    Have you ever felt lonely even when surrounded by others?

    +11  Views: 1005 Answers: 26 Posted: 12 years ago

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    26 Answers

    yes......and yes it is from depression.......sad but true

    Oh God,yes!!!!!

    Yes and as doolittle said, it can be a sign of depression.  Many people feel that way at this time of the year and especially through the Christmas season.  Talk to someone about it, if you can.


    Spot on, Ducka!

    Thanks for the encouraging word this morning, Ducka. I've been sitting with the computer on my lap for about two hours.....NOW I will get moving and takes some action regarding this loneliness and depression. (I haven't cried yet, today, so that is a better start). See you on the flipside! Have a wonderful day.

    I have. that is a very sad feeling....i found out that 1) i was depressed and 2) i was trying too hard to be friends with people i liked but i couldn't act myself, didn't care much about what they talked about, etc.  R u ok?


    Can relate to feeling depressed and not caring what others were talking about, and in my "superiority" it just seemed banal and frivolous. I realize now, through experience and God-given insight, that that is simply another way that relatively healthy people use to connect with each other. It's a way of staying connected and in touch.

    You have my empathy, doolittle. We live and learn, though, and on we go.

    Yes, but no depression, almost every time I'm in a group of more than four I get ignored, I can speak and no one responses or looks my way. I've gotten use to it and repeat myself loader.


    Do they respond then? I've never been in a small group where one was ignored.
    Headless Man

    Sometimes, but usually the subject has changed and I keep quite.
    It is just my personality and I don't worry about

    I'd be out the door, Randy. If we are ever in a group, I'll be listening; count on it.
    Headless Man

    LOL, fat chance........

    Personally, I think everyone has probably felt that at one time or another. Often, it comes from being a participant in something, that you really don't feel a part of, or can't really identify with on a deeper level within. To me, finding someone I know, or can strike up a conversation with, is a lifesaver.

    To me, depression is something that makes us push ourselves apart from others, and often leads to a downward spiral that can become worse and out of control. We all have felt depressed over something, someone, or some circumstance we find ourselves in. But, to find the ability to laugh at the irony of the moment, or even ourselves, or what is happening to the key to opening the door to accepting the situation for what it is, and mentally moving beyond it. I've been through things in life that had broke me, and other things that would have broke other time we need to learn to love ourselves enough that we don't let situations or circumstances break us. For, in what we overcome, we only become stronger and wiser, and even have the ability to help others. Matter of fact, sometimes in helping others, we often unknowingly help ourselves. It's all in finding the resolve, and sometimes that takes hitting the bottom to find it, and then finding the fortitude to push back up from the bottom...and hopefully move on to bigger and better things.  


    Couldn,t have said it better myself mate, I mean that, I really couldn,t, more power to you Shootah....KOTF.

    Excellent Shootah! :)

    im with ducka and romos

    Only in big crowds.

    I seldom feel lonely, only if my husband is on a trip which is only about once a year for a few days. Otherwise I'm happy. We have pets who love to keep company!


    Doolittle never gets lonely with animals around..........with people it can be different!

    Do you have family at your home?

    Currently I am staying with relatives. Tomorrow I move.

    Yes indeed it's lonely at the bottom..


    Remembering makes one a better person as they climb the ladder....more compassionate at least.

    sincerity is the first wrung of the ladder..

    Yes, I feel lonely when there are others around; diagnosed with mild depression years ago, but it isn't just depression that makes me feel lonely. It has come to my attention that I am not really a participant in my life..... it's taking me time, but I am formulating the game plan for becoming the quarterback of my life.   God is the head coach.... 'specting to be a winner :D


    Depression can make you do that (sit back and get "uninvolved") so just go for it!!!

    I think recognizing the depression and treating it is a big first step. Going for it is easier said than done, but I'm working on doing it. Like my cousin said, looking backwards isn't taking me forward. My life has enough missed opportunities and regrets.
    You are such a cheerleader for us, Ducka. Your encouragement really makes a difference!

    Yes Bob, "doing it" IS much easier said than done. The saddest thing about depression, is that the depressed person MUST be the one to "fix it" and it's next to impossible for anyone to help from the outside. Recognizing and taking action...that's the key, for sure. Get on the move...forward!! You can, Bob :)

    I love what Shootah has written I certainly couldnt have put in such understanding words as shootah had put....... totaly agree with him


    More times than I care to admit too.

    Thinking about this question even though i commented on it earlier.Does this make sense to anyone?I seem to be having problems sleeping.Last night was a bad night,got up again gone 1am.My son was sleeping in the next room,me shuffling about wasnt going to do him any favours.Other halfs still awake,me fidgeting is annoying him.So down i came,really p***** off,got on the sofa,dog got up and cuddled down with me and i felt more comfortable than if id stayed in bed.Think next time ,im going to do same again


    I once heard a "sleep expert" say that if you wake up and can't get back to sleep, don't lie in bed, tossing and turning. Get up, watch television, read a book, lie on the couch, whatever you need to do, to get feeling drowsy again, then go back to bed. OR, if you feel that you could fall asleep on the couch, then do it. He said it will turn around again in a few nights, if you don't keep getting annoyed about it.
    I have heard people argue about "the TV viewing", but it works for me because I get bored by TV and so...get drowsy.
    I hope this helps leosmaml.

    Yes,I have trouble talking to people. I lost my mother when I was 10. I felt like I  had no body to talk to. I felt like I could  not start a conversation. 

    yes we all do from time to time. As long as we understand that after every night there is day and  sun will shine on you.  Take time to read a good book, pick-up yourself to play with kids or help someone who is weaker than you. In return you will get a smile which is priceless.  Loneliness is sad but you will help yourself by helping others. Don't ever feel you are alone - keep the divine help with you always.

    yea, I think we all have, for me it was particularly after I left  my first husband, everyone else was with someone, it made me feel very alone, but then I started doing a lot of other things, became a fireman, joined the army, those things took the focus off the fact that I was by myself. I found I enjoyed being single


    Isn't it strange..that feeling of "everyone else is with someone" and yet we KNOW that first of all, that is not true, and secondly, many of those "happy couples" are NOT AT ALL, and soon they will split! Everything looks good from the outside, doesn't it?

    Ducka, your so right, nobody could believe that my husband and I separated we were "the perfect couple"to everyone else

    Very much so in my past. I medicate now and it has been a Godsend.  Now I get lonely for good reasons like, being alone too long.....

    " To be alone is different,to be different is to be alone."

    Most of the time.


    Most of the time? Why? That must feel awful!

    Ducka long story but when times are at the bottom no way to go but upwards right? Thank you Ducka.......

    Thank you Ducka xx

    I am a social animal, I love crowds, shake hands with everyone I can, and make jokes until they are rolling in the isles and have a great time with all my friends. If I had more energy I would join more clubs and do a hundred things I just cannot do now. I’m not depressed , I’m just tired too much. 

    The only time when sometimes I feel lonely is when I am surounded by others... although I love people, talking  to, listeninig to and watching people.

    PBhoe, thought provoking Q, the kind I like!

    What is your answer?

    Loneliness is a crowded room . Roxy Music .

    Many times. Maybe they have filled environment around me with their bodies, their laughter, their talks etc, but no one couldn 't understand my feelings and my face, really i am very friendly but i don' t have very friends. It`s very a bad feeling when all around you looks that don`t have any problems are happy and when you think that only you are sad. lonely, worthless etc.

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