    Do you think the full moon affects human behavior?

    +9  Views: 1039 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    22 Answers

    I know it does, where do you think we got the word "lunatic" from..........?


    great point!

    That is a good point jh.

    YES I think it does.   


    Fishlet - one of Katie Melua's songs on her CD "Call Off The Search" is called "Blame It On The Moon" just a lovely CD.

    Hi, tabber.  Someone asked this question not too long ago, I think.  
    My dad used to get a little more agitated during the full moons....or so said my mom.  ;D 


    So does my mother about father,he goes strange apparently not the you can tell the difference, he's a little touched in the 1st place.

    it does affect the tides and womens' menstrual periods. And our blood is constituted of the same water and salt ratio as the sea.

    Ask any nurse of nurse's aide who's ever worked in a hospital or nursing home, and they'll tell you that more weird things happen during full moon. When I used to be an LPN, in nursing homes, everytime all hell broke loose,, the aids would say, '' Must be full moon '' Police and ob Drs. and nurses will tell you the same thing. Some people say that fishing is better during full night.


    Being friends w/a director of ER at a trama hospital, I certainly believe many wierd things happen during the full moons. She felt the same about Saturday nights.

    Yes, definitely.

    Yes, I tend to walk into lamp posts and telephone poles. A full moon is quite intoxicating to me.


    a figtree walking into a lamp post- lol

    Yes, it affects a great many things. 

    I howl spontaneously but that’s all.  Do you?


    I howl, but I don't ever have to wait for the full moon to do so!!

    There is lots of anecdotal evidence that moon phases such as the full moon does in fact effect human behavior, but there does not seem to be much scientific evidence. I definitely think that the moon has a strong effect on  humans, particularly women.


    AAAHOOOO!!!  Nope.

    Yes it does, there was a full moon here last Friday, and I had a really loopy moment, or was it the bottle of red wine I drank.


    Little ole "wine drinker me.

    It was the moon. How big was that bottle of wine? Yu didnt offer me any!
    A myth, nothing more. I don't believe it has to do anything or whatsoever with any human's bizzard behavior. When are we going to take the responsibility of our actions, and stop blaming others or things of our mishaps?

    no needed --- I also work in healthcare business.

    Volunteer at a local ER for a few months and you will see for yourself.

    sure it does it's the bussiest night st the cop i hear

     New MoonMost definately my Brother when he was younger had fits (epelectic fits )   when there was a new moon not as much now! this why the the word came from lunatic and the moon is luna  


    It definitely effects me. I can see the man killing wildlife when walking from my shop to the house. It effects me in a positive way.

    In certain individuals I believe it does. Talk to anyone who has ever worked in an mental health facility or asylum, and there is a definite change in some patient's behavior about that time. No superstition, just mere factual observation!

    It "effects my "Mother-in-law she "Screams Where's my "Broomstick.


    Ha ha!!! Thanks for the laugh I needed it today.

    Would you like her to visit you for awhile "maybe say "Ten years."Oh don't worry she is house trained

    thanks dowsa, that's my good laugh for the day!

    Thanks tabber I dont laugh when she is around the old "witch .She loves that "song "Come Fly With Me"

    i tend to get some extra energy on a full moon.


    So you can stay up and howl at the moon :)

    Absolutely not. Its all in the mind and if you believe that then you belong to a lunatic fringe. You may believe there is life after death ..................................



    I've just noticed my answer was the thirteenth! Oh dear, what is going to happen to me?

    Oh no! today is the thirteenth. What next?

    Police document an increase in particular types of crime during the full  moon.  I wouldn't rule it out.

    West-bus, what an adorable kitty!

    It's a fact! luney, lunatic, my favorite lunatic fringe.  Just walk into an ER round midnight on a full moon...might not be full but it will be full of really nutty patients!

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