    My dog hasn't eaten the cat. What does your dog not do that is good?

    +12  Views: 1369 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    My dogs can't climb the new fence... thank goodness because it was getting a little tiresome chasing them down the street .... especially the small one... stealthy little thing.

    I havent got a dog but we do have the dog who comes in next door she is a sheep dog (we call her the wooldog) and she hates hoovers I have never seen a dog that is sooooo scared of a hoover she trembles shakes her her owners dont know why either yet if you are mowing the lawn she will attack the lawn mower


    Maybe she just wants to "Cut the "Grass??show how smart she is.

    dowsa I think so too xxx

    He doesn't pee in the house. He likes the cats although he pushes down on their heads to let  them know he thinks he's the boss!

    You said it , hasnt eaten cat. carries cat around by neck though.


    Zorro make the dog put the cat down nicely!

    jhharlan you had better not let that dog eat the cat or me and Oliver will be after you.......

    My dog lets one of my cats lick her,and she lets the cat sleep with her.


    ah she sounds a lovely dog bless her xxx

    We don't have a dog the cat ate

    My dog won't cross the road until I tell him to, goes for a walk without a leash and doesn't pee on tires.

    My cat hasn’t eaten my chickens. I had a hound that knew I would not let him eat the cats…but the temptation was great and occasionally he would fit his mouth over the cats head and tremble with the exciting thought of clamping down on that cat’s head. The cat didn’t mind the hound doing that and after a few moments the hound would close his mouth and leave the cat unmolested. 

    My BIG dog hasn't eaten my small dog, yet.......


    Headless Man

    And this is when she was young......

    My dog does not pee on the Christmas Tree.


    Its more likely my cat would eat my dog than vice versa,shes a bit bigger than his head but,by jingo,hes well and truly under her thumb!!

    My three dogs live with my son and my mom.  My son takes really good care of them and has actually trained old dogs new tricks.  
    My middle son's dog lives with my cat and me.  What he does not do that I am glad he does not do is, uh.....he doesn't, well....""

    I'll go look for another question.  Thanks, anyway, Julie

    Try to make more dogs.

    He dosen't use the house as a toilet....a true little trooper from about 12 weeks old.

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