    Anybody snowed in today (12-14) besides me?

    Second day in a row!

    +9  Views: 1155 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    Send it my way. We dont have snow yet. Usually by this time we have tons of snow.

    I was raised in snow country. Oh, what I’d give for a White Christmas. No snow for itsmee. (Central CA)

    17 Answers

    It's 70 degrees right now (10am) and getting warmer...No snow in Texas (central) but we do have a front moving in..............


    I love the snow. It's a lot easier to be in snow country now than when the kids were little and I had to bundle them up every time we walked out the door! Anyway, just heard that the snow front is over. Enjoy your sunny day!

    Oh, it's not sunny. It's been raining off and on but, we need the rain. I'm wearing short right now though.....

    I'm still in my bathrobe. Gotta get off this site and get stuff done. Have a happy day.

    I'm with @Clonge, where in the heck are you? And I only own one big, fluffy robe...too warm for it...

    No snow here. Not since that nor'easter that took out the power  along the east coast. That snow is long gone and we've not had any more. Makes me happy :) 



    That was such a freaky storm right before Halloween and then no snow at Christmas time. That's the new New England I suppose.

    Last year we had no snow until the day after Christmas. That ticked me off. I am not a fan of green Christmas's.

    Minus well make the best of it and have some fun on aka..


    (LOVE the pun!) Oh I love it! Shanti and I will be out walking soon as I give my hub his breakfast!

    I spoke with Mother Nature a couple months ago and requested that I would not need to use the snow shovel this year. So far she has obliged.


    So happy to hear that.According to the weather radar, the cell has passed us now. Good! I have to drive south to Phoenix Friday morning!

    No snow here just kind of like around in the 50's.   Time for you to go outside and build a snow woman did that one time with a next door neighbor when we had a big snow.  Had a big sun hat, sunglasses and a bikini on the snow woman with a big sign that said Florida or bust everyone got a big laugh out of that one. LOL


    I LOVE it!! I hope we have snow on the ground for Christmas. My daughter and I will build a snow woman! Now WHY didn't I think of that?? Great idea!

    It was funny and different. Hope you guys have loads of fun.

    Dar - I keep trying to give you a TU on this but it keeps popping up!

    All you ladies should come to Scotland for a winter, I,m sure I could find something to keep you all warm.......KOTF.


    Watch out there. Scotland is on my bucket list!

    Educate me: What is KOTF ?

    Does it mean King of the fleas ?

    Correct Benthere:... You,ve not been reading all the threads lately,have you?...King of the Fleas it is.

    How did that start? Do you have fleas, poor thing? :)

    No snow here. Yesterday we hit 32*c (about 85 f).

    Cooler today tho 20c ( 65f).A bit stormy with some rain.

    I love the storms as long as they don't do any damage.


    It's actually gotten up to 50 degrees both yesterday and today with sunshine for an hour or two - then goes down to 13-15 at night!

    50 deg would be our bleakest winters day.You have to love the heat & humidity to live here.

    Rain rain rain! all day and tonight too! thankfully it is not snow!


    Rain is good!

    Where are you? Do you have any neighbors? If you do, can you see if they're snowed in?


    Oh I'm south of Flagstaff, AZ, in a small community of 3,000. We are not actually snowed in. Plows came through early this am and we have the truck and chains on our car. The Interstate is open. So it's all good. There are 4 of us full timers on our block (the rest are summer residents). Our neighbor across the street has already left for work 20 miles from here. Thanks for your concern.

    good luck winfia.  no snow where im at.


    Thanks! Wish me luck for next week! I'll be in Chicago!!!

    wishing so much luck to you going to Chicago!

    Many thanks!

    There was a dusting of snow this morning, but melted away by noontime. I live in the snow country. Soon there will be lots of snow until April. I actually love the winter.


    Another dusting this morning, but its aready melting. Its 38 degrees here.

    it was white this morning not much but they are saying we are going to have dumping tonight and they are sayin we are having gails force winds as well it raining now and all snow gone we will see

    It don’t snow here

    It stays pretty green

    Gonna make a lot of money

    And quit this crazy scene

    I wish I had a river I could skate away on

    Joni Mitchell from the Blue Album. Back in the day I went through THREE albums. Played it Constantly for a year or so and had a bad needle.   Makes me kinda glad to be older.  : )

    Needle? That can’t be right. Is it?


    Now how do you remember phonograph needles. According to your bio, you were born in 1990. Your jig is up, itseme!

    Got the whole Joni collection, mint condition original vinyl,worth a mint too, transferred them all to CD 10yrs ago,time to transfer again methinks. Ladies of the canyon is my fav, but they,re all great...KOTF.

    winfia, my dear, we were so very poor that I had to use my great grandpappy’s victrola. In the evenin’ I would pop some corn over the open camp fire and wind up that thar ole victrola and listen to Blue over and over. So there!
    I would never ever argue with my bio. : )

    ROMOS; Wow! I was always in awe of people who had those record collections in perfect condition.
    I was always so desperate to hear One certain song at One certain time that if you could view my home the morning after you’d find vinyl scattered all over the old homestead.
    My love with Joni was short lived. When she went all Jazzy, I had to let her go.
    CONGRATULATIONS on your preserved jewels.
    btw, Did you always wear that crown?

    No maam it was bestowed on me from one from above, quite cool for a wee FleaKing like me,dontcha think....Joni did go a bit far when she gigged with the L A Express,must admit.....KOTF.

    Tommy has pretty well covered it for the Sunshine Coast in Australia as well as his stomping ground in Brisbane.

    We have had good rain over the past couple of weeks, I love the rain being a old bushie.

    Where I was at one time it had not rained for 3 years. When it did a 2 years old boy fainted with shock and we had to throw a bucket of dust over him.


    That boy was you, right? Tell the truth, now.

    Winfia, no I threw the bucket of dust.

    That area was so dry the crows flew backwards to keep the dust out of their eyes.

    Wind, you never saw wind like we had there.
    The young hens layed the same egg over and over until they learned to turn around with heads to the wind.

    There's no snow here, in fact it has never snowed here since creation.---- 31 celsius today.


    I grew up in Southern California - so I know what that's like. We had to go to the mountains to enjoy snow. I am geographically challenged. Do you have mountains? (Boy, am I dumb?)

    I could not tell you what snow looked like Winfia,it does not snow where i live,Sydney Australia.


    Take some ice cubes and put them in the blender until they are completely ground up ... that's snow ... well, melting snow ... now put some in your sox ... and that's how it feels!

    Put it down the back of your shirt.... augh!

    Oh Yikes! Be safe and drink plenty of hot chocolate!


    and go easy on those marshmallows.

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