    If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?

    +7  Views: 881 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    Something of my choice?  Hopefully not famous but to be remembered for always willing to lend a helping hand showing compassion and care for others.


    My answer spot on.

    lovely answer Darci and i reckon you will be x

    Stealing the" popemobile"and ripping up the streets of vatician city..


    Looking for a "driver Could be "Gold under them streets

    maybe but i'll bet the popes got it all...

    I really wanted to ride in the pope-mobile on my wedding day!!! LOL

    give me a heads up "doolittle and i'll see what i can do..

    I don't have to be ,Iam .brought up to help others kind be a giver (not a taker) I(t makes me happy to see others "happy .Famous that's for "dreamers.

    THE very first thing that popped into my head, even  before I completely read your  question, was that I would  finally come up with the answer to /or the cure of a very difficult disease.  Yes!!!   For all people!!  That is fantasy material........or hopefully not!

    I think I would like to be a published author.  The genre would be non-specific (children, young adult, romance, drama, non-fiction, self-help, poetry, short stories/essays).   I would like my work to have a positive impact on people somehow.  
    It would be cool to have an advice column or book (compilation of the questions asked over the years and answers).  


    ed shank

    An interesting answer. I've written a few short stories through the years after I retired and shared them with family and friends the responses were always favorable. They probably didn't want to burst my bubble. But I enjoy it nevertheless. I generally choose a topic and run with it. They all have to do with my life experiences with a few twists added. They usually take a while before their done, I type a few paragraphs and may not touch it again for weeks. My latest is "How dare you".

    You might consider self-publishing a collection of your work. It's not terribly expensive and it is more than cool to see your name on the cover of a "real" book. I'd buy a copy if it were personalized. ;D

    That's how I had "fun" for a couple of years -- a column. Humor one week, serious the next.

    and I self published a little non-fiction, humor book. I was too shy to do what's necessary to market a book. Writing was difficult. Marketing was impossible for me ... so much to it. Marketing is more than half.

    I am working very hard at what I do... I hope that I can be the best I can be at it.  The art/craft/science of it.  Fortunately I love it and so that makes the journey a joy.


    Not famous but responsible for having discovered or developed a very inexpensive drug that not only cure but also prevent any currently incurable disease. This drug should be so effective that at a certain point in future time no one would even remember the name of the disease and or the name of the drug that eradicated it.

    This is a dream answer to a hypothetical question.

    If early in my next life I will still remember this dream I will gear my whole new life toward reaching this goal.


    OK I would like you to work on this quickly! and can I be 1st in line?

    Basically you asked me do die now, right?
    Regardless, you could be the 1st in line, except in your future life you may not need this drug :)

    ...saving the world anomalously.

              I can hear it now……..

    "Who was that guy? He saved all of us and no one knows his name. How are we going to tell the story of how that guy saved us all when we don’t know who he is or where he went? I don’t even know if he was a guy or a girl but I sure am happy whoever came along and saved us."



    That has already been done.........

    music, can't sing a note and I'm sure I'm tone deaf, I think I already do the best I can for those less fortunate where I work

    Great question - I guess I'd like to be famous for inventing something useful


    What? : )

    Winning the Nobel Peace prize!


    That's a great answer!

    That question drove me crazy. I wanted to be everything. I can't answer. Maybe I'll be back to this question. 



    I hear you on that, its mee. So much to do and so little time. I hope you'll reconsider on the book publishing! Once you get a publisher, you're all set. You'd be great on the autograph and interview circuit.

    I have never tried computer publishing. I have no idea how to go about it. Do YOU know? I have the little book all written -- all I’d have to do is type it up again and send it around. I have no personal attachments to it anymore. That’s one part that kills authors. They can’t deal with the negative criticism, the rejection and sometimes the positive criticism.
    I probably won’t run with this. But it sure is an idea. First thing I’d buy with some bucks? A new car! How about you, Bob/PKB? Are you ready to publish something?

    Whatever I do not wish to be famous but I hope in my lifetime to make a difference but anoumously.


    I do not like people to know if i can help, do not want anyone feeling they owe me anything at all.

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