    It Looks like the Dam Iranians are going to Stone that Woman to Death After all I'm sure in the name of Allah they're Anamials

    +7  Views: 1043 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    I would have liked to have met her husband to see what she was going through. God bless her..........


    That's the part we're not hearing about.

    Must keep an open mind, must keep an open mind, must keep an open mind.........God help her......

    Takes a lot of brave men to kill one unarmed woman. Just imagine what they could do with nuclear weapons.


    And guess what country would be 1st to be nuked on on their nuke hit list?

    ed shank

    How can you not hate these people? Hope the Israelis do it soon. Times a wastin.

    I agree with Colleen. They have theire own laws, as bad as they may be to us.I feel for the woman, but yes, she knew what the law in Iran is. She killed her husband . Even in the US. she might have  received the death penalty


    The thing that mistifies me is that she is not being put to death for the murder but for adultery.In the U.S. & Australia half the population would be on death row.

    I agree with you. Irans laws are radical to us. But for them it is still theire law. To change that law, it has to come from within Iran.There are human rights organizations. But I doubt, they will suceed.

    Heck the USA doesn't pay any attention to any Human Rights organizations or popes or x presidents for that matter When the states feel the need to bleed someone is gonna die Just look in Ga. recently Jesus himself could not have stopped Ga. from killing that man.

    They are ruled by their religion. They will not give up their religion.

    "Heck the USA doesn't pay any attention to any Human Rights "

    Bull, the US is far too involved in the human rights of other counties. It just likes to forget about it's own people and their human rights. We just went to Libya over human rights. We do not need to go into Iran over it too.

    Who is "That woman"? Do you have a link to the story?


    It seems she was found guilty of adulery & being invoved in the murder of her husband.She was sentenced to 10 years for the murder & stoning for the adultery.Does that seem a bit arse up to you? They have made a statement to the effect that they may have to change the death sentence to hanhing because they don't have the facilities to stone her properly. Go figger!

    Well, it's their religion and law. I do not agree with it but counties have a right to rule their own way. This is only being made a big deal of because Obama wants a reason to go and attack Iran so anything they do now that we consider horrible is going to be televised to all nations in NATO so the people of those nations back the idea of attacking Iran.
    She knew their laws. She took her chances.

    yes,I suppose you are right but it's still barbaric.

    It is barbaric but some people think our death penalty is barbaric. Supposedly the way we kill people on death row is painless but who can say that it really is? They can't come back and tell us if there was no pain.

    If her husband was found guilty of adultery would he be stoned??

    No, men there are allowed to do what they want.

    colleen what about the womem who are raped then hanged in public , young girls hanged because they were raped and the state said they have adulterous hearts, Unjust laws are not laws sorry I can't see it.

    @ Matheneyg,
    There's nothing we can do about it. Yes, it's horrible what they do but it is their country and their laws. No other country has the right to go into their country and tell them they are wrong and try to force them (by war) to change their ways. I would not want another country to enter and attack my country because they do not agree with the way our government or laws affect the people here. That's is our business, not another countries. If there was ever a reason to do so, I trust the American people would rise up against the government if we were ever treated the way the Iran treats it's women. The people of Iran can do the same thing, they can rise up against their unjust and unfair laws. Trouble is, I'm going to guess the men of that country never will rise up because they like being lord and master over their women and treating them like animals. We (including the rest of the world) can not do anything to change it. It's not our place or our business. As for just America, we are not the world police. It is not our concern. I hope Obama keeps his nose out of it and does not lead America into yet another war to "save" people who in the end will just hate us all the more for trying to change their ways. I'll bet that even the women would take offense if we were to get involve in their countries ways. They are led by their religion. They accept the laws of their religion.

    Obama's just a puppet and he does what the iluminati tell him to do. Wars are planned a few years in advance. They don't break out spontaneously

    That's their custom. Sad to say, they'll get good target practice. When they take over our countries, they'll come with a hangman's rope and a judge. So people who mention the word naked will be hung.

    country bumpkin

    naked Naked NAked NAKed NAKEd NAKED!!!!!!

    teee, heee...

    Colleen I do have to agree with you no matter how much i  dislike the idea of what the Iranians are about and what they are about to do to that woman and  other unfortunate women  but i don't believe Obama would start any military action on account of  that.  If Iran would nuke Israel  yes  then  but not over human rights


    No, he won't use this in particular but I have a feeling more and more stuff about Iran is going to be fed to us to try and get us to side with the idea that Iran needs to be attacked. I truly believe this is his plan.

    Yes sort of like Bush's Weapons of Mass Destruction hype before we invaded Iraq Could be, or at least setting the stage for Israels strike against Iran


    well lets hope she knows how to run :)


    she can't she will be bound and half buried in a hole to her waist then she will be stoned by very carefully selected size stones so as not to kill quickly but inflict more pain and suffering over a period of time as the stones are vollied over and over until death is evident

    I guess you have to expect this kind of behavior from a less evolutionalized society. They act just like humans did two thousand years ago. These are not normal civilized people . From what i have heard from others that have been over there, they really smell. Guess bathing daily is not in their religion either , but beating women is.

    I hope they come to their senses and spare her precious life.  As for murder if she gets a jail sentence upon conviction, that is the law everywhere.  Please ALL pray for her.

    Colleen, PLEASE< PLEASE Don't bring religion into this. You are ignorant on the subject and so please stay away from it until you get some knowledge on Islam. Earlier comments you have said "it is their religion and their law" - their law may be not religion. AND Yes collectively the world can do something to spare her the stonning which is inhumane, barbaric unreligious and downright STUPID!


    Their laws of punishment are based on and even taken from their religious teachings. What can the world do Saw Ali? Attack the country? Over throw the leader? Have another Libya?
    Saw Ali PLEASE STOP THINKING I HAVE SOMETHING AGAINST RELIGION. PLEASE STOP TELLING ME AND OTHERS WHAT WE CAN AND CAN NOT DO AROUND HERE. (Sorry I've had to shout this but apparently you've not heard me the other times I've told you this.)

    Please explain this if you can. This is where I say women are no better than animals according to the religion. This is why women get stoned for not obeying the law set by men who use their religious beliefs to create the barbaric laws.

    "Of women and property the Koran says:
    When one is given a woman, servant, or cattle, one should seize its forehead and pray to Allah. Ibn-i-Majah vol.3 no.1918 p.157. See, also Muwatta’ Malik 28.22.52

    There is a shocking video of a young Muslim girl, 17 years old, her name was Dua, and she was brutally murdered by a mob of “peaceful” Muslim men and women. (I'll send you the link to the video if you want to see it).

    The girl had rejected an older 50 something man her parents had arranged for her to marry.

    By not wanting to be forcibly married off and date raped by some twisted old child molesting “peaceful” Muslim man, she had violated Sharia law, and her sentence, death by stoning. Without the formality of due process and a fair trial of course.

    Do they believe they are charged with a religious commandment to kill?

    Even innocents including women in their families?

    Is it really a matter of fact that if a daughter or wife somehow brings embarrassment or shame through such egregious and heinous acts as being the victims of gang rape that they should be killed for it?"

    The religion condones the law of stoning as far as I can tell. Or maybe these people have gotten their religion all wrong.

    Thanks for splitting Saw Ali Col Leen. You must get pleasure out of such meanness. Enjoy!

    Almost a year ago, I'm not sure if I got pleasure from it or was making a point. Either way, you're a year to late to try and want to drum up drama again. Seems to be the only reason you come around here. Drama, drama, drama. Yawn.

    Sharia law bs probably

    Never and I mean NEVER EVER compare animals to mean people!!!!!! It is an insult to animals of all kinds!    It amazes me, in a horrified way, that they still stone women!!!!!


    Thanks for the info. Umbriel. So, let me re-phraze: Stil do not insult animals by comparing them to mean people. And, Perhaps we should all take a minute to think about Capital Punishment- by whatever means a country carries it out!

    Most of what I've read on this subject here is in my opinion garbage. But that's what keeps me coming back here. Freedom of speech, man do I love this country.


    OK, so what are your thoughts to counter the garbage?

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