    why am i pretty?

    all of them say i am pretty


    +3  Views: 1230 Answers: 25 Posted: 12 years ago

    25 Answers

    Same reason I'm ugly, genes.

    ed shank

    Why are you hiding behind a UPS truck?

    dont judge a book by its cover......


    I so don't miss Umbriel's sexist malarky.

    You are pretty, of course you,re pretty dear, now cuddle your teddy and go back to sleep!



    Pretty is as pretty does, sorry for the old cliche but it works here....

    Thank your parents,for your genetic make-up.

    Beauty is only skin deep, the rest is shallow...


    daren, your first sentence is always what my mother used to say too. She said her mother said that.

    If you are pretty then lve with it but please dont go round telling people that you are pretty its being rather big headed dont you think !!!!


    I will Try "honest "Oh I am so "Pretty so Pretty Ps don't tell you know who .She thinks she is.Hee

    Good point Mel !!!!

    Spacegost thank you how are you!!! oxoxoxo

    dowsa she is pretty that is Josie! we are talking about oxoxoxo

    I don't know if you are, your picture is rather blank! Pretty doesn't make a fine person.

    Love inspires a since of beauty to your very bones, whilst any other thought, but love, can only tarnish the image of you in their dream of your vision.

    umm i dont know why

    Did someone HERE say you were pretty?  


    Think that was me!...KOTF

    ""I think I'm prettier than you...


    you are indeed eggy,you must be the dargone pritties thing on QandA

    you certainly are eggy?Will you marry me??????!!

    Not today, Leasomami...
    Colleen says to read your email.

    "Oh I thought it was a "bird with "wings "Pretty Polly .I cant see your photo  I am very "Handsome all the girls want my "Photo .You know I am getting "Fed up being good looking ,you feel that way as well dont you "Wish you were "Ugly ,But then again I would have to take "All the "Mirrors down ."OH shucks life is a "Gas

    You are pretty because life is tough!  Try to hold up under the pressure, dear.  If you find it too difficult when you go out in public, then try wearing a baseball cap, dark glasses, a scarf around your neck and an oversized plaid shirt.  Maybe the admiring mobs will leave you alone.  Good luck. 

    I think it it must be your cute smile,and the dimples in your cheaks,

    DNA, Thank your parents.

    Rememder what Flip Wilson always said.

    Beauty is only skin deep

    But ugly goes all the way down to the bone.

    It's O.K. jem. It's not your fault.

    We all have the right to choose whose attention

    that we are going to pay attention to. Be strong.

    i have a sister that thought she was pretty, she was, but enjoy it cause now she's pretty dam fat!!


    you can be pretty and plump

    But maybe not pretty and "pretty dam fat"? lol

    Is it you Carly Simon sings about ?

    dunc, no she was just conceited, and  she had the best figure, tiny little thing, now she's just  crinkled and fat...serve herself right for all the horrible things she did to people, I think its called karma and its now turned and bitten her in her big fat a...

    Yep pretty is only skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone.

    With a question like that, you  sound like a child. I guess that is what you are.. Looks are only skin deep.

    you should be thankful to your parents all credits goes to pretty by nature not only the way you look.

    Your mother was pretty.

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