    what is the name of a room in the jail

    what is a name of a room in the jail

    +3  Views: 633 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

     Paris Jail Sentence CELL!


    Cell when your first processed.

    "Day room" after you've been tucked in with 37 other a**holes.


    Ed, LOL. The voice of experience ?
    ed shank

    You got that right.


    The Hole

    ed shank

    Spent two days there, almost went insane.


    The slammer, the pokey the how's gow ?

    Bubba's Place.

    Jail cell a place I do not think I would want to be.

    "" It's called a cell. You're in with a whole lot of animals.

    There are "pods" on each floor of the Fresno County jail.  In the center of the area is an elevated "command post" with loudspeaker system and mostly overweight sheriff's deputies lounging for eight-twelve hour shifts for gobs of money and  benefits.  The walls of the command post are glass. Encircling that are 5 sections that have a small "lobby"....metal tables and benches secured to the floor and a television affixed to the wall.  Each pod has cells in which there are up to 3 cellmates. They are assigned a bunk. There is a toilet and sink in each cell, but they are not "private".  There is a "barrier" of 3' of so for privacy.  Breakfast and lunch are delivered simultaneously.  Lunch is two pieces of bread with a couple pieces of bologna and one slice of cheese, and an apple.  Inmates have a commissary, where they can purchase nutritious food, such as "TOP RAMEN" noodles (sodium content:  lethal) for 90 cent per package.  
    Kinda makes you want to never break a law anywhere ever. 

    Most of the rooms are called cells but I think there must be some other rooms that are "offices" for those who run/administrate the jail.

    ad seg., day room.

    cell but no cell phone!

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