    What happens when you leave your body?

    +3  Views: 988 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    If you've never experienced it, don't bother explaining it. No one will believe you.


    Very true, no one believed me, I'm sure they snickered behind my back.

    There are many accounts of out of body experiences, mostly by people who were in a life/death situation.  A friend of mine explained hers as a feeling that was so amazing and wonderful and peaceful she didn't want to go back into her body.  Something took her back, but she gets a faraway look in her eyes and all the pain and unhappiness of HERE disappears from her.  

    don't know as of yet but when i do i give you a shout.

    I wasn't near death. This is my night dream of dying. 1984.

    I shot up into the air really fast and I was afraid. The going up stopped and I became a bright soft color- many colors. The colors became ribbon like and I floated around gracefully in the sky. I didn't hear music but still the ribbon of me moved to something like music. I floated in and out among many ribbons just like me and there was a feeling among the ribbons that was much more powerful than understanding and a feeling that I can only say was much more powerful than love. There was no fear.

    I didn't  know how long this phase would last but I had no fear up there in the sky. 

    My mother was very ill at the time I had this dream. After the dream, I no longer feared her death and the nightmare that I called the Wind Spirit. 


    I myself have had no out of body experience although their are times I would have liked to be removed from situations as I guess we all probably have, but myself I believe when I leave my body I will go to heaven and get to see my Mom again.


    I would like to see my mom again. And my late husband. My dad is in there somewhere too.

    I hope that one day we will mycatsmom my Mom and Dad are both gone my Dad was killed when I was 10 years old my Mom died in 2009. I am very truly sorry for your losses too as I know they still hurt a lot.

    Freedom from all that binds you to the hash reality of living.

    I not  know

    You have freedom to go anywhere you want but you still have to respect the laws of privacy so no visiting people without permission. If you do learn this ability, you'd be better of going to the spiritual heavens and visiting the temples there. At those temples you can learn what is not taught here on earth. Then you will understand the constrictions of religion and why it is bad for people. But as Ed said, no one will believe you about any of it and tell you it's all just a dream and the devil is guiding your thoughts so keep your experiences to yourself lest the non believers and the jealous ones try to smear them with negativity. 


    Understanding the "constrictions of religion" would be a good thing.

    It's called: asterol projection  leaving your body at will and exploring the world. It can be accomplished with great concentration, self hypnosis has it were......But you can travel........ Pick up an old copy of Passages, a book for pilgrims of the mind.... It's full of exercises you can do............


    Lowest form of exploration and the soul never leaves this realm. Drug users on highs do this.

    I believe in out of body experience but soul travel, no.


    What do you think Soul travel is? It's when the Soul leaves the body, just like out of body experience. The only true difference is Soul travel means you get to travel away from the body but you are always attached to the body by a spiritual cord.
    Headless Man

    I don't believe you can control it or go where you wish, only on a near death or death.

    Sad. You miss out on a lot of knowledge and experiences by not believing and learning that this is the freedom God meant for Soul. Oh well, stay in the bottle little genie.

    " I had an "out-body experience" once, and was gone for two-days ! " ;)


    I hope you had fun ....

    I think it  means you're either dreaming  ...... or dead.

    You mean if you die, or if  you do astral travel ?  or do you mean if you have an out of body experience, but you're not dying ?

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