
    +2  Views: 814 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    Don't dispair, we got a whole new year , try finding something of intreast , some good friends , a church , your not alone the holidays are tough get out and enjoy the world..

    be happy it isn't worth it

    Tomorrow is another day. 

    "" Here's something to make you laugh...

    You are only unhappy if you chose to react that way or allow yourself to become so.  Trust me, I am nearly an expert on unhappy.


    PKB----LOL I'm not laughing at you....I'm laughing with you.

    No problem. I yam what I yam.

    Cheer up there is always someone worse off.




    not enough time to be unhappy, you can always make time later for that

    So you are not in that boat alone......

    Then lucky for you, tomorrow is another day!

    Can i ask why youre unhappy Elyas?If we knew what was up theres people on here (even me!)might be able to help with moral support if nothing else.If its a situation youre in we may be able to suggest ways of improving it.In the meantime,take care x

    Elyas:  If it makes you happy to be unhappy then be unhappy.  Thats my best suggestion.

    Think in the opposite direction... this really works.

    I have every reason to be unhappy but I'm not, ask me why.

    don't worry, be happy!


    I saw that guy in person ~ pretty good. I didn’t choose the concert.

    This is the time of year when lots of people are unhappy. I myself am not a bundle of cheer. I miss my lights, wrapping paper, and ribbons.

    Start preparing now and looking forward for the next lights and ribbons season.

    I think this time of year a lot of people are unhappy due to the festive seasoned that has past this to will pass and tomorrow is another day

    I think this time of year a lot of people are unhappy due to the festive seasoned that has past this to will pass and tomorrow is another day

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