    How did you celebrate your last birthday?

    I was at paris

    +4  Views: 983 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    I spent my day on akaQA......True

    I am still trying to remember, someone said something about a blackout but when I asked the hotel manger in Las Vegas he said the power stayed on all night.


    thats funny..

    haha. How come you're always bragging about your drinking ?

    Quietly.  Accepted all the well wish from those of you one akaQA, I think I read some, had a big fight with my housemate...........


    Right, and you can show up in 5 minutes...Besides, I wouldn't want to physically fight him...I just took a Xanax and went to bed. But thank you for your support!

    I don't celebrate my Birthday. I shut off the phones and don't answer the door. I stay in my apartment above my shop and watch TV, or crank up the tunes. Beer of coarse. My wife doesn't wish me a happy birthday either. It depresses the s*** out of me. Got another one coming up in two weeks.


    You’re not getting older your getting gooder!

    No cake then huh?
    ed shank

    No cake. Getting lazier not gooder.
    Headless Man

    Wisdom comes with age, your wise to ignore

    I just had a birthday on the 17th of December. It started out with expecting my frined , Carol to take me to Taco Belle. I couldn't convince her to go to a real resturant, b/c she said she's had a lot of expenses lately. But, then, she went shopping with Veronica  anyway on the morning of my birthday . So , then she called me about 1pm and said she got a couple of pieces of  pizza for her and me while she was shopping. So, I went over there and had one piece of pizza. That's all I was allowed....b/c she was going to give her  brother a piece too. He's a mooch ; and he happens to be my ex boyfriend. We're still on speaking terms.Adn she gave me a gift.  So, then she calls her brother to tell him I'm there and he came over after stopping in a drug store to get me a card. At least he put $10 in it. He ate the piece hungrily and then left. ---- THE END ---


    That is not how your birthday is going to be acknowledged next year. You just give me your address and I'll be there to take you out for a nice dinner and we can talk and laugh and have a good old time. Phooey.
    Yes, in answer to your question...a male friend; he was mostly a friend except for a couple of times, but now he is nothing.

    mycatsmom, you could come here for your next birthday, we have a great time at our little pub, especially when it's someones birthday,always free beers and a cake, lots of singing (that's sometimes unfortunate)

    Well Welcome to Another Day in Paradise Club

    thanks, guys.That's very sweet of you, but I live too far from you .The fun at the pub sounds great, lambshank

    Wife threw a party so that all her GF's would have an excuse to sing, dance and have a jolly ole time. I occasionally received an "oh, Happy Birthday Flip" wish. Ever so often, I'd get a request to "fix" the karaoke machine. Reminded her later it was my birthday .... she reminded me how tired she was. zzzzzzz :o)


    hee hee. the way you put it was funny :-D

    This last one I woke up with a friend, and that was nice.  The day was slow and pleasant, and I bowled that evening, cuz it was a league night.
    I'll be 60 in March and have a cousin whose birthday is the same date.  It would be fun to celebrate both birthdays.  
    It's doubtful I'll be waking up with a friend this year.   


    a male friend ?

    Bob/PKB you never know!

    Kudos to you TU at least your was better than mine I spent the day PO'd Thinking just another friggin day in Paradise

    Quiet dinner with my wife..


    Can anything beat that?

    went on site probely work and stayed in its just another day! really

    at work as usual, but did have a few ales at the pub afterwards

    Home alone.

    Went gambling at a casino and had a room there so I got to drink and felt bad the next day!


    I didn't think you had

    Don, I hope not!

    I woke up, thanked God for my long life, and rolled over and went back to sleep........

    doing nothing........just another day older.....(sigh).....

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