    What percentage of your political preference do you think was strongly influenced by your parents? Also is your political afflilation the same as your parents now?

    +6  Views: 519 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    My parents are diehard old democrats. The old days when people worked for a living. Not like the lazy SOB's these days wanting free money and something for nothing. They still voted for obama after i showed them the kind of free loading , no good pieces of crap that voted for him. They just cant understand the type of people and their values of the new democrat party. Me, im conservative and work hard and save my resources.


    Tks Zorro,

    Please see my comment to Jaack Large. I'm trying to figure out how it happened. If I were a democrat I would ask myself since Obama is the president who represents the democratic party then what is the democratic party. If I were republican I would ask the same question prior to voting for Ron Paul. How extreme so we want America to be. My biggest fear is that he gets in again with all his smoke and mirror tactics. More so than Iran getting the bomb. The only thing he is good at is dividing the country, blaming others and whinning. On I forgot ruining this country. Four more years should just about do it. It will be a refrorendum on our citizenry. Look at how our civil unrest is promoted by this man. Go to you tube, pull up Micheal Obama saying all this for a damn flag at th recent 911 ceremony and him nodding his head yes. Look at how he just throws a flower at a grave of a hero. Hey zorro that's your flag and my flag they are abusing and we allow these America hateing people to live in the white house. I think you will agree with me that this is ABSOLUTELY APPAULING my cyber friend!!

    There are alot of people with low morals and low conscious than people with high morals and high conscious. Those low lifes will vote for obama again. Conservative is truly a learned pattern of behavior. When you dont grow up in a conservative environment and learn to screw the system people will not know how to support themselves and take responsibility for themselves and actions they create. Everybody is born a democrat, only the gifted and talented overcome it.

    I def. think my parents and everyone we lived around had an influence. However, I am an Independent, my parents are not.

    No in fact I vote the opisit to them

    As a Scot my family were always staunch Labour supporters, not that all Scots were Labour of course but mine were, I on the other hand went waaaay left of that when I was young, Karl Marx did it for me,got me into big trouble then,now I,m a little more moderate in my politics,still get it out there sometimes though........KOTF.

     I was a Democrat from a Union Member household, until Reagan came along, then I became a Reagan Democrat when I finally got smart.

    I eventually turned Republican after i discovered that every tax you can name was started by the Democrats, the so called party of the working man.




    I was strong union. Just about always had a union job. I think the unions did a good job until they started protecting jobs and incentatives for employees that companies should have been able to fire. I lived in Texas a right to work state. I was fired because I wouldn't cross picket line but it was a just cause.

    I've always leaned right. Sort of a contridition on Union strength. Union strength should respect hard times. It's like they haved evolved into resenting Co. profit. I am a right leaning independent that believes that America is trying to lose what we are about and was founded on. I believe in sovernity, protecting our borders, knowing who"s here, know who's voteing, a strong defense, ballanced budget, energy independence, absolutely having a budget which we haven't had for three years, GET RID OF PORK, cutting back on entittlement as much as we can, have a Sec of justice who enforces the laws instead of picking and choosing what laws to ignore, get rid of so many regulations I don't know where to start. Let the free market define where this economy is going instead of the Govt. No telling what elese I didn't remember.

    America has been taken in a direction that I have no reference to compare. I'm not sure I know what party I would say America is guided by. There is no proper reference. It continues to fly by the seat of its pants. Just think getting A majority of congressman and senators to sign off on a mega trillion $$$ bill without reading it? Over 2000 pages of Govt. legal jargon to interput for the ages to come. What type of person would do that???!!! How did we as a nation get where we have such opposing views? The middle has been lost!!! Tks Jack and everyone else!!!

    It was influenced pretty strongly early on in life,  but it felt naturally right to me on many different levels.  Now, my own beliefs and life experience, many tears later, keep me still leaning somewhat left, just not as strongly as when I was younger.  Have been a registered Independent for the past 18 years. Is the right place for me.  In my opinion, extremism in any venue, including political, denotes passion but can be very dangerous, as well..

    Zero percent. We were raised to be free thinkers not followers. 

    My parents were strong democrats, they raised me wth the beliefs of the democrat party, I still believe in the policies of the Democrat party, however, they have now changed their title to republicans as i feel the democrat party has been hijacked. My parents teachings are still with me and i am very proud of they way they brought me up but to keep up with these beliefs I had to switch partys.  Although i may claim Republican, I may actually be independant as I don't believe in all thier policies either..

    And I too was raised to be a free thinker, I am not a follower, anyone that knows me personally would tell you this..  My problem with some people is that if you don't think and believe their way you are a lowlife idiot.. yet these same people are totally into diversity and equal rights for all, except for conservative thinking..


    I think the Dems have been infilitrated by a new standard in the last 12 years. It is an element driven by discord, discontent, and division. The more they can reward a lack of caring for community and champion of dysfunction while blaming the Rep. the more powerfull they seem to get. With the favor of the press and TV people it is a force to not be taken lightly. They have their $$$ and people in the right places. They have a lot of power on how our text books are written. Take the flag and right of prayer out of school and they supress our values.
    Just my opinion. I wish we had the old school politians back. Some of the things going on are so jaw droping out of bounds it will require something like that to happen if our Gov. can be for the people again.
    Tks Vinny

    Both of my parents were/are republicans and I tend to lean in that direction.  Only because I don't pay that much attention to politics, I am blissfully ignorant.....


    Sometimes a good thing, but your vote is always important, women fought for it long enough.R.

    I do vote if I can find the polling place....

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