    What does dreaming of having a baby and breastfeeding the baby and I'm 61 years old and not married mean?

    My dream was that I had a new born baby and I was breastfeeding the baby ... a little girl and I'm 61 years old and not married.  I was showing off this beautiful little baby girl.  What does this dream mean?

    +2  Views: 1172 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    It might be something you ate?
    How old were you in the dream?  Was it a scene from your past?
    Have you watched or heard something that might trigger such a dream?
    What's going on in your life that could correlate with your dream?
    A newborn being breastfed could be interpreted as a new responsibility that you are accepting that will require alot of time and attention.  You may make presentations to others, showing off your new baby! 

    Just Dreaming longing to return to the past hoping in that period you got married ,had a "baby .Now little to old to adopt No harm in dreaming it was nice better than "Bad ones .

    At your age, sounds like a nightmare to


    At my age that would for sure be a nightmare

    It's nice you remember your dreams.

    ""If you ask me, I think you're pregnant...


    at 61 yrs old ?

    Bwel you know dreaming is a reflection of what is going on in our lives, particularly on the sub-conscious level.  i can not say exactly what your dream means, but there are some excellent books out that suggest what things in your dream means.  Barnes & Nobles has some good ones and you can always go to Amazon online.  Our hunt the used book stores too.

    I wouldn't read too much psychology into a dream, my dear woman.  Oh wait a minute!  Are you a woman?  Maybe you have a much bigger problem than I think!!

    Baby: Many people from time to time will have babies or small children in their dreams. If these newborns are strangers to you, you can assume that they represent you. You are the baby and the dream is telling you something about your development in a particular area of your life.

    " With all due respect; Ma-am" It may very well mean that your off your (rocker) ! " :o

    It means that you want a baby. You're dreaming this as a wish fullfillment dream. I've dreamt that too, b/c I never had children and am 63 and a widow

    sounds to me like  AN UNFULFILLED DESIRE. you cant have a baby but help those that need help thus fulfill your desire.IMHO

    To dream of a baby speaks of creating something new ... it sounds like you will embark or have embarked on a new project of some kind. You are nursing it or feeding it with your creativity. The symbols seem weird for a man, but I consider this a very positive dream!

    In my opinion it means that you were dreaming.

    Could be a past experience from a former lifetime.

    After being a man for 61 years are you thinking about a  "change"

    Dunno but I would shoot myself if I had that problem in real life YIKES

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