    How do you love someone again? And, how do you stop falling in love with someone?

    I ask this because I'm in this dilemma right now. I stop loving someone that I have relationship with right now and want to love him again. I unintentionally fall in love (hard) w/ someone that I shouldn't; It just too painful. I miss and think of him EVERY freaking day. I wish I'd never met him. Is this feeling normal?

    But, I guess you can't swift your feeling on and off like a light switch, can it???

    +1  Views: 592 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    This is quite a dilema. I guess you have to go back to the beginning of your relationship and realize what it was about this man that captivated you. What was it about him that melted you? Do you make the effort to date again,hold hands, touch him whenever he within reach?Do you dress up and fix yourself up anymore to catch his eye and tell him what it is you appreciate about him? Do you do special little things for him to let him know you love him. Have you hugged him long enough to feel his heart beat against your chest and kissed him long enough to loose yourself in the kiss? When was the last time you stopped what you are doing to really listen to his day without being disinterested or distracted? I know all this has to be reciprocated by him but maybe if you start to make more an effort to love him he will make more effort in return. As far as this other past lover(I assume) You have to remember what it was that ended things between the two of you and realize those issues would still be there eventually bearing their ugly head no matter what. Is it sexually that you think about him? If so then spice up your sex with the man your with. I have to say a man is as good as his lover. This stands true in all ways in a relationship unless one of you is emotionally unplugged.


    I really appreciated your comment. The man I'm with still loves me (let call him A). It seems many years ago (so I found out recently) I just lost any passion, interest or feelings I had for him. Yes, we still go out and do the typical things any couple do. I tell him frequently the sweet and kind words how wonderful or handsome he is,how I appreciate the hard work he does (I'm too work f/t), but I just can't tell him I love him; that feeling's not there. I try to focus only on him. I feel guilty that I can't reciprocate the feeling and at the same time I want him to be happy. Being w/ me would that be enough for him knowing that I don't feel same way anymore?

    I've never slept or have any relationship w/ man B; it never did get that far. When I am alone or when it's dark late at night, I think of him and miss him, wondering the whole time if he ever misses me or thinks of me too, does he cares if I'm happy or not... I'm better now, I mean the longing,emptiness and aching pain are not as intense as before. Will it go away?
    ed shank

    They will not go away tomorrow or any time soon. Do what your heart tells you. We're only here once. Better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all. I believe that was Billie Shakespeare. True love is orgasmic, the loss, is being dead but still being able to catch a breath.

    Shank : thank you. I cannot be man B bc we're not free to date each other; he has a gf and I'm already committed w/ man A. Yes, we only have 1 life to live. As tempting and wrong as it is, I'm NOT leaving anyone for someone, even if man B is my soulmate. I give man A a choice to stay and he hopes I love him again, or he can start packing his bag and leave; he decides to stay.
    I myself don't even know if I'm capable to love him again, b/c a lot of ugly things had happened over the years. But, I want BOTH of us to be happy, da-- it!!

    I have no idea if the longing will ever go away if you just can't mustre up the love you felt for man A.It's a tough one to answer. The only advice I have for you is when you think of this man, send him love and light and let him go. I fell out of love with my ex husband after many years into the relationship, but it was for completely different reasons. He was abusive and an addict and together we were very dysfunctional, so no matter how hard I tried to stay, my need to get my kids out was as real as my need to get out. Are you maybe going through the life crisis that we get when we feel like somethings missing and can't quite figure out what it is? Do you love yourself enough to functionally love someone else?It is said that you must love who you are before you can properly love someone else. I feel for you, I know that empty lonely feeling in a relationship. Only you know what to do, we all have the answers, it's just hard to face them. I have to say that good men are hard to come by and I'm sure you know what a good man he is by the way you talk about him. This other man is a fantasy and if by chance you did get to know him more, you might find that he's just not what you expected.


    It takes a big person to leave abusive person/ relationship; you did the very right thing by leaving your ex.

    I understand what you are trying to say and I concur. I do always love myself; someone told me a long time ago I need to love myself first before I love someone. No, I don't think I experience any mid life crisis/ life crisis. You're right good men are hard to find and I guess must expect too much out of life. Most of the times, we cannot always get what we want, right? Perhaps if given a chance to be with A, he prob not the man I think he is. I guess, 4 mo. Is not lengthy enough to know anyone well....

    pej, it sounds to me like you need some alone time.
    Put yourself in A's shoes.  Think about how you feel about him and how he feels about you.  Think about what he wants from your relationship and what you can give him.  Think about what YOU want from a relationship and what you are giving up to be in a safe, comfortable, yet passionless life.  How sad for you.  How sad for A.

    Get over B at your leisure.  You are most likely lusting after him.

    Stop using A and start your life as a single woman.  You'll be fine.  Trust me.  Give yourself a couple months to "find yourself" as a person.


    I know what I want- to live life to the fullest, not regretting about anything. I know for a fact, I def not lusting after manB. I feel this strong/unusual pull toward him; I don't know how to explain it. Everything about him just makes me like him even more. I've never felt like this about anyone/any man in my adult years. My feeling for him is genuine.

    I'm not using anybody. Man A knows I lost any love for him and I'm working to retreive it back- can I?; I gave him a choice to stay or go. Man B is clueless about how I feel about him; I've never given a chance to tell him... Oh, well, life goes on; it is what it is. I know this for sure, my life is orchestrated by God; I just need to trust Him.

    The only comment you have made that I would disagree with "my life is orchestrated by God." It is my never-to-be-humble opinion that we all have free will and make our own choices. I said "Thank God" when an opponent missed a spare the other night at bowling. My teammate admonished me. "God isn't making them miss! Do you think he wants us to win more than them?" We laughed about that, but the point was well-made.
    Can you retrieve feelings? I don't know you to pass judgment like that. For myself, I don't think so; but I know too many unhappy couples who stay together out of complacency, obligation, and fear of being alone. Very sad.
    Again, you know how you do/don't feel about A. Would you want to be in a relationship with someone who feels like that about YOU?

    Hi, Bob/PKB: I didn't get your comment until now (funny I didn't get notification on that unless I missed it totally)... anyway, I've been trying to go back and retrieve my feelings as I might, also only to focus on A... I know it's unfair to fall in love with B but not A whom I have relationship with for many years. I try to find a middle ground to be happy where I am no matter what (that's what I resolve to do), but for how long? I have a feeling it's going to be a heck of ride and lots of bumpy road ahead of A/Me. Agreed about "staying out of compaceny, obligation, and fear of being alone" I ask myself everyday, would I want to be with someone if they don't feel same way. Man A is very patience man... but this doesn't stop me from loving man B. I hope this doesn't sound pathetic to u cuz right now I feel like I'm losing my mind gradually altogether. Thanks for taking time to answer my question(s)

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