    Do you remember, when you were a pre-teenager, what you wanted to be when you grow up?What did you want to be and what did you become?

    +5  Views: 1484 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    21 Answers

    Different things at different, teacher, wife and mom, politician, artist (of some kind)
    I have worked in a variety of offices (clerical/clerical accounting), teacher (substitute), retail sales (Home Depot, etc.), deli person, electrician, card dealer, usherette, and will be a tax specialist beginning Tuesday, January 2, 2012. 
    I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. 


    A tad melancholy today P,you ok?

    Oh, not too much, King ROMOS. I sincerely DON'T know what I want to be when I grow up. Growing older is not the same as growing up! I will be "12" indefinitely. AH, perhaps therein lies a problem.
    How YOU doin'?

    Sobering up so we can start all over again,starting tomorrow, it,s the Scottish way for HOGMONAY,hey that rhymed,never meant it,take care eh,....KOTF.

    HOGMONAY. I've got to look up HOGMONAY. Are you getting a room ready for my visit?

    Since last week Mi Lady,making it extra special now I,ve seen the new you. effing google HOGMONAY,it,s about

    don, you are the biggest flirt on this website.. and we love you for it. :D

    I wanted to be a Doctor 1st then I really wanted to be a Vet but my Maths were real bad so that was out of the Picture then a Artist so I went to Art college and hated it and left after 6 months then went into accounts weird as my maths were still bad !!!! I have had lots of Jobs and loved them well most of them still my job that I do now

    I wanted to be "Elvis a good hip shaker .I also had the shakes maybe it was alcohol No I don't drink. Coke of red wine Sunday with lunch. 

    doolittle can still be Elvis- go to Las Vegas! Vegas baby! LOL

    Did they laugh at Elvis at Vegas?.They would at me.Curly silver hair skinny as a bone not a hip shaker any-more More like a bone shaker.Lol

    I wanted to be a rich Hippy but I became a Republican and somewhat poor. (Not related to one another)

    i wanted to be astronet  but i've become a loser i mean artist ( i paint )


    We aren't losers here. You are an artist....I should have talent like that.

    could you reply with one of uour paintings?

    painting is lovely will you paint a picture of my duck billed platypus- she's not picky as to ralism or style!

    I loved airplanes, and wondered how cool it would be to fly one. Today, the thought of flying gives me severe anxiety. If man was meant to fly the Lord would have covered us with feathers.

    As a pre-teen and early teen years I played a lot of baseball and was pretty good at it (so I thought). My dream was to be a professional BB player. Something happened when I became an older teen and I lost all my coordination .... and my dream.


    That's flippin sad!

    I wanted to be a lawyer for the regular people that really needed help.


    And what do you do?

    I am an administrative secretary.

    Thank you all for your answers!

    Have a nice winter - officially starts today - Merry Christmas, Happy New Whole Year and stay healthy please.


    You doo have a gift for English; which war?


    You must remember then who Nagy Imre was. The Sovites brought him in Romania and executed him in a place not far from the city in which I was in my 2nd year in college. Of course I learned about this about three years ago. I defected in 1978.

    When i was 12 i loved bowling and had a 200 average for 12 weeks.  At 15 i had an average at one time of 220. I wanted to be a professional bowler. Was on a tv bowling show where i had a chance to bowl three strikes in a row for 1200.00. I was the only kid against 10 other adults that night. It was a big thing to be on live tv and ended up two strikes and nine pins. No other kids did as well as i had done. Then testosterone and growing kicked in and ruined my career.  I ended up working with convicts in prisons,as well as studying microbiology and genetics. . My bowling friend back then went on to be one of the worlds best bowlers in the 1990's.I also wanted to play soccer because nobody was better than me at being a goalie at 14 years old.  I was in sports illustrated as a young athlete. Accomplished alot for kid.


    To me your proffession is a very interesting one. It did not satisfy you?

    WOW. What an incredible talent you had as a kid. Do you ever bowl for fun or in leagues anymore? I've enjoyed bowling since 1974 and enjoy the challenge, friendship, and competition. I would love to know who you friend is....maybe just some initials??? Leave me a comment on my answer if you can share the info. :D Get back in the alley,'s still a great way to spend some time.

    HMMMM. Nothing pops to mind, but I'll figure it out. Thanks...have a good day, zorro.

    I wanted to be a genius and an opera singer....

    I am currently a smartarse and was a pro-musician and singer-songwriter for 20 years (tho' not opera) and now I'm just glorious whacky me....oh yes...I am a Sasquatch researcher for no-one in particular....whoop!whoop!

    I don't have any clue what I wanted to do when I was a pre-teen...too busy with learning "animal" languages and feeling really weird (hormones??) nah- I've always been a bit 'off' lol.


    what do you do now?

    I'm quite good at animal communications though I still study the new slang that comes up. I am in the health care profession but haven't worked in 5 years do to an injury and severe/chronic pain along with other health concerns. So, I might get to pick a new career!

    When I was seven I wanted to become an engineer. Later, in 1955 just before going to college, I wanted to become a journalist! but  I had to go to study engineering.  I became an engineer, worked, still working as an engineer and quite happy with my professional life.


    You must remember then who Nagy Imre was. The Sovites brought him in Romania and executed him in a place not far from the city in which I was in my 2nd year in college. Of course I learned about this about three years ago. I defected in 1978.


    Must confess back in the 1930s I wanted to be a Rodeo rider in a travelling ,as we called them in Australia at the time, Buck Jump Show".

    Then in the early 1940s as we were at war I wanted to be in the French Foreign Legion.

    Seemed very glamourous to a lad from OZ.

    Then when I was 14 Mum told me what I was GOING to be and so I became a apprentice Cabinet Maker making wooden clock cases and grandfather clock cabinets.

    Next, as the Korean war was on I joined the Australian Regular Army (full time army)

    After rookies I was made a artilleryman and served just over six years when I was discharged and not able to reinlist due to loss of hearing.

    I next went into selling and spent the rest of my working life in some form of sales and marketing in managerial positions and at one stage I was Sales Director of a company.

    For what it is worth I was listed in the 1979 "Whos Who in business in Australia.

    Had a total of 55 years working from 1946, age 14, to 2001 age 79 when I pulled the plug on full time work.


    I wanted to be a professional football player.  But fate and probably ability had a different idea.   I've spent most of my life in the financial services business.

    i wanted to be a singer and i am on my to becoming an oceanographer :)


    much more interesting - Jacque Cousteau! - than singer :)

    you really think so? thanks! :) it means alot :)

    hi im called sian my answer for this is wen i was a teenager i wanted to become a fashion desghner  and live in austraillia and now i am a fashon desghner as my job and a model as my carere  and live in austraillia so most of my dreams have come true and i am sian of Corrie ................. really its true :) (^^^)


    Happy you! Kudos!




    be patient with your computer and akaqa: click once rather than six times and wait...:)



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