    Michele Bachmann drops out of presidential race

    Michele Bachmann will “suspend her campaign” a senior campaign officials tells ABC News, just hours after placing last in the Iowa caucuses and vowing to continue in South Carolina. 

    Rep. Michele Bachmann will "suspend her campaign" a senior campaign officials tells ABC News, just hours after placing last in the Iowa caucuses and vowing to continue in South Carolina.

    Bachmann finished sixth in Tuesday's Iowa caucus.

    Iowa  has played a visible and vital role in Bachmann's campaign since its inception.

    It became the backdrop of her presidential bid when in June she announced her candidacy in her hometown of Waterloo.

    It became the springboard for her stint, albeit short-lived, as the GOP frontrunner after she secured the top spot at the Ames Straw Poll in August.

    And today it became the insurmountable hurdle that ended her run for the White House after she finished dead last among the GOP candidates competing in the Iowa caucus.

    Bachmann, a three-term congresswoman from Minnesota, emerged on the national political scene riding the wave of Tea Party activism. As the founder of the Tea Party Caucus in Congress, Bachmann's socially conservative, family-oriented approach initially captured the support of the staunch conservatives and evangelical Christians.

    Bachmann has five children of her own and has taken in 23 foster children.

    She supports a constitutional amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman and opposes abortion under any circumstances. She came under fire in June after a gay patient treated at the Christian counseling center Bachmann and her husband own told ABC News that the clinic tried to "pray the gay away" using so-called reparative therapy.

    She also took some heat after implying that the , which rival candidate Rick Perrymandated as Texas governor, could cause mental retardation in young girls, a claim the American Academy of Pediatrics said was had "absolutely no scientific validity."

    When it comes to the economy, which the majority of voters say is their No. 1 issue this cycle, Bachmann touts her experience as a "federal tax litigation attorney" aka tax evasion prosecutor for the IRS.

    Her tax code tag line is often that every American should pay at least some income taxes, rather than just 47 percent who currently pay them. Bachmann says that broadening the tax base will pay for tax breaks for high-income earners.

    Bachmann's 11-point jobs and tax proposal, the "American Jobs, Right Now" blueprint, also calls for ending taxes on repatriated profits and expanding domestic energy production.

    The Minnesota congresswoman claimed that Perry's flat tax plan, which he announced in October, is an "imitation" of her plan.

    "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; thank you Governor Perry for using my ideas for your tax plan," Bachmann posted on her Facebook wall shortly after Perry announced his plan.

    After a similarly poor showing at the Iowa caucus Tuesday, Perry said he will take a few days off to "determine if there is a path forward for myself in this race."

    +3  Views: 537 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    I think she is too religious for the office (yes there is such a thing). Good that she believes in God but there is separation of church and state and I think she would have brought too much of her religion into her planned agenda for the US "reform". USA supports all religions and we would no longer be the USA if we were to be led by one secular religion. 

    ed shank

    Jimmy Carter a true bible thumper. Where did it get him? Nowhere. You need morals to if you want to run an honest government (oxymoron). Injecting religion into a campaign will alienate a large group of people. Political suicide.

    You're exactly right Ed. Honestly, I never really looked at her once I knew she campaigned in churches. My mother and brother felt the same way. I'm sure it extended well beyond us 3.

    I hate it for her supporters. But really didnt think that she could handle the job.  I really wish that is a canidate dropped out they would stop collecting moneys for their compain.

    I heard some of her comments and thought, "Uh Oh", that won't get her elected....

    I really wanted to see a woman become president of the US.  But I do not think Michelle Bachman was the right candidate anyway. I dont think it was because of her religious beliefs either. Her attacks on the other canditates was a total turnoff.


    I'm not saying it was her religious beliefs that killed her run, that is just my opinion and why I would never have voted for her. She was just too "religiousy" for me. She was campaigning in churches for Pete's sake. Now is not the time for a female president. The USA is still behind most of the world when it comes to that. It still does not recognize equality where it should be. Too many still believe the "little lady" does not belong in politics or the head of anything.

    I agree with you that the US. is way behind most other countries when it comes to electing a female as president. That was clear in 2008, when Hillary Clinton lost to Obama. Bachman however would not make a good president, just because she is a woman . Her views and beliefs would be detrimental for the US.

    Hillary didn't lose to Obama, she would have beaten him. She sold out. That was the highly secret meeting she had with the GOP the night before she dropped out of the race.
    ed shank

    Condoleesa Rice had her stuff together. Now that woman would have made a good President.

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