    So, how do you get past it....

    when you've been hurt in a relationship, and the relationship is over, it's time to move on mentally, physically, emotionally.  I'm past the caring FOR and am now just P.O'd and resentful. It's possible those feelings are directed at myself!! Any tips on getting beyond THIS stage?  

    +3  Views: 512 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    As I continue to ponder this situation and the beautiful and kind answers you are offering, I realize I am just being miserable and having a pity party. Thank you all for coming. I'm sorry I have no refreshments to serve. Some day, I would love for you to come to the Armpit of California and visit. I would enjoy that sooo very much.

    5 Answers

    I sympathize with you Bobett because I know its a feeling that sucks.  And I know its easy to say .. time .. heals.    But.  Other than to keep busy and not dwell on the past it is the  answer.    Maybe find something you enjoy and do more of it.

    Best Wishes 


    Good idea. I've been thinking of finding someplace to volunteer. My job starts next week and my cousin wants me to bowl with her on a league. Spending more time with my mom, walking the dog, getting to the gym more, making my jewelry...plenty to do. Just a matter of doing it. I DO know it takes TIME. It seems to take more time for me than for most people.

    Time with your family, time with your colleagues, time with your hobbies, time without troubles,time to think,time alone, time without a relationship,give it time,in time all will be clear, have a good TIME!...R.


    Does anyone ever feel like their time is running out? OOOOh, good question....I'll post that! Thank you ROMOS, and I will give it time. It just takes ME so LONG......

    Don,t be such a dreamer, dreams are for the sleeping, be a doer.Get it done,OK?..R.

    Sorry if that sounded a bit harsh,didn,t mean it to....R.

    Bob- I think missing comes first, then mourning, then anger, then acceptance, and finally being ready to move on.  So, take heart you are closer than you think.  Its also natural to go back and forth with these emotions.  I think it is maturity that allows you to "own" some of the problems in a relationship.  It's a learning experience!  You are a lovely woman with a lot to offer!  Your questions and answers prove that!  When you are ready I pray that someone very special comes into your life!!!


    You make me cry happy. Thank you.

    Big Cyber HUG! You are welcome!!!

    I needed that! I'm so blessed to have found akaQA and gotten mixed up with this amazing group of characters!

    Be kind to yourself, and just remember that all men are not like your ex. Enjoy some of the things you hadn't allowed yourself to enjoy while you were in the relationship. The thing to also remember is, that it is the beginning of a new chapter in your one door closes another opens. If you are just half as nice, as you are'll have someone that will adore you in your life soon enough!


    Thank you for your good advice and your kindness. A new chapter sounds like a very, very good idea. What I say here is who and how I am; I'm never sure how I come across for sure.
    I'd really like to just forget about how much I would like to be in love WITH someone and focus on living!!!
    Thank you again for taking time to give me a good answer.

    It is a process.  I know this sounds really dumb but it works and helped me just try not to do it in a crowd as they might take you away whenever you think of that person scream as loud as you can NO, told ya it sounds dumb but it works and plus I packed up all things that reminded me of him that he had given me in a box now that I have moved don't know which box LOL which is a good thing.


    I love primal and I'm just a woos who cries. I'd have to give up my computer to get rid of things that remind me of him and quit the bowling team we are on until April.... Now he is in a new relationship and "in love". I hate being jealous and feeling like "it's not fair". I know life's not "fair".

    Yes it has to be very hard if you still have to see and be around him.

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