    2010 ford fusion how to wire luminated door sill plates

    0  Views: 599 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    There is probably going to be four wires. 3 wires supply voltage for RED, GREEN and BLUE. 1 wire will be negative ground. What color do you want to use? If you want WHITE then you will have to supply voltage simultaneously to all three Red Blue & Green which creates white light. If you are choosing color instead of white, supply voltage only to the Red, Green or Blue. You can create other colors by supplying voltage to only Red & Green (Yellow), Red & Blue (Purple), Green & Blue (Cyan- matches Ford Ice Blue)

    You can experiment lighting the sills with a 9v battery with a snap on lead before you install.

    The best source for power is from the wires going to the dome/map lights. I would remove the A-pillar trim on both sides which easily snap off/snap on. The dome/map light also snaps off the headliner easily. Run a (+) and (-) wire from the dome/map light area down both A-pillars to the door sill areas. I recommend 16 gauge speaker wire with joined (+) & (-) strands that can be separated. It's very easy to stuff the wire behind the front edge of the headliner and out to the pillar areas. For the (+) wire tap into the colored wire (I forgot the color) that supplies the dome lamp bulb. The (-) will be the black wire coming from the dome lamp bulb. Do not tap at all into the green wire coming from the map light switches.

    With the original sill plates and kick panel trim removed, you can route the wire to the sill area where you will make your connection to the lighted sill plates. Your positive wire goes to the sill plates wire harness to color light of your choice (or all three for white) while the negative wire goes to the negative wire in the sill plate harness.

    Now you can re-install the A-pillar trim, kick panels then fasten the lighted sill plates in place.

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