    how can i get a free medical care for cancer

    i have a lump in my right breast. can't get it operated cause i don't have money. what do i do?   

    +1  Views: 251 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    All I can think of is for you to go to an emergency room and let them know what your problem is. They will have to give you some information as to what your next step is. In California we have Medical and Medicare. I believe that Medicare can be used by people under 65. (This is something to find out) There will be help for you. Start right now to make your phone calls. You could do something like calling the emergency operator and asking her. Unusual, but worth a quick call ... things like that.  

    I’m a strong believer in just reaching out. Help comes in surprising places. My best to you.


    It truly is tragic that you need to even consider this financial dilemma. As a Canadian, I cannot offer you any valuable suggestion but hope that someone does.

    I wish you good fortune.

    Hi Maryaina, First you didn't name the state you are residing in ? If you don't have a job or other income. In New York you apply for free medical coverage (Medicaid) aka public assistant, you can call 411 (in New York) for more info, 311 in Connecticut, and operator to direct you in Pennsylvania,these states also have free clinics which can better direct you, you can also go to the emergency room and apply for temp medicaid which will pay any medical bills up too three months before you applied for medicaid. you can get most of the right information if you visit or call the health clinics or a cancer affiliated hospital. Don't lose hope, keep trying until you find someone who can advocate for  you. Ask a Doctor to better direct you, go on facebook post it, be your own advocate get the help you need and say you want it NOW! for tomorrow may be to late, Good luck don't lose hope KEEP TRYING.

    You can also try contacting Cancer Center of America, or American Cancer Society. If they can't help directly they will know of resources that will be able to help you. But, bottom line is that you will have to get that taken care of as soon as possible, in order to stop it from spreading. Good luck to you!

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