    Do you astral travel when you sleep? Do you remember your dreams?

    +3  Views: 718 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    You funny!

    8 Answers

    never had an out of body experience, however i did have an out of beer experience once it was tragic..


    I hear you there!


    you and Ed Shank. You sound like him or Don

    Yes!   The view is terrific and there is no standing in line for a ticket to fly


    Another funny people!

    yeah smetimes, but not immediately.

    Sometimes I can recall my dreams. Most of the times I prefer to forget them, I have nightmares constantly where I'm doing things that are just so out of character for me.


    Those are actually good. Believe me if you want or disbelieve but I know what they are about and you are gaining and learning even though you do not know it. They are good so accept them if they keep coming.

    Maybe I astral traveled in the dream when I shot up in the air. I used to remember MANY dreams and I wrote them down or recorded them. I have stopped dreaming now ~ just an occasional nightmare. I think it's my medicine.

    There came a time when I read my dream journal and listened to my recordings. Sadly, I didn't find out much of anything from my dreams. 

    I had a funny dream the other night, in which I was talking to some woman who was standing in front of me in only her panties. It was no one one I knew or ever met. But, afterwards I woke up and thought to myself, what an odd dream. Life is funny!

    Yes and yes.

    Yes, I go many places adn do many things, and have long conversations with others in my dreams. They should make a movie out of my dreams. Everybody would think it was fascinating.

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