    how do i save a relationship i know is heading for the rock?

    i have been going out with this guy for the past 3 years and i have dupe countless number of people just to raise money for him for his music but now he is famous and very rich but he refuse to remember  the hands who fee him but i still love him


    +2  Views: 574 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Duping people ? What goes round,comes round.Looks like you've been duped.


    WHOA. Right on target.

    Hm...duping people? Some very strong wording. It would be hard to find trust for someone who took part or were part of duping people.

    First of all, it would require some honest communication in order to see where you both stand, and why you are standing where you are. Generally speaking, from that point it would be more a matter of correcting things that had brought you to the point of feeling you were headed toward the rocks.

    Many factors will affect such as alcoholism, drug abuse, mental health, will affect such efforts. But, most importantly, both sides need to be honest and sincere in their efforts. Many people will need to self-reflect upon what they are doing, and why they are doing what they are, and how it affects their partner's feelings. It is no place for self-denial, and it is no place to seek assigning blame, as that will often mask underlying problems rather than resolve them. Many people are incapable of implementing the level of honesty that is needed, due to deeply ingrained fears or insecurities, and the behavior in question gradually re-appears over time. That usually occurs due to a deep-seated denial of the behavior, or causes. Best of luck!

    He has used you and you have used others, shame he's had enough, you sound as though you deserve each other


    Sweetie, step back and take a good look in the mirror.  Think about what you have done during the past three years this man has dated you.  You've lied, cheated, and basically stolen from people, probably many of them your family and friends.
    I wouldn't trust you with a 10-foot pole, as the saying goes.  Why should he? 

    Heade for the rock?  That either means or tell him Al Capone died of syphlis trying to escape.

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