    Is there some major difference between people who like cats and those who like dogs. I believe “dog” is masculine and “cat” is feminine in the German language.

    +6  Views: 795 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    I think loving any type of animal makes us more the same than different. We unite through love of animals be it one type of animal or many. 

    I have one of each and can't imagine a world w/o either one........

    In the pet world...there are bird people.  There are fish people.  There are reptile people.  There are dog people.  There are cat people.

    Everyone is different and then we are the same... Celebrate and enjoy!


    Oh! You caught me. I swear I didn't even think of fish, reptile or bird people. All Apologies to any people who enjoy the other types. Is there a difference among all of us who art the same?


    We are all curious creatures! People and their pets is a curious subject. I can tell you that most people view their pets as family members. It's lovely.

    Remember Cobain's line "It's ok to eat fish cuz fish don't have no feelings." (I didn't quote that right, but you could probably correct me)

    fish girl, I made the bird thing an OH&S issue at work, staff were objecting to me feeding the magpies, I stated that they don't attack if they are happy and so we now all feed the birds.They still hunt themselves but come in for an occasional feed and bring their babies, precious

    I like both dogs and cats. Cats have the softest fur and their eyes are beautiful.  Our dogs fur is very course except around his face, and he pretty much gets what he wants when he stares into my eyes!


    that's what I like about my cats---their softness and their beautiful eyes. What kind of dog is he ?

    clu I have 2 cats, both badly behaved, demanding and control me very well, I had fillet steak tonight, they both turned up their noses with the leftovers until they got salmon, one of them attempts to attack the horse across the street, might add he knows there's a fence between them

    Our dog is a mutt-part hound dog and part chow. His body fur is very thick ,almost like sheep fur.

    No. The major difference is between the dog and cat. 

    There is a definite difference between dogs that are bred to work and dogs that are not.  My cat and my current dogs all live for me to serve them.  In the past I have always owned working dogs... ratters, hearders or retrievers.  Those dogs lived to serve me and in the case of the retriever... for a laugh as well.

    I am an animal person.  I love and adopt and love them some more.

    I am attracted to dogs that are bred for a reason... I truly love retrievers and I am a big softy for German Shepards.


    Youd love my dog fishy,long haired black and gold GSD

    fish girl, I agree but the best dog I ever had was a kelpie, even bit my mum, great dog!

    fish girl ugh...never be your dogs master, you have to be the "pack leader"

    I am a lousy pack leader... Alpha dog is not in my vocabulary... I am pack suggester!

    I love all animals, but choose cats as I work long hours and wouldn't be able to give time to a dog, cats are more independent and don't need to be walked etc. but when (if ever I can afford to retire) I will get a dog too. Though living in the country it seems the bigger and more savage the dog is the better...still don't understand that attitude


    Do you have close neighbors? I've never lived in the country and if I did I'd want to have a dog who could be savage if needed.
    All my life I've had a cat.

    My cats are my children  :-)


    mycatsmom mine too, love them dearly, even though they've done more damage and broken more things than my children ever did

    You sound a bit like me mycatsmom!My dog isnt really a dog,hes a spoilt child!!Or maybe just seems that way...........!

    they are both masculine in French. I love animals!  cats and dogs are pretty different but both can really be 'best friend'


    Cat are masculine in French?!! I'm shocked. My pet, Peeve acts like a girl and, in fact, is female. I won't have a male cat because they spray even if they are spayed.

    Ive got one of each but if i had to choose ,id opt for my dog. Hes always pleased to see me if ive been out,the cat is if she wants feeding


    When my husband and I go out in the evening I swear our cat has an anxiety attacks. She follows me. She follows him. She rubs against our legs. She waits outside the washroom. She yowls. She puts her head in the corner of the couch and hides her eyes. When we return she's composed and just wants late snack.
    Ahem, Cats have feelings.
    Dogs are more demonstrative. They love loud. With cats ... it's subtle.

    My cats always meet me at the back door when I come home. It's nice to see 3 little faces there.

    I have had animals all my live and I love both dogs and cats. Dogs need to be walked and keep you in shape. Cats and dogs are very intuitive and intelligent. They are family to me and I would never be without either one.

    itsmee, dogs are a bit different in the country, or should I say the owners, they think they need savage dogs to go pig hunting.....who knows why, pork is good and cheap to buy if you want it, just seems to me here that the bigger the dog, the more savage the dog, the "bigger" the man, I still don't get it, got in strife for giving the new pub pup a cuddle ? who knows, I just like animals. The need for a guard dog I know is different, but I still think we can care for dogs or cats or whatever in a humane and kind way, as I'm sure you do to

     Cat 8 Dog 6 I love what Colleen said, and totally agree in what she is saying



    Thanks :)

    Your welcome Colleen have a look at what jenn posted its about Sykpe she is also haveing troubl and someone wants more info on it thanks xxx

    I fibbed about the age of my first male cat- he was wild as get out as a kitten- first lift of his leg outside the litter box he got thrown back in the box and was fixed 3 days later.  The vet pretended that he was old enough until after he fixed him.  The second male cat was fixed at 3 mos. (rescue kitty) the shelter wouldn't release him for adoption until he couldn't father any kits.

    Ive had 2 male cats...never sprayed inside- but they were "fixed" very young


    I believe some vets are more skilled with the procedure than others. Spaying definitely helps ALWAYS.

    I have one of each, does that mean i'm a cross- dresser.


    barra, probably, but I'm sure you'll be forgiven

    Yep! ... but that makes you all the more amusing. :)

    Loving one kind of animal or animals or whatever preference of animals is not gender related.

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