    what is the name of your pet?

    +1  Views: 907 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    Mocha and Indy:



    Headless Man

    They just love each

    Okay there they are again...the little cute one :) and the big scarey one :(
    Which is which Randy? lol
    Headless Man

    Mocha is the big one, Indy is the one getting her ear pulled by the big

    Randy - you know I love them. There is a song in there can't remember it just now - Oh yes it is one of Nick Drake's songs.

    peaches although he don't fit that name..

    I have a male tabby cat called mister and a yellow ring neck parrot called buttercup


    Hi Kimba!

    David Jean and Worthless............


    LIKE the names................!!!

    We have two cats, Sinbad and Wilma. We love em,  and they love each other.

    We have a cat named Larry. I got him from the local shelter. He was from a litter of three and the guy who worked there said that Mo and Curly were already taken. I didn't have the heart to change his name. Afterall, who goes around changing the names of the Three Stooges!

    Mabel,the beagle Jack.the fox terrier  and Girlfriend the Parrot

    I have one dog, his name is " Laddie",  name given by our daughter at at age of 9 yrs.  He is an Australian Shepherd,.............BEST dog I've ever had!!!!  Highly intelligent, not a roamer, extremely loyal  to one person, but he's just  plain awesome!    I'm not so much a dog person,  but if if  I HAD to choose another dog it would definitely be  an  Australian Shepherd.

    Shanti is my dog. She was named by her first owner who adopted her from the Gila Indian Reservation in AZ, It means "peace within" in Sanskrit. My cats are: Mitzi, named after Mitzi Gaynor for her long legs; Charlie, named after Bonnie Prince Charles of Scotland; and Smokey, named after our favorite Nascar driver, Tony Stewart.


    My pet is a cat. I call my pet, Peeve.    Ahem .... Pet Peeve ... Get it?  <nudge nudge>

    It was Hector ,although he never new as he was deaf,

    My fish is called Leopold but his name gets shortened to Leo

    Like it Hector!!!!My Leo doesnt answer to his name either but he may be just ignorant!!Rats do!!(hope youre reading this Doolittle!)If you rattle his food pot at him,Leo goes barmy but thats about it really...I reckon hed probably take food from your fingers if i was brave enough to try!Hes a big,fat,beautiful clarias.Do they bite Fishy???..........

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