    Which do you think is worst, emotional scars left on someone's heart & soul which others do not see or physical scars, while both are bad and never should be just wondering do you ever stop & think some have scars & hurts that one never sees?

    +6  Views: 832 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    Darci brilliant question well done! xxx

    9 Answers



    I hear you. :(

    cb, you are strong and courageous; you have come through the fire and will rise high above the ashes. I'm glad you didn't murder him... he isn't worth it.
    country bumpkin

    thanks ladies.

    Many people have emotional scars which can't be seen.  But, in addition, most people have difficulties that they live with everyday of their lives, which also can't be seen.  While some people feel free to discuss problems with anyone who will listen, others go about their lives and do the best they can to enjoy it.  Sometimes it is believed  that the "non-whiners" have perfect lives.  I say...NEVER ASSUME.  We don't know what it's like to live in anyone else's shoes, do we?

    (And I know, that I sometimes forget that, even though I believe it!)


    No Ducky indeed we do not my thoughts are "There go I but for the grace of God". We have not walked a mile in the other persons shoes therefore we do not always see or hear or know versus what is the real picture.

    Totally agree!

    me too.

    Emotioal scars are Are really bad.I have both outside and inside scars.I found taking to people who have gone through some of the things i'v been through really helps.Some times it helps if u write it down on paper.Just for your eyes or u can share them if u feel comfortable with it.Good luck and God Bless!!!!!!! 


    rainny I too am sorry for any pain, scars or that sort that you, me or anyone else has had to and still going through. But sad to say I have found that people do not care to hear about nor just listen so that one may just get them off their mind and create perhaps some healing......

    I hope no one thinks that I was implying that you shouldn't talk to ANYONE...I just meant not EVERYONE.

    My only concern in talking with people who share similar hurts is that you can end up justifying stuff and having a big pity party. Sympathy and empathy are great, in moderation. I appreciate more one who helps me see the big picture and how to move on. Well, I would appreciate someone who could guide me through me scar forest; at least a rough map???

    @Bob :)

    My personal theory is the emotional scars are more detrimental to a person's happiness and ability to function in society, life, relationships, etc. than the occasional physical scar.  Many, many times I have commented that just because one doesn't see a band-aid, cast, or scar doesn't mean a person hasn't suffered tremendous, permanent emotional, psychological scarring. I am  CONSTANTLY aware of the emotional scars that have incapacitated and inhibited me. How I would like to put those hurts in a box with an anchor chained around it and drop it into the deepest part of the ocean.
    I don't blame the people who said or did those scarring things, the no-good, inconsiderate morons;  (:-0) it's my problem for taking them to heart and holding onto them, some for over 50 years.    


    Living in the past will always bring you (us) down and keep you "stuck".

    I think emotional scars are far worse than scars by accidents ect I think everyone in thier entire life has a emotional scar at one time its the way we dael with it I have had a few and they have been really bad and one day I will tell you but not yet as you know too much going on...I tend not to think about them as I call them history but now and again they creep back but one must dust those things off and start again very deep qestion but good (keep losing my U on this board)

    physical scars over time heal and fade but emotional ones are hard to erase unless you FORGIVE and now the baggage is lighter. Prayer helpes in dealing with these scars.


    Absolutely. Helps more than anything else.

    Both type of scars can last forever.  We do have the power to change our emotional scars.  You and only you have the power to change and move forward.

    Life is a journey.  No one said it was easy.  It is yours to experience and enjoy. 

    It is your right to enjoy your life.

    You may as well.  You have nothing to loose except bad stuff.

    We are who we are because of bad baggage. Imagine never having anything bad happen to us in our lifetime. Living in the garden of Eden. We would all be the same, everyone's personality identical to the next. Sounds boring. Being told you'll never amount to anything is painful, but it can drive you to prove them wrong. That drive can propel you to success and even greatness in some instances. Regardless of all the negative garbage thrown at me in my younger years I've always replied "I can do anything that I put my mind too, bar nothing". I have proved them all wrong.


    Good for you Ed.

    "You'll never amount to anything" seems to have been a common expression of angry parents, some decades ago. I heard many parents, including my own, say that to their kids. I just use it now, as an excuse for being "warped". Hey, it's not MY fault! LOL
    ed shank

    Isn't it the truth.

    A father was trying to teach his son the power of a sharp tongue. He told him everytime you hurt someone by putting them down, you go put a nail in a fence post. After a few months the father showed his son the fence post with all the nails in it.  He then instructed his son to remove all the nails. The post was full of scars from the nails.  Now you can not remove the scars no matter what you do.  After he had done this the father said, son you may be able to say you are sorry to someone but the scars will still be there.........So now watch your tongue in the first place and think before you speak.


    yes think before you speak because once spoken, you can't retract - the damage is done and a scar created! God gave us two ears two eyes and one tongue to be used sparingly.

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