    Favorite breed of dog?

    (I'm going to answer this one, too.)

    +8  Views: 1211 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago

    I think any dog you were lucky to have through out your child hood till now have all been favorites.

    bulletman - I like your answer, you are so right especially as it concerns the bond between the person/s and the dog.

    Thanks everyone! It is really nice to share the stories about your best friends!

    23 Answers

    In my opinion it would have to be a collie , maybe cause as a kid i have a lot of fond memories of our dog 'laddie', coolest dog i've ever known , extremly faithful as well as smart..


    Beautiful dogs. We never missed an episode of "Lassie". You're so right about faithful and smart. Thanks for sharing, daren1. (Now get back to the ironing)

    I have got to say I don,t think I have a favourite breed, of all the dogs I,ve had in my life I loved them just as much , pedigree or mongrel, they were treated all the same, still miss them all though...KOTF.


    Bet the subjects miss them, too! No dog now, ROMOS? How come?

    Sadly my last two members of the family died in 2009(mother and daughter)they saved me from hitting bottom and it,s a great loss in my life,but life moves on,just can,t bring myself to replace them, maybe someday.

    I'm a firm believer that no one is "replaced". each one who comes into your life makes a place of his/her own. When I was married, our dog was hit by a car. We thought, NO MORE. (The loss is always great). That lasted about 3 days.

    I can't remember being without a dog to love except for some time in college away from home. We had Airedale, lab, border collie, shepherd, poodle, terrier, chow, and Heinz 57. Only a couple of purebred, register-able dogs.  Since my adult years, I've had what I call "reject dogs"; ones that are dumped by people who should be caged and euthanized.  My sons love their dogs and my ex-husband's wife has a chihuahua (haha, he doesn't like little dogs). 
    Currently I am taking care of my son's American Bulldog, Dieszal.  He's a handful, but what a sweetheart.  My youngest son has our American bulldog, border collie, and retriever/shepherd mix at my mom's.  Ernie, my dachshund, and Penelope (doxie/terrier) were "my" dogs and I loved them dearly.  I love them all dearly.  

    I like the German Shepherd among others:



    How can you NOT love that face! They are the most versatile dogs! What CAN'T they do!
    Headless Man

    They can't brush themselves
    Ever seen a blow out, when I clean my vacuum out its 80% dog hair.

    A pet is worth the extra effort. My dog leaves white hair everywhere. My cat donates hairballs, and that is gross. Love them anyway, we do.

    I miss my man so baddly!!!!! He passed away in Dec of 2010... It is so hard not to get another german Shepard. BUt we have 2 9mo old poms and a 13 yr old jack russle

    You know how I love this girlie.

    The best dog I ever had was a Kelpie, very clever,loyal and obedient. He came to me as an adult and had been abused, he responded almost immediately to being treated in a kind way and in return guarded me with his life, he wouldn't let anyone near me or the house, unfortunately this included my mother and husband (then again, not always a bad thing) the only thing he did I didn't appreciate was rolling in dead pelicans, he'd come home very pleased with himself but didn't appreciate the bath that followed.


    Abused dogs can make the most loyal of friends. My aunt rescued a chihuahua who became the child she never had. Chichi was a perfect companion for her husband and her for many years.
    The SMELL from rolling in dead ANYTHING is overwhelming; pelicans had to be particularly nauseating! :D

    I think the irish setter is beautiful.


    You're right. That silky red fur (hair?) and that face!

    PLEASED to here the irish called by it's correct name, i had 2 irish in the 70's which i showed, always went well , don't ever let anyone tell you they are stupid dogs as they are very intellegent, incredible sight.

    Australian Shepherd.  Never was really big into dogs, though I did have a Beagle and a Toy Poodle as a child and teen. I  have always loved my cats.. But about 11 yrs ago I gave in and said yes to getting a dog for my 10 yr old daughter, an only child. I'd heard exceptional things about Australian Shepherds from a few people when inquiring about dog breeds people had owned. I saw an ad for Aussie pups at a farm in another county. Drove to the farm and let her pick one of the last three puppies.  Long story short, he is the most fantastic dog I could have ever prayed to have. Never barks unless he hears a sound in the woods or an unfamiliar car approaching. Have never, ever had to tie him up or pen or fence him in as he never leaves our 3/4 acre property. Usually stays on the back deck or in the immediate yard. And intelligent,  OMG!! He freaks me out sometimes how smart and clever he is.  And his health has always been excellent. 11 1/2 yrs old and no health  issues whatsoever except, now, joint stiffness. He still runs like a young dog while in play. I give him glucosomine/chrondroitin daily to help his joints and it does help.  Highly recommend this breed of dog.


    What a testimony to your Australian Shepherd. You really have an amazing dog to be so dedicated to his home and family. I hope you all enjoy many more happy years with him. Your daughter is fortunate to have had the company of the same dog through those teenage years! Thank you for a great story, michmar118.

    Thank you Bob! :-D

    Flat Coated Retriever.

    They are beautiful, intellegent, loyal, fun to have in your life.... and on top of everything else... that dog has a sense of humor.

    Gotta Love the Dog!


    SO, I looked up the flat coated retriever, and everything points to an all-around dog anyone would be blessed to have! Do you?

    I had a beautiful Flat Coat. My soul dog. I loved him.

    He,d need a sense of humour living with,

    wool DOG


    Just looked them up. Wikipedia states they are extinct? Bred in Washington. The photos I saw look relatively recent. Salish wool dog?

    Bob/PKB heee that is so funny Iam so sorry its a brittish sheep dog /collie I always call them wool dogs as I met a man who was death and I was walking a collie and called it a wooldog ...which really makes sence when you think about it! they chase sheep dont they! sorry love meloxoxoxox

    I saw a cat go crazy when it was near a man who was death!

    figtree 3 and Bob/PKB sorry for my spelling DEAF is was I meant to put oh well it made me laugh and in my books thats good! oxoxox

    LOL. No worries from me! I learned something new and got to enjoy your response. How can that be anything but good! (Yes, big difference between death and deaf! :D )

    Not my absolute favorite, but she is what i have now, Sabrina""


    Sabrina, Miniture Long Haired Dachshund, not afraid of anything, has the heart of a Shephard.

    I love Sabrina what a fab colour she is and those eyes look right into your soul xoxox

    She is MY absolute favorite. Sabrina is a sweet girl.

    My favorite, no doubt. See the wisdom in her eyes. That girl is your friend, no if, and, or but. She is beautiful and I'll be she makes you laugh.

    What a sweet dog. :)

    Just like her master.

    OMGOODNESS.....She is absolutely beautiful! What a gentle soul.

    How adorable is she oooooh! Her eyes, all of her and her name so apt.

    Ohhh Golden Retriever like my old Annie.


    My friend had Tara (names after GWTW) for years; now her son has "Chance". They both have a sweetness I've not noticed in most other breeds.

    I didn’t like our dog when we first got Annie. She licked, she stunk, she drooled. One night I sat on my couch all sad over some life event. Annie sat there beside me and I started to push her down BUT she looked way deep into my eyes. She understood my sadness. From then on, I loved Annie. She was sweet. She no longer stunk. <sob>

    Shitsu- they're adorable.

    Sheepdog- they are rock n roll !

    Laborador- they're your best buddy.



    Your assessments are right on. Never been around a sheepdog, though I've seen them in movies. The labs definitely ARE your bestest buds.

    I have two Shi Tsu/Bichon crosses. They are the cutest little barking pillows in the world.



    Do you have one, abby grant? I've never seen one, so will be looking for a picture right now. Thanks for your answer! I'm looking forward to getting to know you better here. Happy 2012.
    You are right. They are adorable!

    They are wonderful dogs.

    Bob- a great question!  Doo likes all dogs! But when she is honored to choose one she goes to an animal shelter and finds the dog that really needs a loving home.  There are so many great dogs at your local humane society or ASPCA and through breed rescue sites that I encourage everyone to consider these places when you are ready to be owned by a dog!


    Absolutely. It has dismayed me to have taken a few dogs to the Fresno chapter because they do not keep the animals very long. As I said in my answer, we've had "reject" dogs for years. We found Ashley (border collie) running through the orchard as a puppy, maybe 8 wks old. She's now 13 and traveled around the US with my son summer, 2010. Darryl was at the school one summer day when I opened the door for recess. He was about 1/2 grown and covered with ticks. He's 10 and my son blends his dry food, then adds water to make it like oatmeal because Darryl's teeth break so easily. Sophie (now deceased) came from the local pound. Patch and two brothers were on a ditchbank one foggy 12/23 eve. Copper we got from a lost and found ad. I agree, there are so many animals who need our love. Thank you Doo. You are one of a kind.

    Never had much luck with dogs, two were shot and killed by the police, one was insane and gave it to a local scrapyard, one killed by a car. I have better luck with cats and goldfish.


    You tried. WT? with the police shooting and killing them?
    ed shank

    One was put down at the seen of an accident after a head on, he broke his nose and severed his tongue, I asked the cop to put him down. The other attacked a cop before I could tie him up and he pulled his gun and shot him. He did much damage to the cop in only a few seconds.

    Irish Setters ARE gorgeous!! But that is all I know of them...........

    What a mess. Very sad story about the first dog and you leave much to the imagination on the second.

    The Great Dane. The comic strip Marmaduke has to be written by a great dane owner because his antics are very realistic.


    Funny how our dogs become human-like in their actions. With Dieszal, his eyes almost talk to me. He gives me hugs, and consoles me. If they could talk.....

    As ive got one, ive got to say GSD.Similar to Randys but more black on him.Pretty smart dog he is too but for intelligence alone,you cannot beat a border collie


    Thanks leosmami, you know your smart dogs! You can probably think of many who don't come close to the smart of those dogs!
    Headless Man

    I had a border collie one time and she was wise......

    great dane


    Friends of mine had miniature GD. They were good watch dogs, but very friendly, too.

    They are lovely - cannot take too much exercise though.

    Our dog.


    Everyone who has a dog has that breed! It must the most popular in the world! Thank you for a great answer, CHAIN.

    Golden Retriever


    Again, a beautiful dog, with a sweet disposition.

    Yeah - such a lovely dog.

    It is hard to say... I have had some amazing fur babies... I miss the ones that are gone and and adore the ones I have.... So....

    1st dog Cocker Spaniel..... Always by my side (passed)

    2nd dog Jack Russle.... Smart smart smart.... Loyal.... and well mannered (living)

    3rd dog German Shepard.... AMAZING!!!! Loyal... well behaved... protective... loving (passed)

    4th dog Pomeranian... Cute ...cuddly... affectionate... sweet (passed)

    5th and 6th dogs Pomeranians.... Hilarious... playful... loving... cuddle bugs (living)


    You picked some great dogs for yourself and your family, Jenn. Three dogs is a handful! Voice of experience here. Kids who grow up with pets are so fortunate.

    MEN...lmao...just kidding...I love the British Bull Terrior.


    lol...hahaha...your funny.

    The BBT is more trustworthy, loyal, and dependable.

    Not English bulls!!!!It was one of those got hold of my GSD when he was younger.Hed always been good with other dogs before then.But a couple of days after the attack a Staffy bull ran up wanting to play.My dog didnt mess about,he had that dog on his back and his teeth round his throat in seconds.No harm done as i hauled him off.My own dog was very unpredictable with others for a long time after that(understandably!!)Im not a big fan of English bulls now....


    There is a bit of difference between the Eng and the Amer BD. My son's is a sweetheart, but not with other dogs. I've never seen him in a fight, but my son says he doesn't get along with other Amer Bulls.

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