felt like a bad word..why, yes indeedy I have. Hope you feel like a great word soon!

    I feel like a happy word today. Wonderful.

    Great thanks and you?


    You're sooooooooooooo patient! :)

    The composition of a question usually involves a subject that interests you, that you may be unsure about. Our curious quests into matters of our own ignorance inspires others to consider their experience on the same subject and write about how they may have advanced in their understanding of the subject. Some folk enjoy writing about what they know at another’s prompt and some seem to be simply overflowing with question after question that may deny a simple explanation. A question may seem to be an admission of ignorance, but an admission of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom. Many ask questions to inspire commentary also. Knowing enough to ask a question that inspires others to respond is not so difficult if you consider the fact that the few words we write here gives others a subject for their musings. Our exchange of ideas, questions and answers brings the warmth of personal relationships and new ideas. 


    Oh do stop repeating yourself!!!

    Let's have a contest to see who can write the longest and most complicated answer to the shortest and most simple-minded question!

    I've not seen this response from you before, robertgrist. What prompted you to hit on this innocent and non-offensive query over the other 63 that are posted on a daily basis?
    Where is Umbriel when you don't need him, either???

    Bob, We get lots of little questions, many are not questions just one word and nothing else. I don’t know if the writer is typing with a stick in their mouth or if they don’t know how to compose a question for others to respond. It could be they are typing in another language and whatever got through their translator got belched onto the question line that they did not understand…but whatever…questions deserve a little respect as a form of communications and answers too of course. I’m just trying to prompt literate questions. Love you Bob.

    Got home from work at midnight, tired

    The composition of a question usually involves a subject that interests you, that you may be unsure about. Our curious quests into matters of our own ignorance inspires others to consider their experience on the same subject and write about how they may have advanced in their understanding of the subject. Some folk enjoy writing about what they know at another’s prompt and some seem to be simply overflowing with question after question that may deny a simple explanation. A question may seem to be an admission of ignorance, but an admission of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom. Many ask questions to inspire commentary also. Knowing enough to ask a question that inspires others to respond is not so difficult if you consider the fact that the few words we write here gives others a subject for their musings. Our exchange of ideas, questions and answers brings the warmth of personal relationships and new ideas. 

    I am fine, rajinder. How are you? Are you proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English? I ask this after reading your answer to the question, "welsh word for star".   "how ar you" is not a reasonable answer for that question.

    Today sad, hopefully the day will get better and you?

    Better than nothing.   But not by much.

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